Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 9 Ch. 70 - Then I'll give you one too, Senpai...

Double-page supporter
Jul 25, 2020
Knowing the author Sakura was def doing it, unless she got caught
Aggregator gang
Mar 2, 2019
I really don't like the way people always bare their teeth at mangakas for making their livings. They have editors to please and fans to make more content for.
Mucking about with something they know people are liking is a risk, if the story gets huge negative feedback they could end up getting axed, if it ain't broke n' all that. There's a risk that what they do next won't be picked up and back to doujins they go...
Then there's the fact that most of these are produced for weekly, fortnightly or monthly comics, where the reader really just wants to just tootle over to their guilty pleasure of choice, check what zany antics are on show today and move on.

Who are we, a bunch of leeches, to complain really? How can we sit here binging on hard work and have the audacity to say they need to move the story on because I'm bored?

I'm sorry to subject you to my ire, genuinely got to a point where I wanted to flip tables and you were the straw that broke the camels back. I don't think your a bad person and you may genuinely be concerned that they will get stale and get axed the opposite direction for all I know. I just need to vent and you were there.
Mar 5, 2020
Examining this chapter carefully, it's as if the author is trying to convey three specific ideas to the audience: firstly, all the possible situations Nagatoro and Senpai will find themselves in if they become an official couple--holding hands and being lovey-dovey, hiding their PDA from the school's authority figures, seeing each other naked, and finally having sex. Secondly, that despite all the adversity in store for them, they still have the guts to exchange (loving) gifts and continue forward on this path. Lastly, that his ideas behind the original premise of their relationship have changed. In other words, a lot of foreshadowing. Or, maybe I'm just high and looking into it too much.🤔

edit: Speaking of nakedness, where are the Prez's nipples and crotch pocket? The complete lack of anatomically correct parts is more unnatural than mere censorship.
Active member
Sep 2, 2018
I said it way back, but people shouldn't get mad if they feel the story is not about the bullying. They are closer to each other now, and that tends to improve their relationship. I know most people have somebody they didn't like at first, or somebody a little intense for them, but when they get to know each other, things get a lot easier (some cases worse).
That's why I like this manga so much, because it feels more natural with the character development.
Aug 21, 2020
😡 😡 😡

O Allah the Almighty
Protect me and guide me
To your love and mercy
Ya Allah don’t deprive me
From beholding your beauty
O my Lord accept this plea
Aug 24, 2019
@Jelly_Storm You're making a mountain out of a molehill dude. I don't know what happened before you saw my comment or why you decided to vent at me specifically (nor do I care) because I don't think what I said warranted this kind of outburst. I see lots of people I disagree with on this site, but I don't "vent" at them because of that. If you get so agitated by people's comments you get to the point where you want to flip tables and vent at someone then maybe you should reconsider going to comment sections on this site altogether. Because, to be frank, this sounds like a you problem.

You made a whole lot of incorrect assumptions too about what you thought I meant rather than ask "what did you mean by this?".

The reason I said what I did is because yes, I am simply genuinely concerned this will grow stale or it eventually getting axed. Because all I've ever seen from manga like this that get dragged out into the hundreds is that the quality starts dropping immensely as the chapters pile up and when they finally do end, if they even get to that point without getting axed, the endings are more often than not extremely unsatisfying in proportion to how long the manga has been going. I like this manga, and I don't want to see that happen to it. That's all I really meant.

I personally hate the "well we're reading for free so we can't complain about anything" reasoning. We may be "leeches" but that doesn't mean we aren't allowed to voice our opinion, whatever that opinion may be.

Word of advice: if you're at the point where you're about to flip tables and vent at someone just walk away, grab a cup of tea or something and chill out. Or, if you're unsure what someone means then simply ask them instead of drawing your own conclusions. Ok?

Have a good one.
Aug 18, 2020
Knowing that the author definitely makes H just makes me wanna see his/her H version of Nagatoro-san

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