but in another slide he said if he let her go out know she would go to the brown haired dude
I think you're getting your characters confused.
The only thing about Wright (the brown haired dude) Zeronis was jelly over was that the face she drew looked like Wright instead of himself. In this chapter, the Zeronis said if Ripley went out she would run off to
ETOILE, the original heroine, to help with the work. And Zeronis also said (in this chapter) if had just told her to rest she wouldn't have followed, as clearly evident by what just happened with the recent (SECOND) nosebleed. But obviously since she still didn't get it despite him telling her to focus on the wedding, he clarifies by specifically telling her to rest so she doesn't stress and get nosebleeds. This reveals his true intention (which was honestly really obvious).
You can dislike Zeronis's methods, but blaming him over jealousy is not it because it's really not a factor. Honestly he'd have better luck tying her down in bed because how she's proven time and time again she's one track minded and will hyperfocus on something to the detriment of her health, something which she doesn't even take seriously either. She doesn't think about the consequences of her actions
at all. That's the difference between a possessive male lead who just wants to chain the female lead for his own selfish desires (what you're assuming and i agree that can be ew!) and one who is using forceful tactics for the female lead's benefit because she's being an idiot (Zeronis here). It's not that he's trying to stop her prevent her from being free, which the previous chapter might have made it sound like. It's just that Ripley takes TOO MUCH liberty and goes about it willy nilly that someone HAS to rein her in, and that's Zeronis. And he had a point in the previous chapter that she will be the future duchess and needs to learn to be more responsible about herself. She can't even focus on her own wedding, one SHE proposed (and mind you this is after all the crazy stunts to get out of wherein again she had no consideration of Zeronis's feelings at the time because she was so close minded about it). She doesn't listen to other people and just do what she wants.
So he's very justified in keeping her confined like this because we've seen Ripley when she's set loose without restraint and it's hardly been in her favor.