Mu's right about not just violently exterminating people that disagree with him. Information suppression is one of the first steps to becoming a totalitarian dictator. A lot of the strongmen and dictators now either were once freedom fighters beloved by the people or are descendants of them. The people loved them, so trusted them with power, money, and weapons. History proves that doing that with anyone is usually a mistake. It's best to keep real power distributed as evenly as possible so one group doesn't use it to take over and basically enslave everyone else.
It's the reason for checks and balances in the US government. Well, theoretically. The truth is that wealthy landowners and corporations have always just used their funds to just buy out politicians and pass the laws they want. There was a short period after WW2 during which that influence was being slightly overturned, and common people and the middle class were getting a break, but now we're almost back to the gilded age with Robber Barons and monopolies and trusts everywhere.
The sad truth of life is that in a system where money buys things, it has to be properly distributed and there has to be a social support network for people that are poor or are at risk of falling into poverty, otherwise it leads to a reality where a small handful of rich people are basically gods that can do whatever they want, and literally no one can stop them, especially if they own all the weapons, the means of production, and all the food, water, medical care, and shelter.