A plethora of reasons, the other guy had already said they were dropping the series when kodansha picked it up for its K Manga app (which may I say sucks and it's region locked to the US) so I stepped in that day and said I was picking up the series on the comments and so I posted my chapter when the next chapter released and the other guy did a "takesie-backsie" when they saw I had posted my version without repercussions to my group and I am not responsible for the immaturity of the other team, plus not just that but I believe when it comes to quality my version is way better and I have a team that curates things to make sure my chapters are top notch.Is there a reason this is posted when there is already a scanlator group doing it
Maybe get them to curate the punctuation of your posts while they're at it?... I have a team that curates things to make sure my chapters are top notch.
Immaturity? You're the one who has the balls to beg for patreon money for such a shitty, machine-tier translation, you're just looking for a quick buck off of gullible idiots online. And you're still failing hard as the /a/ team still puts out the better translation that doesn't have basic grammatical errors that your made-up QA team should've noticed in an instant.A plethora of reasons, the other guy had already said they were dropping the series when kodansha picked it up for its K Manga app (which may I say sucks and it's region locked to the US) so I stepped in that day and said I was picking up the series on the comments and so I posted my chapter when the next chapter released and the other guy did a "takesie-backsie" when they saw I had posted my version without repercussions to my group and I am not responsible for the immaturity of the other team, plus not just that but I believe when it comes to quality my version is way better and I have a team that curates things to make sure my chapters are top notch.
I shouldn't have to tell you why this is hilariousTop notch
Notice how all the retards talking back to me only have like "4 messages" or less; you can tell those are dumbass trolls and it's not worth replying to any of you.
I could say the same thing about the other guy's upload, I felt I lost braincells reading their version of the chapter, there were even grammatical mistakes and everything, but I don't go bothering everyone about it nor harass the comments of the other guy.So when are you gonna actually respond to anyone saying anything remotely negative and stop dismissing any criticism against you as "trolling"? It's not trolling to point out that you're begging for patreon dosh since you're advertising that fact yourself, or the fact that your translation is terrible since people keep pointing out your errors in every thread you make
Such as? There's nothing gramatically incorrect about that examplethere were even grammatical mistakes and everything
If you don't think there's anything wrong with this example then you should learn more English, should be "laugh at the losers", the article "the" was not used in the speech bubble when it should have been.Such as? There's nothing gramatically incorrect about that example