I'm in Love with the Villainess

Jan 13, 2020
@Satrioutomo Without spoilers it gets gayer and more serious in a lot of different ways. Manga's doing a better job of setting up for that than the LN did imo, the early parts of the LN get a bit too distracted with the SOL stuff and takes a while to figure out what it wants to be in the end. It is really good, though.
Aug 18, 2020
author abandons main couple progress for a while and starts spoonfeeding you about Gender Dysphoria, trannies and LGBT problems IRL. Then she makes chapters long flashback about her life in Japan(which is completely useless to the plot, but if you're one of those people who put pride flags everywhere and scream for representation - you will be pleased), where one of her bullies suddenly turn into lesbo and after the end of flashback that M-girl is turning from lesbo into trannie (FtM) and dies for the sake of pity. Meh.
The funniest thing is how Claire suddenly become WOKE, and starts to support them. The plot flow is abrupt inconsistent and poorly made. Main problem is that the author wanted to put too many things in (romance/discrimination issues/slice of life comedy/commoners struggle against nobility/incest issues/war against hostile Empire) which she did but in the end none of them turned out great nor just good.
Jan 31, 2018
Why does it take all this time to release a new chapter? I thought it was a famous series. The third chapter was already out in Italian almost a month ago
May 24, 2020
it's only been three chapters the manga hasn't even touched on it and the transphobes are already here I see
Jun 17, 2020
Although it has been a long time since I finished the LN ,I can confirm what @YumoYumo wrote on the spoiler. The story will get more serious and starts to touch on those issues, but at times it felt out of place and abrupt. I knew back then right from the get go the novel is going to be your usual bad otome game isekai story, so I was able to read it through to the end. So, yeah it might be bad but with the right mindset and low expectation you can enjoy this story no problem.
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
For anyone who reads YumoYumo's posts, don't eat it up like it's a fact, alright?

I think you are full of it.
The story doesnt nearly focus on any of those things as much as you pretend and it sounds way more like YOU have an agenda against these things rather than the author overdoing it. Does she address LGBT issues? Obviously. Rei is a lesbian from Japan. Ain't gonna be easy to avoid her modern mindset. But it's not unrealistic in the least, the plot acknowledges that in such a nearly medieval society, this would cause problems and there is a lot of tension about if Claire is even bi. Rei's flashback was mostly there to give the audience some much needed context for why she acts the way she does. Her entire attitude of not seeking happiness for herself is founded on the fact that she experienced those negative sides of LGBT culture in her world.
You do know that "trannie" and transexual are not the same thing, right? And aside from a side mention in one chapter about one of Rei's old friend being trans, there is not much going on for that topic. Yuu's case is quite a literal situation where she was a woman to begin with and the curse turning her into a man is a direct resolvable hurdle. That's a pretty chill way of having some commentary on trans without forcing it down people's throat.

You spew buzzwords like cuckoldry, trannie and woke by the bucketload, so I'm pretty sure you never once had any interest in objectively looking at things. If you want I can explain to you why cucking and wokeness are not actually involved either, but I think I already showed that you aren't objective.

You are really going to agree with that? This story is nothing like the generic otome game isekai stories that are popular and overdone, that's one of the things it gets usually praised for. Aside from the fact that those are usually het and revolve around either being the villainess or getting a harem of guys, this one's also different because it actually has ambition for a greater plot.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 27, 2020
@Satrioutomo the reviews from
fireutsie and BillionJellyfish on novel updates sum it up here and there. also reason why I said I would drop if it follows novel on later parts
I read to be entertained not preached someone's personal beliefs over and over again, it is why last of us 2 got outsold by fall guys and why people hate zealots of all types religious or other groups
Jan 31, 2018
honestly, I don't understand all these criticisms, but beyond all these opinions, there is only one certainty:

it's better than SAO.

... Now pls, continue...
Dec 30, 2018
Wow, seems like there's a lot of heated discussion about some of the later elements in the series. I'm not going to tell anyone that they shouldn't talk about this stuff, but I just don't get why people in here are so hostile to this one specifically.

To be clear, I hate forced social commentary as much as the next guy. There are many pieces of media throughout the years that have been ruined because someone wanted to shove in some sort of social justice plot-line that resulted in breaking the story's narrative completely, or, in some cases, made something that was never good and demanded that people see it as good 'cause social issues (See Captain Marvel, Batwoman, ect). I'm not going to call anyone here bigoted 'cause I do get the base sentiment. Stuff like this can be a problem, and it annoys me when it happens. Partly 'cause it ruins potentially good stories, but also because I think it betrays the very message that they want to push.

But people are reading way too far into this one.

I honestly wonder if some people here have read the WN or LN before complaining about this stuff. @BugDemon and others are more on-point with the reading of the original novel in that most of the developments within the story feels adequately natural. Not once did I ever feel like it was being shoved down my throat, nor did I feel like the plot was being thrown by the wayside to exposit something that seemed irrelevant to the plot. They all felt like fairly natural progressions of the plot. Does this novel have some issues surrounding this topic? I would say yes, but non of those issues are for the reasons posited by some of the people here.

So, my recommendation is simple. Read it yourself before you assume this sort of thing. Even when the series does get more serious, I think there are plenty of people here that'll have a really good time with it.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2019
This is good to read. I don't often read shojo ai stuff but so far it's good.
Dec 27, 2019
Sooo lovely and cute, this story is really refreshing. I like the fact that no one needs to be extremely stupid to be funny, I'm very tired of the Bakarina-like protagonist 😆
Jul 11, 2020
what's happening with the comments, i just want to read a cute story and apparently there's talk of trans phobia?
Feb 15, 2020
I have to admit that Yuri and Yaoi are normally not the genre of mangas I read (only a few with very nice stories that were not overly pushed onto the topic of social standing).
But this manga is at the moment really cute and interesting, also I do not mind the current Yuri or the development we can expect.
It is simply a nice manga and I hope it will update a bit faster ^^
Still thanks for even translating and working on this <3
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
In some cases people with an extreme agenda against certain ideas will project their dislike for it onto everything surrounding it with great fervor. YumoYumo and those who agree with them are certainly that type. Their language is coded that way obviously.

This story is first and foremost an isekai fantasy story and not a social rights piece. You are correct that it doesnt throw plot to the wayside. Every element that revolves around LGBT issues is properly integrated to further the characterisation of the cast. To be honest the more lacking aspects stem from some of the resolutions rather than any of the LGBT themes. It can just be awkward with setting up certain things so that the pay-off works fully, but that's about it.

As you have apparently not read it, you should probably not make claims about it based on some random reviews you read. Putting the rest in spoiler, because it's too spacious.
You can drop it whenever you want, but please don't use such bad reasoning for it. There is no preaching in this story. It shows the viewpoint of certain characters and it is completely understandable why they think a certain way. The issues you dont want "preached" to you exist and are relevant. Just like any other conflict in any other story, they are just part of the narrative. They are not forced in, they are just what the story focuses on at certain points. Do you not want to be "preached" to about how war sucks and how people shouldnt kill each other over disagreements? Well I guess there go almost all heroic journeys. If you just say that you want to be entertained, maybe consider that social issues are not in the way of that. Anything can be entertaining under certain conditions. I Favor the Villainess has plenty of plot and themes, but they arent just mindless. I hope dearly that by entertaining you dont mean mindless.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018

Warning: spoilers and schizophrenic gibberish ahead. 😩


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