I Swear I Won't Bother You Again! - Vol. 3 Ch. 14.1

Oct 22, 2019
Well, seeing the free translation's gonna get dropped and Ceereus mentionning how the novel gets a little more detailed, I think I'm gonna switch to reading lines instead of bubbles...
Thanks for the translation so far, I got to discover an interesting story, focusing on the ambiguous feelings of the sisters instead of having only a repented villainess trying to escape death (well, she's ultimately doing that, but as the world doesn't let her alone, she's forced to face the problems so the progress is different paced).
May 17, 2020
@iskaeil Instead of saying the writing is at fault, I'd rather assume the writer is intentional. We can come to whatever conclusions about Maryjun we want based on our life experiences. The writer doubles and triples down on everything about Maryjun's personality anyway including her inability to grasp the protocols of the nobility. The same but different for the prince.

The father character... I don't really understand wanting to discuss him and Violette's mother when they're obviously just bad people.

But about Maryjun's education. She's the daughter of a concubine. There's no one way she would be given a noble education. Furthermore, the father is from a very high place in the noble hierarchy. One or two places down from royalty. I don't think he's ever had to pay attention to rumours.

Also, situational awareness isn't something she needs to have been taught. Violette's circumstances are glaring. To the point that both the prince and her father thought Violette would bully Maryjun because of it. To the point that the whole school was discussing it. But somehow Maryjun is the only one unaware even when all those girls bullied her over it. Violette is quite literally an outsider in that home and the parents obviously don't care but what's Maryjun's excuse for not noticing the cruel existence of Violette? She is very observant and quick when she wants to be. She noticed Yulan because of Violette's relationship with him. The same probably with the prince in the other timeline.

I really want someone to explain it to me because Maryjun isn't exactly what I'd call innocent. I feel the way Yulan and Marin do: Violette's pain is palpable. Literally they're opposites. The one who is joyous for no reason and the one who is completely defeated and depressed after nothing but unending psychological pressure.
May 17, 2020
@Neko-min I really enjoy the novel. It's such a rewarding read diving into Violette's thoughts but just so you know, most people find it slow and uneventful.

Personally, this isn't really a drama and events kind of story but whatever
Active member
Aug 17, 2019
...to be honest, this is not something I would buy... I read it as it picked my interest but not enough as to keep checking if it was updated or not... I mean, it has been three months since the last update and I completely forgot about this.

On the other hand: thank you for the effort translating this far 😉
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
It depends if the writer wants to make Maryjun a deep character. It's just not possible for someone to stay so oblivious to what's happening around her. Even kids can pick up if their parents are fighting and divorce are on the way, they can sense things are different and there's tension in the family.

If she's truly oblivious, then she's not a good character in terms of story. If she actually knows what's Violette's going through, then her reason for not doing more to improve Vio's life would decide if she's really "good" or not, and would make the story more interesting.
Feb 27, 2019
@FYZdnt I assume (and hope, as unlike popular opinion not everyone lives in US) that some other group will pick it up.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 17, 2020
I'd love to buy this but I'm not in the US so I'm guessing it's not practically possible. I might have to look for the novel instead

This story is just so sad, but in the best way. I wonder if Mary is crying there at the end, that'd cause a lot of misunderstandings.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 5, 2019
Thanks for everything!
Just found the release day for the 1st volume, both novel and manga are released in june 2021
Mar 23, 2018
@Nayrael @hakunoyuuki
You don't need to be in the USA to buy the licensed manga. It'd be more annoying to buy it physically if you aren't in NA or western EU but it'll be a trivial matter to just buy the digital version.

The country point applies to you too but for the price point the official manga won't reach this point until 2022 so I'd hope either your horrible economic situation would improve by then or you can save up the money to buy it by then. Piracy is also a thing (and looking at the raw site it seems you're meant to pay coins for every chapter after chapter 3 so you're already pirating anyway).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Ceereus thanks for summarising everything wrong with Mary Jun as a person/character.

The beyond sad thing is she isn't unrealistic, I follow a few subreddit that like to post about interpersonal drama and the amount of times you get the golden child who is shielded and loved also stealing the neglected child's partner has... Been depressingly common.

Even in the latest chapter of the ln that I only skimmed over
she's still having to tell herself not to hate Mary Jun bc she's so innocent and loving and could forgive someone who tried to kill her.
but all of maryjun's innocence comes with as you said, this blunt painful lack of empathy.

She isn't nice bc she's a nice person she's nice bc she's never had to fear her place in a household, she's literally never had to worry about being thrown away by anyone bc altho she was raised as a commoner she's had the privilege of winning at life no matter what it is and always having her family provide for her even the normal things you should figure out yourself. It's this bald faced main character confidence that everyone and everything is fine even while she's sat there as her dad and mum are actively neglecting and in the dads case abusing her older sister while she effing joins in by getting close to her no matter how far vio tried to pull back.

I hope eventually we get to see maryjun and that damn Prince, realise just how much pain they've put vio through. Also I want someone to shoot the dad into a den of poisonous snakes.
Mar 9, 2019
@Ceereus - From what we’ve seen, the only people who like Maryjun are her parents and the prince. Everyone else seem to be either neutral or dislike her. The parents liking her is self explanatory and would require no social grace from her part. Also, it’s heavily implied the only reason the prince liked her is because he was protective of her. Again, no need for any work on her part for that. In fact... no one seems to ever really listen to her. Like... at all. They just assume things about the situation and push their opinion on her (i.e., the many many times she tried to defend her sister and convince others that Vio’s a good person). I’m not saying she completely lacks social skills. She’s perfectly capable of carrying on a conversation. It’s just that her observational skills are lacking and her intelligence should not imply otherwise.

Keep in mind, I agree with most of what you’ve said about Maryjun. I think your analysis of her character is the most accurate I’ve seen so far. I’m just trying to come up with a few theories that might explain her obliviousness as it’s a huge missing piece of the puzzle here.

Hmm... maybe Maryjun is blinded by her love for her father? She doesn’t notice her father’s abusive behaviour toward Vio because she cannot comprehend that her father could be anything but a good man. Remember, she was raised by this man. Unlike a noble family, she was raised as a commoner in a (comparatively) small home, meaning she got to spend plenty of time with her father growing up. That’s plenty of time for her father to tell her whatever story he liked about his time as a noble. She’s become so blindly loyal to her father that her brain basically refuses to find any fault in him. Her biases are keeping her from seeing the whole truth.

Another theory I have in mind is that Maryjun is aware of what Vio’s mother was like and therefore could not understand why Vio would ever miss someone like that. This is not exclusive with the previous theory. In fact, her father could’ve told her a story about Vio’s mother that put himself in a more sympathetic light. Basically, all the blame got pushed onto Vio’s mother. Maryjun, in her naïveté, thinks she could heal Vio’s wounds and does not understand her father’s complicity in all of this. In her eyes, the loving father who raised her could do no wrong.

I went back and checked, but I’m still not entirely sure. I think the father only acts indifferent toward Vio while in front of Maryjun. The real emotional abuse happens behind closed doors (i.e., end of first chapter in the office). That one time the father actively dismissed Vio’s contributions to helping Maryjun with violin, Maryjun tried to correct him before they were interrupted. It seems to me she thought it was more of a misunderstanding than anything actively malicious.
Feb 4, 2018
Kinda sad we will not get new TL chapters again, but i will probably get the manga once it's released, even if US manga cost a lot (12/13$ vs 7/8 € In France).

Thanks for allowing us to discover this manga.
Aggregator gang
Feb 14, 2019
@Ceereus That's pretty much exactly why I stopped reading "The Vengeful White Cat Lounging on the Dragon King's Lap" after finding out what kind of character growth (or lack thereof) the "antagonist" characters of both manga's go through. They're not even really purposeful antagonists, they're just incredibly oblivious and frankly, absolute morons.

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