Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 43 - You can definitely put up a good fight, Senpai!!

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Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2018
Double-page supporter
Dec 6, 2018
People talking about the physical abuse vs the people talking about the Neko-toro strap
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@sack-o-rine That's actually funny.🤣

Sorry it got so degenerate, I just can't help myself when people start insulting me. I'll make better use of the block-feature from now.😌
Double-page supporter
May 7, 2018
@cor3zone slapping someone o the back is not the same as hitting. calling someone virgin is not necessary an abuse. don't be a snowflake that sees abuse in anything remotely aggressive
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Hmm, I'm with @cor3zone here.

Anyone can criticize and express their dissatisfaction of any literature on a public forum however they want. However, insulting someone who is doing so isn't something I would condone. Many commenters here are calling him autistic and such, and for what? Because he doesn't a certain aspect of a manga? This is absurd.

It's crazy that this is going on for a few more pages and then a guy is even suggesting that he's an asshole for this and being upset.

The commenter obviously isn't taking it well, and I don't think anyone is trying to be funny anymore. Have some responsibility for what you say, people.

"why speak many words when few words do job"

> I have already admitted Nagatoro has developed, several posts ago, what are you referring to? My expections are for them to eventually grow into an actual loving couple, what are yours?
My expectation is that I'm gonna be reading more Nagatoro and see more 774-brand smug girls.

That said, a "loving couple" could take many forms, and I'm not one to condemn this pair's kinks. What's an "actual loving couple"? A couple who understands, supports, and trust each other? Or is it something superficial as simply a pair who isn't doing what these two are doing?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@jonsmth An actual loving couple, to me at least, is a couple who does things both enjoy and/or agree to. If Senpai actually voices his enjoyment of Nagatoro abusing him, I'll happily shut up. So far all I have is hearsay that the author intended him to be an M. I think authorial intent is dumb. If the characters or story is intended to have certain characteristics, put them in the work itself.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@cor3zone It's REAL simple. Stop reading it if it upsets you. I've dropped many manga because I thought they were going to be good/change and they didn't. You're an idiot if you continue reading from this point on.

@jonsmth When you purposefully continue to do something that causes you discomfort for the sole reason of wanting to be upset by it, that's stupid. He IS an asshole. Having an opinion about something being good/bad is fine, but we're 43 fucking chapters in now. Imagine if I read every single Twilight book after disliking the first one? Or watched every Shades of Grey movie after being upset by the first hour? And then, on top of continuing to read/watch something that upset me, I went online to tell everyone else how much it upset me. Sane and rational people would go "Why are you doing this to yourself? Just stop."

Not being able to stop sure does scream some sort of illness.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
That's fair. Paisen has never really voiced consent, nor does he seem to know that he's enjoying this type of flirting.
At the very least, they're already at the point where they understand, support, and trust each other.

> author intended him to be an M
well, the original paisen was a reader self-insert, and it's pretty much a manga meant for readers who are M for a JK bully

also the certain dynamic they have would probably only work if paisen doesn't admit or know that he's a pervert
i imagine this would turn into Nana to Kaoru if paisen states that he's an M, and Nagatoro actually makes an effort to satisfy that desire
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@cor3zone "If Senpai actually voices his enjoyment of Nagatoro abusing him, I'll happily shut up."

He's gone out of his way to include Nagatoro in his activities, and has sought her out. Please complete your end of the bargain.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@jonsmth That's fair, but I won't judge this series on the pre-serialization one. Until it's stated otherwise on page, it's more like an alternate reality.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
From what I gather, he doesn't hate the whole series, but only a certain aspect of it
And it's not for all 43 chapters (he denied that)
I mean, you said it yourself, it's stupid.

And what is it again that makes him an asshole?
If it's his reaction to being insulted, I find that reasonable even when it's not ideal. He did feel that he was insulted.
I hope you're not gonna say that he's an asshole because he said something he thought is bad about this series.

He's gone out of his way to include Nagatoro in his activities, and has sought her out. Please complete your end of the bargain.
The voicing out of enjoyment here should be unambiguous as saying something like, "I love it when you Thai kick me in the ass. I can feel the vibrations in my tummy."
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@jonsmth I don't know the other side of this exchange, since I don't see those posts. But you are correct. The only part I have issue with is the continued one-sided physical abuse, and that is only because I've gotten sick of it. By this point Nagatoro should have grown out of it, or Senpai should have given actual consent. Implied consent by continued association is bullshit.

I'm fine with anyone thinking I'm an asshole, but when someone calls me that to my (internet) face they can expect to get retribution. Besides, the rules of Mangadex explicitly forbids insulting the poster.
5.1.5 Direct Personal Attacks: We encourage intelligent, thoughtful discussion on MangaDex. We encourage users to criticize the content of a post and not the poster themselves. This particular violation will be taken on a case by case basis since context and severity of the violation is important when a mod is considering taking action. For example, calling someone an idiot and offering evidence why they're an idiot will most likely not result in moderator action. Calling someone an idiot and doing nothing else will result in moderator action, not because you called someone an idiot, but because it was the sole content of your post. Note that especially egregious foul language may or may not result in moderator action.
Call my post/opinion shit, don't personally insult me because you disagree with it.

Edit: sorry for using you as a springboard.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@jonsmth "And what is it again that makes him an asshole?"
Remember what I said earlier? If all you run into all day are assholes...

"He did feel that he was insulted."
He should be. I insulted him. I continue to insult him. I WILL continue to insult him so long as he continues being worth insulting. There's a difference between saying "I didn't like this chapter because of X" and "I don't like this manga because of X". Not liking an element of a chapter is fine, because the next chapter will be different. Not liking an element of a manga is not fine if said element has LITERALLY BEEN IN EVERY CHAPTER. Should I go outside into the rain for a month and then complain that I am always wet?

"The voicing out of enjoyment here should be unambiguous as saying something like, "I love it when you Thai kick me in the ass. I can feel the vibrations in my tummy.""
That's never going to happen and you are stupid for wanting it.

"Call my post/opinion shit, don't personally insult me because you disagree with it."
You are allowed to have your opinion. I don't give a shit about that. What I DO give a shit about is you coming into a place where people are talking about something you clearly don't like, never have liked, and never will like, and announcing like a self important asshole that you don't like it. Over. And over. And over.

EDIT: Upon re-reading 5.1.5 I am... amused that my posts are actually fine because in the process of calling him an idiot, I HAVE offered evidence as to why they are an idiot. Hilarious.
Aggregator gang
Apr 9, 2019
"SeNpAi NeVeR sAiD hE's An M"



And that is in direct reference to her bullying. This happened in chapter 3, where up until then, she had only been violently hitting him (much worse than the playful love taps, noodlings, and hair ruffles we see now) and verbally abusing him until he actually cried.

Senpai is a HARD M. Always has been and always will be.
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2019
Prediction time: Senpai is going to be given the choice between doing an almost-nude of nagatoro to beat the prez or losing with his slice of life nagatoro set, does an almost nude one, but instead of displaying it he decides to do the nagatoro daily life ones instead on the day of the festival. He reasons that he doesnt want others to see nagatoro the way they see the prez (sex object). He loses, but when he tells nagatoro his reasoning it turns into a schmaltzy romantic "aww you cared that much" moment and then she teases him for just wanting to see her naked.

I could be completely wrong but that's where it feels like it's going.
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