I Tamed a Tyrant and Ran Away - Vol. 1 Ch. 24

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 3, 2021
Yeah, and that's why I'm gonna express my grievances about her. She doesn't need to be morally just and righteous. But if she just goes through her vendetta and has zero regrets over the innocents that she harms, then I'm gonna be pissed. Like, there's no way will I wish for her happiness at that point.
Jan 20, 2020
Well, I feel like a timeskip is about to start
The funeral was expected but still sad, poor ML
Charlize is finally about to start her revenge, so we can look forward to it! Also, her family is awful, no exceptions.
Thank you for the chapter and stay safe!
Dec 7, 2020
“what did he do?” he didn’t treat her like she barely excited? he looked at her as if she was there
Nov 30, 2020
Charlize's story is another example of how villains are made, not born necessarily. Her pain, humiliation, suffering for centuries as a sword has stripped her of a lot of human morals; after all, why care about people she doesn't know, when people she did know used her against her will or were used as bargaining chips to keep her in line? It's not right, but it's understandable how she acts. We don't have to agree with her actions, but I don't blame her for wanting to walk a path of destruction now that's she's on this nihilistic bender. What did morals do for her for centuries?

The 7th prince, however... he was just born this way LOL. Not villainous per se, but somewhat emotionally stunted? Between him and 2nd tl Charlize... they're both showing some psychopathic tendencies.
Active member
Apr 25, 2018
Well, she's firmly on the revenge path now. She isn't asking him to take over the Empire and kill his family, she's asking him to utterly crush it. It's exactly where I wanted the story to go, and it was the promised path. Understandably, her heart is so full of hate that she's leaving behind any chance of having a normal, happy, fulfilling life.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 8, 2020
i do not know how i feel hhhh i mean i’m alright with her and the prince crushing the nobles and royalty but if it gets to the innocent civillians? not cool with that, they didn’t take any part in what happened to her 😕 the story is definitely getting good and imma keep reading but i am concerned about how this bloody path will affect their mental state 😔
Sep 18, 2019
I didn't expect the ML to become obsessed with Charlize this early but considering his personality and his situation where his mother passed away and Charlize was the only one to comfort(?) him, it kinda makes sense?

Thanks for the chapter!
Sep 21, 2019
So just to get this straight
She's told him about wanting to crush the empire and he's fully committed? Guess that's what happens when you have someone with nothing left to lose
Aug 22, 2018
@CelestialGreen It was stated (can't remember which ch) that no citizens ever questioned about the magic sword and how it came to. They just cared that the sword made them win the war. That's why Charlize hated the whole nation and its people.

Edit: Then again, the story was told from mc pov so I guess we really don't know if all citizens were like that or not.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
Correct. Dylan's loyalty to Charlize is so deep and committed that he'd do ANYTHING she asked of him (and I mean ANYTHING).

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