Personal review; I have no idea how to score this. This series is a rollercoaster, personal discretion is advised.
On the one hand, the author routinely invents flagrantly stupid bullshit for cheap drama on a scale you'd expect from shitposting 4channers. The author is also responsible for writing the only fictional character I really, truly hate. As in I would gladly risk my own life purely to make sure she dies ASAP, especially since she goes full bad-type Mary Sue in the later chapters. The MC is also a total Marty Stu, occasionally to the point of full retard.
On the other hand, the MC is an entertaining Marty Stu because he displays an actual objectively measurable proficiency at realpolitik that is extremely rare in any kind of Oriental comic or anime. The humor is completely over the top, which both highlights and offsets the other nonsense in the series. And the people in the setting, while predictably stupid and/or shallow in the usual Chinese manhua fashion, display more depth of human characteristics than most manhua. And while there is a certain amount of plot armor and deus ex machina for everyone involved, there are multiple instances where people really do suffer the full logical consequences of their silliness.