I suppose it's too much and/or too early to ask for a dynamic duo where they got each other's backs in combat? For now, Maura is ship bait, morale support and comic relief while Gaile does all the heavy lifting in battle. She really didn't do much while with him so it feels not as satisfying as it could be, when he can be thanking her too for actually being helpful and more than just being there for him.
Don't get me wrong, this is cute for sure, but sometimes she feels less like a legit partner and more like a pretty pet. At best he's thanking her for companionship, but at worst he might as well be thanking a loyal dog just for keeping him company. It doesn't help that she has flashbacks of being belittled just because she's a woman, and here her skills are not at all useful to him. I hope it gets better and she becomes more than just a trophy waifu who's only there to look pretty and have good stats on paper.