
Group Leader
Aug 15, 2018
Currently there are four with 56 small chapters (around 6-8 pages) published at MangaBox. Around 3-4 small chapters are combined to create one volume chapter.
So if I'm right with my speculations, volume 5 will release somewhere end of June or 1st week of July.
Group Leader
Aug 15, 2018
@Carl619 and everyone else, this is a rough summary of volume 4. Read at your own risk.
Volume starts with the class president escaping with the bottles of water. The president escaped because he was caught by the delinquent attempting to rape the blonde girl classmate. The delinquent student also discovered that the cave they are in was a corpse-dump of the natives so they opt to find a new place to stay. They soon found wreckage of ships and the blonde girl classmate chose to explore one ship wreckage (which I think is a lifeboat) to find some supplies. She found two corpses in a hugging position and the diary that belonged to the corpses with an ax. Inside it is a picture of the corpses. She returned with an ax which she bought along to the shore and encountered the shark along the way. She was later saved by the deliquent by pulling her out of the water. Later they sent out to find food or supplies that was written as instructions in the diary (there are also some notes in the diary but I can't read it since my Nihongo isn't that good). While exploring, they stumbled on the half-dead body of the president (I think---he's face is different from the beginning of the volume so I can't tell if it's really him).

Meanwhile, FMC was presented to the alpha male native along with his harem/sex slaves. Intercourse happened through out the night but FMC didn't join the act and was spared by the alpha native. On MC's side, he's on the middle of a mission to rescue FMC.

Most of the volume was focused on the group of student's survival. Next volume, we'll know what happened to the corpse as well other student's situation.
Mar 29, 2019

That makes me even more uneasy and portends a bad horror twist like everyone being dead all along and them being in hell or something stupid.
Jul 8, 2018
it feels like this story has no essence. i cant get into the story at all, 0 immersion
Mar 30, 2019
reminds me of north sentinal island where the natives are left uncontacted and they shoot arrows at outsiders at first sight. maybe a previous event with outsiders caused them to act like that? 🤔
Dec 30, 2018
Struggling to find something to immerse in just all over the place. Like the genre though so I'll skim it. meh.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
If this is not your cup of tea then it's not. If it is then this is dope. Read the first three chaps and be the judge yourself. Smut comes in at chapter 6 or 7 I think.
Feb 17, 2018
@Carl619 I don't know about each ch corresponds to each vol but I found only chinese until 35 and japanese until 23 and 49~56 (latest) on mangabox's website.

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