This is a better chapter than the last one but I already knew that Hikari would forgive what Yami did to her. We all know they become friends so there is no way that wasn't going to change. The only thing I can dislike about Hikari is how forgiving of a person she is (she is the designated kind hearted FMC) because I could never see myself do that after someone pulled that on me. When we return to the present, I still wonder if she'll remain friends with Yami. Thanks for the translations.
You know... I'm starting to think there was someone else that made white album 2 as good as it was. Maybe some kind of person that looks over the story and gives feed back, some kind of checker or something.
As expected, Yami came back, saved Hikari, and Hikari forgave her… naturally. Hikari is too good for this world, and Yami sure as hell doesn’t deserve her friendship. Anyone else would have told Yami to go fuck herself, since YAMI IS A CRIMINAL AND A PUBLIC MENACE:
Hey, Yami simps, even though you guys don’t deserve it, I’ve got a little something for you all:
Here’s a cleaned-up version of the Volume 2 cover image: