This is about the other scanlation group on Mangadex, not K MangaNice to hear how shit kmanga's translation is.
By admitting she was wrong she symbolically freed herself from her self-imposed bonds.-image omitted-
Too soon to say, oil painting isn't Senpai's forte as stated many chapters ago, Machida will whoop his ass there.Fricking knew senpai would win easily
Maybe third option: new manga continuation, after a time skip and with a new setting (college, married life, who knows). Just like "Moto Takagi-san". That would allow Nanashi to take a break in between, then restart with a fresh mind.I wonder if the manga will end with Paisen confessing, or the author will continue a little bit to show how things are going after they're dating, maybe even some timeskip to when they're beginning to work as adult, and another for when they marry and perhaps having a kid or two