Reading factoid #159
To the troll on Kissmanga (who I will not name, doesn't deserve any credit or recon).
I give a big F' OFF to you.
It's easy to complain about speed. When all you do is sit back on your butt and do nothing to help.
To the management at Kissmanga, "I hope you have a anti-harassment policy like Mangadex."
Follow through and hammer that b*tch.
Hopefully I can say bye-bye to that unnamed defective troll.
To everyone else: "We do not need a site war between user groups." Just go over to Kissmanga
if you are registered and "FLAG" the post. Let management handle it.
I went over to Kissmanga to view the comment myself. It's gone now.
Thanks to allens capture it maybe the only evidence it happened.
So now and forever that capture will be proof that idiots exist.
BTW, can't flag what is not there.