Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 19 Ch. 139 - I released my nervousness into you, Senpai!

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023

do it
inject that confidence
Dex-chan lover
Mar 18, 2020
The hard working girl who sacrificed her time into her judo vs the naturally talented girl who fallen off, quit, has a romcom life and decided to get back to judo. On papers, I would support the former, but I'm just rooting on Nagatoro, because I'm simply invested in her (and her love life with paisen).
Also I'm glad paisen made it clear win or lose this, it's not the end. They can still move on.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2023
I really feel like Nagatoro is going to lose, or rather she has to now that Hachiouji did, which would be a better way to finally bring this never-ending confession arc to a close. If they both lose it shows them both that sometimes effort just isn't enough, there will always be someone better. In recognizing that, it may serve to bring them closer together. Or at the very least, show Hachiouji that even Nagatoro can fail too.

I feel like if she won, it would leave a lot of Orihara's story unresolved and possibly even inflame insecurities in Hachiouji, seeing as she won her battle where he lost his. In spite of what he told her, he may not feel like he's good enough yet and hold out confessing.
Jan 19, 2018
That's, uh, some suggestive language in both this chapter title and in the events.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
could be jealousy. Orihara sacrificed probably quite a lot of free time and "youth" to get where she is.

but now Nagatoro, after a lengthy break, seems to have trained just a little bit and seems to be already be equal to her AND got a boyfriend AND a large group of friends who support her.
meanwhile Orihara is mostly shown alone. of course her team members congratulate her, give her pats on the back etc. but she is rarely shown in a group of friends.

so my assumption is that Orihara gets herself dragged down psychologically and loses to Nagatoro, after she disolves into a puddle of tears but gets lifted up again by Nagatoro and gets added to the friend group permanently.
That's my bet on what will happen: Orihara loses from the psyche debuff (and to Nagatoro's buff) and becomes a wreck. A lot of her story suggests she got to where she was now with an unhealthy mindset and we already know she's super jealous of Nagatoro, it was her whole reason she's working so hard and sacrificed her "youth". A fitting ending would be if Orihara makes up with Nagatoro and she approaches judo with a different perspective (and I'll bet Nagatoro will echo senpai here and tell her it's not over for her and that she'll support her or whatever).
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2023
Senpai saying he will always be there for Nagatoro. My heart the love is too much!~
Dex-chan lover
Oct 1, 2019
so my assumption is that Orihara gets herself dragged down psychologically and loses to Nagatoro, after she disolves into a puddle of tears but gets lifted up again by Nagatoro and gets added to the friend group permanently.
I think Orihara is going to end up crushing Nagatoro after a bit of struggle, but she'll still feel like she lost somehow because those two will end up confessing to eachother anyways.
Regardless of what happens, they gave it their best and they'll walk away hand in hand, with their heads held high.
Apr 5, 2023
Awesome set up chapter. It's really nice to see these moments between the two. The hug was precious, but man Orihara seems to be harboring some potentially unhealthy feelings about this rivalry.
It's probably much less about the rivalry and more about how much she's felt like she's had to give up of a "normal life" to get to that point and seeing how much of that life Hayase's been able to live away from competition and how much she's been able to grow as a person (and even get a guy!) while still getting to that very same point. She's angry, but with herself.
Jan 25, 2023
My prediction is a very good and close match but Nagatoro and Senpai will both end up with 2nd place.
Dex-chan lover
May 17, 2019
It's weird, but I'm rooting for Orihara to win. The lonely pursuit of victory is an honest virtue to strive for.

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