@vladthetransilvanian @zakuzakuzakuzaku @foxdie @smoothoperator
Yeah, thank you for clarifying it, I was literally quite confused and wondered why'd they let it be published with a fucking satanism reference in there, way past the slippery-slope all of a fucking sudden. I am grateful to the translators, but. Honestly.
Who the fuck do you think you are?..
It's on the level of a god's complex. They don't state or point out that it's edits. They present it as a T-R-A-N-S-L-A-T-I-O-N, as in, changing the text in bubbles to another language. Editing the fucking original work to make it 'better', more 'fun'. That's so messed up, you seriously think you know better than the author themselves how THEIR work should be. It's appalling, I'm sorry, but it just is. The edits are very good, but, just, no, we don't want this, please
don't do this. If you want to create content, do so from your name instead of hijacking official commercial works. It's wrong on so many levels that you'll have a hard time finding anyone who'd be okay with that.
And just to clarify, there's a thing called
Heinrich's law, which shows in quite a straightforward way that if you 'let it slide', someday the situation
will be out of hand. This very situation would have been avoided if there were a strict rule regarding edited works. Just like the law states. There are a lot of discussion about whether it still applies to modern production industries, but the general idea of small accidents leading to major ones is not refuted.
If, by chance, a moderator read this, I would kindly ask them to look into this situation and address it. It's not about whether an edit is good or not, it's about marking it as an 'Edit'.