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Having breezed through this to catch up. Wow. Fucking wow.
Essentially the killer bitch is a Mary Sue. She never does anything wrong, is never punished for her actions, and turns even people who despise her in sniveling little slaves. JUUUUUST WOW
Even as far as garbage goes, there's better garbage out there.
I wish I was in Shiho place for some reason that I can't understand nor explain. Perhaps a new door has been open... I wonder how many more will open, too.
The story would be over if he did that right in chapter one. That wouldn't make for a very interesting story right?
It's kind of like why kind of evangelion spoilers
shinji doesn't get in the fucking robot in evangelion like naruto jumps into every battle he can, because if he did
the story wouldn't hold much value anymore. They are imperfect people in a imperfect fictional world and the imperfect situations that arise from them are where the fun is. You have to be able to accept that the MC is going to get his proverbial shit kicked in, because the story isn't about how awesome he is, in fact its the opposite. Now obviously I'm not claiming that this manga is a masterpiece, because it isn't. But it sure as hell is fun if you stop worrying about it.
I know this kind of story isn't for everybody, but to try you really have to let go of the idea that this should all work just like it would in the real world. If someone can't do that, this isn't the story for them. Which is fine! to each their own.
@Nickelton , but the story is actually shit. I think we're all here, eating popcorn, and watching a damn good trainwreck. I worry for anyone that actually thinks it's well written