So the entire universe of the manga is filled with horrible people who sacrifice the lives of thousands for making others look bad online.
Not to mention millions of civilians who eat it up without questioning it's authenticity.
Is it true that after chapter 187, it will no longer be free? I wouldn’t mind supporting the company that puts out this series. In any case, thanks AllenAllenAllen. You’re doing a great job. Do you have a PayPal account? I would like to donate a token of appreciation to you.
Thanks for the translation!
Looking forward to seeing how MC is going to get out of marrying princess since she's probably going to fall even more for him considering he saved her younger brother, rescued her from being traded in a politcal marriage by her wicked stepmother, and saved the country from being sold out by said wicked stepmother. Hopefully the core guys coming over are going to actually investigate rather than take the dowager's word as law. Although considering the MC's luck with politicians probably not. I've only read up to ch165 so I'm assuming a few things for the princess. Would be a real drag if she really did end up in a bad political marriage or murdered.
If you remember right she was waiting for a reply from the MC maybe in her email she asked him to save both her, her little brother, and the people of their planet in that email. And yes if you need donations to help with the cost of the paid chapters just let us know I am sure we can help Allen.
Thanks allen for your hardwork.......great updating speed......keep it up*(as a request from all the fans of this series)........awesomeness achieved.....perfect manga
Story 9/10
Updation 100/10
In other words loved it........😘
Thanks again allen for your hardwork.........YOU R AWESOME 😎
How much are the paid chapters and how do I buy them I make $1,000 USD a week on my job plus I have a PayPal Account I can buy a couple raws here and there Allen
for those who wonder why theres no update, its currently still chinese new year , and in my place currently what i know , it will last till 19 February , so be patient
@JackofAllmangas It's usually the policy of reputable websites to disallow continuing to publish non-free stuff. So after 187, it maybe the end of things for Iron Ladies. Since Mangadex is almost running on air alone. Getting into legal troubles could be the end of it all (Mangadex). There are reasons why going pirate mode does not last long. Rules of the sea allow a pirate to get a 50 cal BMG up the a-hole, and the person who put it there is not held accountable for it. In fact a reward is sometimes given. For fun watch some pirates getting 23MM and 40MM ammo slung there way on YouTube.