@reu Just because it's part of your job to take a bath with your employer, does NOT mean you are allowed to stare at their body and make them uncomfortable. You are paid to do the opposite of that. If I pay someone for a massage that involves me taking my clothes off, it is their job to not make me uncomfortable during that process. If they made passing comments on how "beautiful" I was that had a sexual or flirtatious undertone, I could rightfully report them to management for that behavior. Would they be fired? Probably not, although I prob would get a discount or a refund. But if they had a history of reports and I posted on yelp about it, they very well could be. Don't act like Claire is "asking for it" for that part of this chapter just because her father is employing Rei...
I don't really have a problem with her other activities. By all accounts, she didn't really cross the line for me until the bathing portion. I never said that Rei following her in public was outright a crime, although in modern day she could definitely get a restraining order and make it a crime. I don't even have an issue with her waiting for Claire to sleep. But tbh staring at a woman's body, implying sexual attraction, and then having to cave and allow someone to wash their hair just to stop being badgered by them is...not okay. She should be allowed to be vulnerable, naked, and bathe in peace without having to worry about covering up because someone can't help but stop and stare...Rei could have kept her eyes on her hair or turned her gaze away from Claire's front, the other maid was bathing her body anyway...the STARING along with the comments, not sharing a bath, is the issue I have.