Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru - Ch. 10 - An arrow shot from beyond the darkness

Apr 18, 2018
Such a beautiful beastwoman, and he still tries to go for the elf? How can this prince not fall to the temptations of the furries??? Unreal.
Nov 3, 2020
Nnngh, this is the kind of badass MC I've wanted to see for a long time and each new chapter of this manga doesn't disappoint me. The disgusting personalities of these assholes as his target makes it even better.
Double-page supporter
Nov 8, 2019
This is -totally- not gonna come back and bite him in the ass later, just like last time.

Sigh. This is just lazy drama writing. Should've murdered the prince and get on with it.
Aggregator gang
Oct 27, 2018
This is the absolute worst. At least we are supposed to believe his pragmatic like blowing up his supplies. Now I know he's just reckless. The only option if you don't murder the Prince is to flee the country.Christ
Dex-chan lover
Nov 16, 2018
lmao this is almost as bad as TLOU2
time to score this manga as 2 because the artstyle is good lol

May 31, 2018
@warriorg You wouldn't understand the reference if you haven't read the manga. And no, I was not talking it as rape/abuse related stuff.
Double-page supporter
Dec 19, 2019
@KABAi @Siquall I think most of the people know, but lumidia only borrowing half of MC body.

Why is that? Because he still can make a communication with his bot that no one knows how it works and also using holographic of himself to fools the knight.

While indeed killing a prince of the kingdom will make things turn sour. the poor excuse of this elf girl is just not tolerable.
Jul 31, 2018
Wooooooooooow. Not only i sthe prince too damn weak to rip clothes and etc but the MC actually does absolutely NOTHING to the prince just a stupid warning that does NOTHING!!!!!!!!! One of the biggest manga letdowns in 2020!
Dex-chan lover
Nov 6, 2018
@frungy @Amplify The MC already said that the guildmaster won't reveal anything about the portal. But the MC already told the prince that the guildmaster opened the portal. So, if the MC leaves the prince alive, the guildmaster gets in trouble. If the MC kills the prince, no one finds out.

The MC doesn't have to kill the people who are on the way there. He only has to kill the prince and the witnesses. That's only 3 people. The prince is already paralyzed. The cat woman is unconscious. The knight woman is disabled and on the ground. It's very quick. He's got a sword, bow, and maybe a gun. He should be able to do it and get away before the other people arrive. Then they won't know who did it.

Realistically, I would assume that there are not many people on the 10th floor. The author simply wrote into the story that people are on the way as an excuse to keep the drama going so that he's got some conflict material to write about in the future, but a better story would have been if the MC followed through instead of leaving loose ends.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 10, 2019

No, the MC doesn't say anything about the guildmaster, he only says that he came via an emergency portal and any records of his presence on the floor have been erased. This only strengthens his position as the prince has no one at the guild to lean on, and makes the prince himself reporting anything even more difficult.

As I mentioned before, he cannot afford to fun afoul of the guild or he's screwed. He could potentially kill the prince and his knight as they are unrelated, but if he kills any adventurers, even if the guildmaster says she won't speak about the events, to assume that he has a blank pass is absurd. Even if we do assume that he can, guild-wise, kill all he wants, we first have to assume that he CAN reasonably kill any/all adventurers he encounters. If he fails to kill any single one, then again, he's screwed. Considering that he's already been clearly shown as weaker than the average adventurer previously, and the extent of his current possession boost is completely unknown, it's also unreasonable to assume that it somehow makes him suddenly unstoppable against higher tier adventurers.

Yes, I agree that this is less satisfying as a plot development, however it's honestly much more consistent with the the story we've seen so far. He is a weak underdog in a world where actual hero's and gods walk, he has to walk delicately at all times and he knows it. It's far better to make the prince himself not want to mess with him again through fear and confusion than to push his luck in an unfamiliar location surrounded by unknowns. Remember, he already has what he came for, he only real objective is getting the elf out in one piece again.
Jun 8, 2018
Should have just left the elf to get raped by the prince then maybe she'd actually grow a fucking spine and do something instead of just giving up. This stupid bitch isn't worth your time. Also the MC is a fucking pussy just kill the fucking guy. You think they're going to leave you alone especially now?

This is turning into shit.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
"I'm gonna show you my secret moves. That way your rank SSS animal person guard can counter them perfectly next time, which will happen at a time of your choosing so you can prepare maximally."
"I'm even gonna kill one of you to instill in her comrades a misplaced desire for revenge."
"Oh yeah, I can turn invisible and teleport that, didn't know that was my most-secretist move all along did ya? Too bad you'll live another day to take revenge here take my address I live at 678 Fishpeople Way and no one ever takes watch except for a useless robot who your other animal friend already saw the capabilities of just before I tied her up."
"By the way, the only way I got here was because the guild master got me here with yet another secret move, too bad you'll just use your political authority in this absolutist monarchy to have her publicly executed tomorrow to set an example for all who defy the crown."
"Also pretty soon you'll learn I blew up my ammo cache and angered a lot of your other friends, looks like you'll have a lot of help if you ever decide to try this again, plus I won't have anymore ammo, haha too bad for you, huh?
"Also this isn't the first time something like this happened, and the princess of the people you keep on doing this to keeps forgiving you and preventing anyone from retaliating, too bad she's gonna do the same thing next time and the time after that so even if I do beat you again it's risk-free and you get unlimited retries."
"Also only one person has weapons like this bow and everyone knows he wouldn't just hand it out without just cause, so yeah just go execute him too for good measure before you try again."
"Also the poison I used this time is XXXYYYZZZ-heptaflourine, you can get an antidote ready for next time."
"I bet you're so scared, huh?"

I'm really trying, but even the most holier-than-thou sunuvagun probably couldn't write something so immensely retarded. I hate to agree with the notion, but I think there is some truth to "she's asking for it" at this point, even if she isn't actually asking for it, it's just too stupid.

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