Did someone else pick this up the quality changed BADLY. I Mean it's passable enough that I'll still say "thanks for the translation" but the drop in quality is strange.
But putting that aside the king better Trash his worthless son for this. He may have said "get a second consort" but raping the daughter of a prominent noble family is NOT the way to do that. Even assuming his plan worked and she didn't just kill herself or choose to stay unmarried for life her household would not happily support the royal family for seizing control of them in this manner. Even if they obeyed on the surface it would surely lead to a Coup eventually.
Not to mention the other noble families are not likely to react well to the news that the crown prince is raping noble daughters to turn them into consorts and seize support from the households. There is a world of difference between them gaining power through marrying the prince and them being used as pawns after their daughters are made into lesser consorts.
The best case scenario in all of this is the noble families losing faith in the crown and turtling up in their homes and the worst case scenario is civil war as the various households attempt to split way from the kingdom to control their own lands.