Ingoku Danchi - Ch. 30 - Chaos Creator (4)

Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
Yeah, he sure does not shine, but I think after this arc. He's gonna reflect on it and begins to stand up. I think after the loss of Katagiri, he's gonna do everything to get her back.
He fucking better, cause rn I have very low faith in him
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2023
I'm exclusively referring to Katagiri, when she went to see him in the hospital, she was the one that end up converting after Glasses exposed her husband cheating to her

If the manager actually gave her the D when she asked for it, her husband cheating wouldn't have been such a huge blow to pun intended

So yes this is 100% on him for being such a coward
100% agreed, he was a coward here and this should've gone differently. it should've been obvious from people like Ichinose, that rejecting their desires is what is causing them to go out of control, and I don't know if this is deliberate but I feel Manager should know this by now.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
100% agreed, he was a coward here and this should've gone differently. it should've been obvious from people like Ichinose, that rejecting their desires is what is causing them to go out of control, and I don't know if this is deliberate but I feel Manager should know this by now.
He probably does know but still won't act on it

Idk what it is about MCs with ridiculous ass hairstyles that just piss me off so much, it's like the hair contributes to his cowardess/stupidity

Or maybe due to him looking stupid af and then acting that way, terrible combo
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2023
Damn those thighs are.... Man....
Um anyways I'm glad everything seems to be getting more and more chaotic. And I fully expect the remote to hit that Lvl 3 eventually
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2023
Yep, this is what he gets for allowing Katagiri to convert, for being a coward and not giving her the dick at the hospital

Ever since that moment, the MC has been getting on my nerves

His uselessness has been radiating
I really dont think it's fair to put this against him.
He's barely out of high school and I doubt he is mature enough for sex, let alone cuckolding another man and destroying someone's marriage.
Just cuz your horny ass would do it doesn't mean he would dash his morals away and pursue the poon.
I mean, did you also forget she was ass-on-head drunk at the time too? Bedding a woman under the influence of alcohol/drugs is something you should not do under any circumstances. MC made the right move 10/10 times.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
I really dont think it's fair to put this against him.
He's barely out of high school and I doubt he is mature enough for sex, let alone cuckolding another man and destroying someone's marriage.
Just cuz your horny ass would do it doesn't mean he would dash his morals away and pursue the poon.
I mean, did you also forget she was ass-on-head drunk at the time too? Bedding a woman under the influence of alcohol/drugs is something you should not do under any circumstances. MC made the right move 10/10 times.
Bro, her husband destroyed the relationship on his own by literally cheating

That's why I say this, he could've done something with her and nothing would've went wrong after

Plus given how this manga is, he should've went for it, she didn't get like that just cause she was drunk, she's been having those urges in her for a good min

I'm sorry but I'm still blaming MC

From a plot standpoint, he should've gave her the D, then her turning into an OP housewife wouldn't have happened

Oh and I like how you refer to me as "horny ass" when that's not what I'm focused on, I'm focused on her easily converting and causing that huge chaos along with Glasses, all the women now are getting folded plus all the bystanders

Things wouldn't have gotten this bad if Katagiri wasn't involved, but instead she's being used as a literal weapon cause she got pushed past her mental limit, which MC could've most likely prevented from happening

To you it may be the right thing, but in this manga, that's not the case, he sold the whole apartment complex by refusing
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2023
Bro, her husband destroyed the relationship on his own by literally cheating

Plus given how this manga is, he should've went for it, she didn't get like that just cause she was drunk, she's been having those urges in her for a good min
Mate do you have a fever? If you actually put yourself into the MCs shoes why on earth would you copulate with ANY woman here, especially a housewife in this cursed apartment complex? They're all insane, and youd be dumber than him if you thought it was a good idea to personally involve yourself with any kind of romantic relationship with these crazy housewives bordering on cuckoldry.
I mean dude, were your eyes closed or did you skim the panels when we had a rabid husband-raping housewife roaming the campus? He made the right move here.
I also think it's mad stupid to blame the MC when her failed relationship up until this point was entirely not his problem. The MC isn't the one who wed them, they both mutually decided to get married. And its not the MCs fault either she loses all her inhibition by drunkenly crying in the street. Did the MC tell her to drink? Due to her poor choice in a husband she's now confessing to a boy not even old enough to drink before going outside and crying in the street. The MC didn't do that shit to her, she is the victim of her own choices!
Is it so hard for you to hand the housewife accountability for her own actions???? Bullshit. Stop thinking with your small head lmao
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
Mate do you have a fever? If you actually put yourself into the MCs shoes why on earth would you copulate with ANY woman here, especially a housewife in this cursed apartment complex? They're all insane, and youd be dumber than him if you thought it was a good idea to personally involve yourself with any kind of romantic relationship with these crazy housewives bordering on cuckoldry.
I mean dude, were your eyes closed or did you skim the panels when we had a rabid husband-raping housewife roaming the campus? He made the right move here.
I also think it's mad stupid to blame the MC when her failed relationship up until this point was entirely not his problem. The MC isn't the one who wed them, they both mutually decided to get married. And its not the MCs fault either she loses all her inhibition by drunkenly crying in the street. Did the MC tell her to drink? Due to her poor choice in a husband she's now confessing to a boy not even old enough to drink before going outside and crying in the street. The MC didn't do that shit to her, she is the victim of her own choices!
Is it so hard for you to hand the housewife accountability for her own actions???? Bullshit. Stop thinking with your small head lmao
Katagiri didn't do any of what you're saying tho, she literally became one after Glasses exposed her cheating husband to her

Nobody is thinking with their small head, just because you feel a certain type of way doesn't mean that's how it is

And like I stated before, I'm saying this specifically about THIS manga, nothing else

Everything you said is irrelevant to my original point
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2023
Katagiri didn't do any of what you're saying tho, she literally became one after Glasses exposed her cheating husband to her

Nobody is thinking with their small head, just because you feel a certain type of way doesn't mean that's how it is

And like I stated before, I'm saying this specifically about THIS manga, nothing else

Everything you said is irrelevant to my original point
So a couple of vital pointers before I say anything about this

As far as Katagiri is concerned, I think what a lot of people overlook, is the fact that she already had a declining opinion of her husband, he's clearly lazy and a different person at home, which is already mounting up stress, the core of the problem here, is that Husband's behavior at home completely betrays how is he at work, which attracted her to him in the first place.

Katagiri has an attraction to men in leadership/heroic positions, which creates a two-pronged situation, in one, she is slowly building up an attraction to Yoshida-san, because he's expressing those very same characteristics, whilst at the same time, her Husband is failing to live up to them.

Another thing that needs to be mentioned, which is really weird, is accountability?

Due to her poor choice in a husband she's now confessing to a boy not even old enough to drink before going outside and crying in the street. The MC didn't do that shit to her, she is the victim of her own choices!
Is it so hard for you to hand the housewife accountability for her own actions???? Bullshit. Stop thinking with your small head lmao

This explanation ignores the main plot of the entire story. No, Manager/Yoshida is not responsible for this, it isn't something like maintenance work.
But the fact is, she had a declining mental, most likely due to the stress from all the B and A-rank housewives, and the fact that she just wanted to buy a house and live a simple life.

Husband cheating on her, and using the money they would've had to buy the house pushed her over the edge, that's not a poor choice from her part, that's a total failure from the husband.
She wanted to have an affair, sure, but she probably wouldn't have used the money to buy a house to get it.

Anyway, all the housewives with certain brainwaves, fall victim to the Resonance Jewel, and their mind and body becomes heavily dependent on it. Haibara explained all of this.
The moment her brainwaves matched the necessary requirements, she was already a slave to the Omega Libido cloth, which Hasegawa gave her on the spot.

I do think Yoshida handled it poorly but debating who is responsible is a waste of time, because it never would prove anything. If Katagiri had an affair with manager and then still found out her husband had been cheating on her for... jee how long? Like since the start? Yeah, I'm pretty certain she still would've had a mental breakdown! I mean its not like she would've just shrugged that off and acted like nothing bad happened

Also, if you look at the typical pattern of B rank and A rank, you would know that the brainwaves indicated determine their rank primarily.

B-rank like Ichinose-san have underlying fetishes that they keep secret from their husband, that they can no longer contain
A-rank have fetishes that usually are vented in the form of an outlet or stress, for example, Tsujisaki was bullied in school which created her lust for revenge, or Andou being tortured at work at black company, which made her develop masochist/sadist tendencies
S-rank have mental breakdowns that usually lead to a desire for vengeance or destruction. In Katagiri's case, chaos. Get it? Chaos Creator?

Given this typical framework, there is no situation where Katagiri would've just walked away after finding out her Husband has been cheating & splurging their getaway funds. Whether she had an affair, or a happy ending or whatever. It's just not possible
Dex-chan lover
Dec 19, 2018
so basically it's guaranteed win for assasin since usually engineer is watch from distance afar, watch, and executed attack as long ad the engineer in the far distance from the target while for assasin the engineer is already on its attack zone
Active member
Jun 27, 2020
Yep, this is what he gets for allowing this girl to convert

He's been real pathetic lately
I'm exclusively referring to Katagiri, when she went to see him in the hospital, she was the one that end up converting after Glasses exposed her husband cheating to her

If the manager actually gave her the D when she asked for it, her husband cheating wouldn't have been such a huge blow to pun intended

So yes this is 100% on him for being such a coward
I think this dissatisfaction you have is 100% on you... He has been pathetic the entire series(save for the aizen fight condom moment), it's just the nature of this series and it's jarring how you could only realise that this late into it
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
I think this dissatisfaction you have is 100% on you... He has been pathetic the entire series(save for the aizen fight condom moment), it's just the nature of this series and it's jarring how you could only realise that this late into it
The moment with Katagiri is where I could no longer let it slide
Apr 5, 2023
I dunno why everyone seems so surprised that an ML who suffered a series of sexual assaults throughout his high school years (to say nothing of the stuff he's been through since becoming manager) would be less than enthusiastic about his first consensual experience being something less than super-vanilla. Yeah, the aftermath of not cuckolding Katagiri's husband (who did deserve it) has been disastrous, but he couldn't possibly have known that.

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