Ijousha no Ai

Active member
May 17, 2018
I reread this and I still don't know what the fuck happened in the time skip. Absolutely horrid writing.

but ayy she hot in the latest chapter

reread again this time just to make sure i wasnt dumb

nope i remember why I dropped it the first time holy fuck this mc
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
"Common sense, words, nothing makes sense."

I'll say.
Jan 1, 2019
this is the very first time in my life that i feel waste my time over a manga. the story, reason, logic are all fuck up.

if someone says i will kill your sister, you have to be that submission to her? cum cum cum on gets real. there is no law or police anymore in this world?

the murderer with the severe amnesia can be a kindergarten school teacher? LMFAO really really really?

with all these fucked up things, i don't understand how publisher let this shit continue to 6 volume?
Double-page supporter
Aug 24, 2018
The best manga ever, thanks for translating it !
It just perfect for my taste of twisted humour, I lost my breath when he muttering “I’m happy”
Double-page supporter
Dec 29, 2018
That’s an extremely low score for an award-winner. This is like that cock (chicken but it’s called cock) apocalypse manga
Nov 23, 2018
This story would actually work if the genders for Kazumi and Midou were swapped.
Jan 26, 2019
This story is messed up in the gorey way. I keep thinking to myself why hasn't he just killed her.. But that is just looking at it in a week perspective. If you put into consideration the Japanese culture and there honor system about in the time frame that this story probably takes place and such. Everyone's actions actually makes sense.. If she tried that in America there is a higher chance that she wouldn't have gotten away with it. And I have enjoyed it so far. And no changing the genders wouldn't work at all. Have you ever heard of yandere??? It wouldn't work nor make since in just switching the gender's... The hole story would have had to be reworked and many things would have to be changed. Even if you just switched kazume and midou's roles it wouldn't make sense... Because now we have midou "cheating" on kazumi with other girls... Girl on girl doesn't make sense for the plot...
Jan 26, 2019
For you haters and keyboard warriors. Your comment's on this make zero sense. Does this manga deserve an award? Yes it does. Does this story make sense? Depends on how you look at it.. If you look at it with the laws of America... No. But with the laws of were it takes place in the story... Yes. How did she get away with it?? Isn't that obvious?! We can all agree that she is insane. But she also plays the sane route way to good.. In America law and probably Japanese law as well, a kid can get out of prison on Good behavior. It's in the law... How long does it take.. You can look it up. But she did explain that she did get out on good behavior. And then she got away with the the fact that she broke the girl. And she blackmailed the guy with exposing the girls pics on the internet for all to see which would ruin the girl and her family's reputation.. Just look at midou's moms apartment... It in of It's self explains how evil people can be...

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