Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 11 Ch. 79 - What is it, Senpai?

Jan 21, 2018
Guy's this is basically a mirror of the story when Senpai was going to lose the art room. I mean there was no way he could win against the president doing a self portrait in the nude with a body like hers with only a pretty picture of nagatoro.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2018
@Albertillo nah man I know my place and just I'm not gonna be the punching bag for a professional athlete crashing a high school tournament for their entertainment
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
the funny thing is, the friend used each defeat to grow stronger, but Nagatoro quits the first time she lost....
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2019
Completely true to life - every prodigy in their field who becomes accustomed to winning without effort runs into this sooner or later: a rival who has encountered failure, mastered it, and channeled it into an unwavering work ethic. They lose. And suddenly their entire worldview crumbles. Some get back up off the mat, and some start running so they never have to encounter failure again. Crash and burn. The story of many lives.

The rationale "She's an olympic candidate, I could never beat her" is the classic case of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Looking at it rationally, Nagatoro's chances of winning aren't zero at all. She lost to her precisely one time, she's fit as a fiddle, and if she had stuck it out she'd have become an Olympic candidate as well, and she knows it. Her odds are 30:70 at worst. It might even still be 50:50. All she really has to do is to think back to her loss and actually analyze, with her Judo mind, what happened.

Not that winning even matters at this point. She just has to get back in the ring again. Even if she loses, she will realize that it's not nearly as bad the second time as it was the first time. She no longer has the illusion of being invincible. And when it comes down to it, just facing her fear is a win.

It's pathetic. That's completely intentional. This is a story about Senpai getting to see Nagatoro's uncool side. If there *was* a cool story behind her quitting Judo there'd be no point. She'd still be on a pedestal. If there were any doubts before, now we know Nagatoro really is just human, and she has far more in common with Senpai than she's allowed anyone to see.

That's what this arc seems to be aimed at - bringing Senpai and Nagatoro even closer together. Not making us gawk in awe at how cool Nagatoro is.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2018
Looking at it rationally, Nagatoro's chances of winning aren't zero at all. She lost to her precisely one time, she's fit as a fiddle, and if she had stuck it out she'd have become an Olympic candidate as well, and she knows it.
Looking at it rationally, Nagatoro could have won if she tried again back in the day. Now years have passed by and Naga is just doing various sports on a casual level, while the other went pro widening the gap at a level that maybe in 5 years of hellish training we can talk, but today's match is a foregone loss.

And just being fit doesn't cut it as it's a discipline extremely centered on technique, Gamo was in an even better position physically and could not stand a chance either. And a pro's fitness is on another level too anyway
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2018
Who's a bigger bitch?
Nagatoro? Or people crying about normalfag? You decide!


Aggregator gang
Mar 11, 2019
She quit after losing once after wrecking her countless times? Lol. Wtf
Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2020
well said. It's also the first opportunity for Senpai to genuinely support Nagatoro, instead of just being an outlet for her to show off, or her pushing him forward. It undoubtedly shows Senpai's growth in the relationship, because not too long ago he would have never stand up to her, regardless of the situation. It shows that they became much closer in "level", even if Nagatoro had to be put down a bit to get there.

Personally, I don't think Nagatoro has a reliable way to win, other than the other girl underestimating her and being complacent. But it's a fight, the chance is never 0. And, as you've said, winning is not the point anyway.

@Entryhazard Gamo is not a grappler/wrestler. She might dabble, but we've already seen her being demolished by Nagatoro. On top of that, she didn't seem to take the fight seriously, to begin with.

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