Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru - Ch. 10 - An arrow shot from beyond the darkness

Double-page supporter
Nov 22, 2019
Eugh, this got really stupid in the last couple of chapters. What happened to the dude who would think shit out and wouldn't listen to others?

The writer is some other juice right now.

Thanks for the update.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Ya'know, I read the back-and-forth you guys made, and I gotta say, I still agree more with @Nk9bjP4A .
The thing is, everything you wrote frungy, would make sense, if there would be more emphasis on the authority of the crown. If the author really wanted the audience to understand: "killing the prince would be really bad", there'd be much more build-up as to why that is. Instead, what there's more emphasis on the unshakable authority of Adventurers. They're like a major noble faction, and their members can rival royals if need be.
Also, the reason for not killing the prince, is primarily because "This spoofy ghost that possessed him (that I totally forgot about) just sorta decided not to do it, apparently just because."

Granted, I might be misreading a few things, but there's so much to say, and has already been said, about "why this isn't good writing."
I don't think any of what you wrote makes a good argument as to why "this is actually good, fun content to read." As you said, this is indeed not a very enjoyable plot development, especially because it seems like it this chapter was written in such a way, JUST to ensure that the MC will not be able to kill the prince, and instead let him exist as a future problem. Which honestly, is just frustrating.
Feb 5, 2019
@zuflis11 imagine threatening every enemy u meet and not a single one of them died..this is some rated-G manga bullshit. He lets everyone getaway with everything, the ultimate pushover.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
@insert_name i was half-joking about the MC going the harem route. Since some VN had you to do something thats unnatural to the flow of event to get that one secret route (harem).
And no, dont even want to argue about him being pushover, since he really is. just less mad now compared to everyone since i've been spoiled what happens next
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
I think I've had enough of this cuckery, dropped this steaming 💩
Oct 2, 2018
Come on, author. This isn't the character we started with. Why do introduce him the way you did if you're not going to stick with it?
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 10, 2019

That's the thing though, the royal authority of the king/prince doesn't actually matter at all here, the only consideration he has to be mindful of is the guild, and not because their are powerful, but for the one simple reason that is the fact that they have strict control over all access to the dungeon itself. Remember, he is a lonely alien in this world and the one and only thing that drives him is to reach the depths of the dungeon and return home. It really doesn't matter what the people of the world thing of him (He happy screwed with the merchants and other adventurers), the only thing he absolutely cannot screw with though, is the guild, as that would directly block his access the one and only thing that drives him.

This is a darker grittier kind of isekai story where his tie to earth is still very real, unlike most isekai stories where the MC is free as a bird to do whatever they want, he has a reason to return and a direct method to be able to return, he's never going to sacrifice that.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
I can at least have some faith Souya won't just leave the prince free considering his past antics.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
So...Why is that a problem? The guildmaster himself said that he has no problem with the MC offing the prince.
And regarding the witnesses, I don't see how much of a problem that is, considering that nobody will believe them. A newbie killing off THE prince? At the 10th floor? Impossobru. They'd have no case. The guild has no reason to attack the MC here....

Also, you seemingly forgot there that the MC made no conscious considerations here. He was possessed by a spoofy elf ghost, which arbitrarily decided by him/herself to not kill the prince after the elf-princess told it not to.
That is why I previously wrote "this chapter is frustrating", because there could've been a few good reasons to not kill the prince, you guys wrote so much about that, that I actually started buying into them. But the author didn't make use of any of them. It was just a random ghost trying to kill someone, and then choosing not to. And then oh so conveniently, people started to arrive. It was as if it was intentionally written to be irking.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 10, 2019

Like I said before, the prince doesn't really matter here. Yes, he essentially told the guildmaster that if given the opportunity he was going to kill the prince, and she mentions his guards are strong, but there is no mention of killing outside of that. The prince is likely not really affiliated with guild in the first place anyway. His presence on the 10th floor wouldn't be believed yes, which is why his threats to the prince actually work, however, this means jack sh*t to guild, since the guildmaster herself sent him there, if he slaughters unrelated adventurers on the 10th floor, she will know exactly why and who was responsible.

Yes, he is certainly possessed, however it is also clear that he (not the ghost) is still in control, from all appearances, the ghost is simply providing power and aside from answering the guildmaster, doesn't appear to ever take direct control or act on it's own. This means that the decision to kill/spare the prince was the MCs choice and not the ghosts.

From my point of view this entire scenario can be boiled down to two statements

1. Is he powerful enough to reliably kill any/all possible witnesses (if he isn't, then trying anyway could result in his own death, or someone escaping his attempt)
2. Will the guild stay silent if mass death of adventurers occurs on the 10th floor (If the guildmaster does anything, it could easily result in him being barred from entry to the dungeon)

If 1 is true, and 2 is true, then yes, he could kill the prince. However if either one of those is even possibly false, then he is putting everything he has at total risk for a moment of revenge. This MC is much more calm and calculating than most, and I think he realizes that here. He is very fixated on his goal and is unwilling to jeopardize it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
All I have left to say, is that you're making a whole lot of assumptions here.
To satisfy your criteria, I never mentioned murdering all of the other adventurers, just the prince. Why do you keep thinking he has to kill everyone? He already killed the wizard, isn't that bad enough?
I also don't think it's true that "it was clear that he's still in control". But we'll find that out the next chapter, I guess.

As such, there's really no reason left for the MC to leave himself in a position of uncertainty, in which he can be butchered by the prince at any given time. This is my main problem here about this whole chapter, is that we clearly do not have a valid reason to believe why the MC should or should not kill the prince. There was 0% emphasis on the powers at play here, just pure revenge porn narrative, and minor setting focus on the adventurers.
Everything else are just assumptions, and as you can see, most of the assumptions here are derived by the flow of the narrative. If on the next chapter we'd get an info dump proving your points, it would not make it any better.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 10, 2019

Apologies in advance for the text wall.

Sure I'm making some assumptions, but they're all based on statements in the story and/or established structures of how royalty/authority/combat works. Personally, I think it's a sign of a good story when there's enough details in there that you can start to understand the world around characters even if it doesn't explicitly tell you each and every detail.

I also feel the need to say this yet again, he already completed his main objective, the rescue of the elf, his only remaining objective is to get her safely out of the dungeon. Everything else is secondary. This is NOT a revenge plot, this is a rescue mission, that's it. Obviously our MC has a personal grudge with the prince, but that is not why he is there. (ch9 p21)

The guildmaster herself warns him twice before he even enters the dungeon, first, she warns him that the king won't be happy if anything happens to his son (e.g. If you do anything, don't leave loose ends), and second in reference to picking fights in the dungeon "Don't die a silly death" (e.g. Don't get yourself in over your head/know your limits).

He rushed to the dungeon with no preparations, no supplies, no real weapon aside from bow and a small number of arrows(?). He cannot survive very long in the dungeon, he has to be fast. We've already seen how deadly the dungeon can be in previous chapters even in fully prepared parties. We don't even know how he's going to get out of the dungeon again, the emergency portal disappeared after he entered, and he is on the 10th floor.

Izola detects activity (ch10, last page) and recommends they grab their evidence and disappear, this heavily implies two things, one they cannot afford to be seen, and two, they cannot be seen to be connected to anything that happened there (e.g. Loose ends). Any additional time taken to kill the prince, kill the knight (still alive), confirm the death of the mage (Magic/gods/hero's exist, gotta be sure), AND clean-up your obvious evidence (arrows), AND vacate without anyone realizing you're there is simply asking for way too much at this point. I mean, even recovering the arrows alone is going to difficult task, who knows where they all went. Heck, at this point we've already seen adventurers get mangled into a flesh lump and still recover, mind manipulation magic, possession magic, and more, does our MC even know at this point how to make sure someone either stays dead or if other forms of evidence could be gleaned from a corpse afterwards? He is a stranger in a fantastical world, and royalty have tendency to hold top grade goods.

The lives of the prince and his guards (knight/mage) ARE NOT IMPORTANT, literally irrelevant, if he can safely kill them he will, if he can't, he won't, their lives don't hold enough weight or value compared to the immediate risk (nearby activity/discovery). He is acting as an grab and go guy here, he is neither prepared nor equipped to handle any additional conflicts, it's an unscripted encounter like Izola warns him of that is the only concern. If he's discovered within close proximity to the prince, he will have to silence them (loose ends). The fight with the prince worked only due to well used ambush, surprise, and deceptive attacks. He now has very few arrows left (many now damaged/destroyed), a new conflict that he can't dictate the terms of while now also having someone to protect as well? Combat wise, he's running on fumes at this point.

Why do the prince and co not matter? Simple, his guards won't talk about this unless the prince does (loyalty/honor and all that), and the prince can't talk without bringing excessive shame on himself and risking retaliation from the elven kingdom, the Elf girl is also royalty remember. Also remember, they captured the person who handed the Elf over to the prince, MC also recovers the Elfs dungeon entry paperwork and shows them to the prince (which prompted a clear reaction), this is yet another form of leverage against the prince, since MC now holds a full set of evidence that implicates the prince in the crime. So once again, the prince cannot realistically ever talk about what happened there (Prince went through a lot of effort to hide what he was doing). The prince could hire an assassin or something himself later sure, but that's a different type of problem entirely (And is still risky for the prince if it fails, MC is holding incriminating evidence that others may also know). Note that if he did kill the prince, that would require him to also kill the guards, as they would most certainly talk since it's no longer about hiding shameful misdeeds, but the murder of royalty. Blackmail and threats are extremely common in every story of royalty under the sun for a good reason, it works very well. Also, it should be pointed out that in some ways, a prince under your thumb (or at least afraid of you) is a better outcome than a dead prince.

Now am I assuming some things here? Absolutely. Are any of them unrealistic though? No, I think everything I've said is fairly reasonable. Was this turn of events less satisfying than it could have been? Absolutely. Could I be proven entirely wrong in the next chapter? Absolutely! My excessive rambling is only really here to counter the unreasonable flood of comments instantly judging the story as trash because one thing happened at the end of a chapter that wasn't what they expected, I'm just providing other viewpoints. Do my words hold any weight? None at all! After all, I'm just a random internet denizen that reads way to many isekai stories. I'm just enjoying that this particular isekai story is so much more grounded than 99% of them, no cheat skills, no harems, a way to return to earth exists and it's within reach, MC is actually focused on that objective and isn't getting sidetracked, no hot spring episodes, limited power only gained through great struggle, actual real people shit like greedy manipulative merchants and discrimination that isn't convenient for the MC, earth weaponry isn't OP, other adventurers are as likely to beat you up as they are to befriend you, actually needing to learn about and understand the monsters in the dungeon to face them, an MC with an actual personality, etc.. etc...
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
@WeeabooReview Weeell.. if MC kills wannabe rapist a bit later, so not even victim girl notices, then he doesn't have to worry about her revealing the kill (since if it's known that MC did the deed, he's in deep kimchee, so he doesn't want that).

Not saying it will happen, but it'd be a nice touch if he did. (Like leaving his little robot as an explosive trap maybe, since a lot of his stuff has shown a propensity to go boom.) (Or just have it roll around to aggro in a bunch of monsters, since they've already done a lot of noise and the prince is paralyzed, two guards taken out and the third out of gear..)
Double-page supporter
Nov 22, 2019
@Simpleton If MC does that, he'll be spared a bit in my judgement of him. But still... MC went hard simp for the elf princess when it doesn't even feel like she reciprocates in any way.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
@WeeabooReview I dunno about no reciprocation - she taught him to ply the bow IIRC. And also, if you want to build a loyalty between teammates, then sometimes you'll be pulling a lot more than your weight. It's all for morale.
(And seen that way, it might also explain why he didn't argue for the kill or do it - she's just someone he's already sunk effort into teaming up with and he want it to stick since else he'll lose both allies related to this team and possibly get a bad rep when they talk about him. So imo he might be playing a long game. I'm defo willing to cut him the benefit of doubt for about 2½ more chapters before I'm calling this set of events done with.)
Dex-chan lover
Feb 27, 2019
Rather stupid to not go with the original plan of getting rid of prince party completely. That’s the manga logic for you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

PS Guildmaster is male?? Wuut? (>ᗜ<)

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