Imasara desu ga, Osananajimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimaimashita - Ch. 29 - As The Short Journey Ends (Second Half)

Dec 16, 2024
So basically novel helps tell us she doesn't want to actually break it off with yuu and wants to be with him but feels guilty of what's happened to her mother and is now deciding to fully stay by her side in a way to not only try and basically atone for her thinking she hurt her mother but thinks she shouldn't have this happiness, tbh even in the manga you see it that she couldn't say goodbye fully to yuu and repeats see you twice, so she never lost feelings she just put them to the side for her mother so honestly it's just team Yami for me
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2019
This fucking series is holding me hostage until the REAL main heroine shows up again, but I think that moment is inching closer though.

Still, this whole character and tone shift is a hot mess, but an excellent example why you should NOT do it (at least this poorly) as an author.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 5, 2018
I just cant fathom Yuu having a gf as something Hikari needed to know ,
I mostly agree, except he should've given her a heads up about potential drama at the festival, especially when he was reluctant to go for that reason and then caved. That was very much him, to be fair realistically, burying his head in the sand and hoping that Hikari and he wouldn't run into Aya.

They improve each other. It's storybook.
Eh - like before their ship he's a coward and she's running away from her life. During their ship he doesn't push her when she's being evasive & won't push her to join his world/meet his family/etc & she runs away from any suggestion of doing so through sex, &
after their ship he's too chicken to tell Hikari why he doesn't want to go to her school (or face Aya) and she basically runs away from what makes her happy b/c she thinks she doesn't deserve it. Which all reasonable and understandable and all, but not sure they're actually improving each other here so much as it was a burn out breather and now they can reset.
And just to be clear, I don't actually care which girl wins -> I could see either being endgame.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 21, 2023
can we get the alternate timeline version where the manga didn't because an absolute shitshow (either side idc) 15 chapters in
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2018
I get what the author is trying to write but it's such a fucking pathetic reason lol. Oh my mom doesn't have my father anymore, so I don't deserve to be happy too. Like what??? What kind of iam14andthisisdeep thinking is this shit.
Oct 8, 2024
Is this it? Are we finally return to the present next-next week?

I will admit that I've grown mildly attached to Yami in this little flashback-story arc, but we haven't seen Hikari in four months. I wanna see the reaction damn it. Civil War when?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 4, 2024
So basically novel helps tell us she doesn't want to actually break it off with you and wants to be with him but feels guilty of what's happened to her mother and is now deciding to fully stay by her side in a way to not only try and basically atone for her thinking she hurt her mother but thinks she shouldn't have this happiness, tbh even in the manga you see it that she couldn't say goodbye fully to yuu and repeats see you twice, so she never lost feelings she just put them to the side for her mother so honestly it's just team Yami for me
I don't think it's just guilt. Her mother is clearly unstable and suicidal and Yami feels like she has to stay with her all the time for her condition not to worsen. She probably feels like she can't commit to the relationship in these circumstances, feels like it would be unfair to Yuu and doesn't want to drag him into this mess.
On the other hand, I think things could've been different if Yuu showed more reaction to her proposal to live together in the previous chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 17, 2024
I continue to be baffled by comments on this thing. Like, on one hand I get it, but on the other hand, I no longer do, because we're now into people calling Yami a homewrecker like... dudes, there's not that much of this manga to misunderstand.

So first part: from Hikari's point of view, she details how she's just started to fall in love with her long-time childhood friend. They are not together. They have never been together. She didn't even see him as someone to be interested in until about the year this manga takes place. Notable events include: a younger girl getting attached to Yuu, only for him to say he loves someone he met before he ever met the younger girl, something Hikari takes as meaning he's in love with her. Hikari talking about love to herself while engaging in small talk with Yuu when they're walking home. Hikari reading interest and love out of Yuu's interactions with her and when he's around others with her. A festival confession scene, where Yuu talks about how he never felt like he could ever match up with her. School festival invitation things, where she pressures him to go to her school even though he really doesn't want to. Then the Yami-sempai kiss.

Now the second part, which we all should remember. An intense romance between a girl from a broken home and a boy with normal aspirations, where his straightforward nature cuts through her gloomy worldview and lets her feel again. It gives her a place to belong. He loves her, she loves him. He gives her the strength to stand up to her sexually abusive stepdad, to go to school again, to not try and do compensated dating because she already feels worthless. To let her believe that she can be a normal person, have a normal life, take ownership of her future. She gives him the confidence and belief that he can do what he puts his mind to, that he's not some doofus who can't do anything right. They improve each other. It's storybook. But we knew it ended when we came in, now we know why. SHE broke it off. Because the courage he gave her backfired. Her mother was angry at her that she revealed all the terrible shit her stepfather was doing. Tried to commit suicide, blames her for that, too. Yami gave up. Decided she is unworthy of being loved and will never be anyone other than a failure of a daughter.

Right, summary out of the way. You noticing something? That maybe the person Yuu was talking about when he said he was in love wasn't Hikari at all, but Yami? That maybe the romantic tension Hikari was always feeling was her own, and all the things she read into Yuu's expressions and words were just her thoughts? That he has actually come to terms with the idea that he wanted to beat Hikari in something, and that's why that's what he chose to tell her, instead of it being some sort of matrix dodge of his true feelings? That Yuu didn't want to go to her school because he KNOWS Yami's there, and he doesn't know how to face her after what happened?
That Hikari's chapters might have been from the perspective of a losing childhood friend? Kinda fuckin' looks like that now, doesn't it? We've all watched this shit happen before.

The short chapters and focus on the female leads, rather than the male one, make this interesting. The medium and perspective have elevated the story and made its turns unpredictable and feel fresh. But it's shown its hand, man. The first part was "what do you mean its a little late" and the second part was "oh shit I guess it was huh." Now we see how it shakes out.

This shit ain't high art how are you all missing the plot points you've seen a thousand times. It's just from another direction!
Tiny objection here. The tension Hikari felt could have still be towards her still. Let's not forget she's still Yuu's crush (and first/puppy's love) so after Yami (presumably) disappeared, his feeling towards Hikari might slowly rekindled.

Still, that doesn't mean anyone's wrong here; at least so far. Love is always messy like that, and what makes a love story interesting is more often than not the exploration of how the characters navigate through all of these messes and which destination each of them reaches.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 5, 2023
Well, after the tonal shift rage kinda winded down and we've got enough flashback chapters, I can honestly say that this is just lame angsty teenage drama with flimsy writing. And I'm happy that other people are starting to see this too.

This particular chapter is just a cheap manipulation to make a controversial character more likable and I hate when writers are trying to force something like that.

Hell yeah, I'm still reading this tho. Yom is a great artist and this manga is a great example where the author lost the plot. It reminds you what the actually good writing in the medium is.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 4, 2024
This particular chapter is just a cheap manipulation to make a controversial character more likable and I hate when writers are trying to force something like that.
You mean Yami's mother? I don't see how it makes her more likable.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 22, 2023
My hypothesis would be that it was a mix of both.
He was hesitant because he knew there was a chance he would meet Yami and that could be very uncomfortable. However, she never appeared and because of that he got an urge to actually meet her since he most likely still has feelings for her.
That's just an assumption of course, but seeing how emotional he is in that slap-to-kiss scene, I can't help but think it's something along those lines.
I agree on the hesitant part but i don't think yuu still has lingering feelings for yami.
I think that we see him more stoic at the start because it's just the consequence of getting ghosted and blindsided by a loved one. people just close their heart and enjoy the little peace they still have (hikari in this case).

Imo what happened in the classroom was something like that:
  • yuu left because he was being harassed by hikari's classmates
  • went around school since he was already there and came back to the class later
  • yuu and yami found themselves together and start talking
  • and the scene imo was yuu questioning yami about her feelings and that "but" we see him saying before getting interrupted could be a "but you're the one that left" or yami slapped him because of him saying that he went here for hikari and not for her.

Or maybe when yuu went around school was really searching for yami, but i still believe it doesn't have to do with having feelings but wanting closure.

This is all speculation, i really hope the next arc will revolve around yuu, i've been wanting to know what he's thinking since the start
Dex-chan lover
Dec 22, 2023
Can't fault her for being dishonest. If we remove their feelings towards one another from the equation and focus soley on their friendship, Hikari was open with Yuu about everything, meanwhile Yuu was having a second life he was deliberately hiding from Hikari.
Being insensitive doesn't require any malice, only stupidity, Hikari was being insensitive because she did not know any better. Yuu was actively hiding his relationship from Hikari, which is a consicous decision to keep her in the dark, it is a malicious betrayal of trust.
Bro thinks having an ex is like having a second life.

Can't wait for yuu's pov so we can finally see how he's actually a father of 5 and has three beautiful wives in the philippines and a dog named Dominìque

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