Is "trying to get to legit manga level" content allowed?

Nov 25, 2023
The TOS/rules are more comprehensible than most sites in general, which is good, but still require a cheap lawyer to properly understand, which is not so good with all the bullet point rules. "" etc.
My "manga" has two premises, one hidden, one not.
The unhidden one is to tell a story, obviously, but as I said, there's a hidden one: as of now I'm not a good drawer.
I'm able to draw what by law counts as manga. By law. Technically. The style, and all.
Would I be able to post a "zero to hero" "story" in which, as I progress with learning, it becomes more and more detailed, more "legit-manga-y"?
ATM I can draw a face and a generic "skeleton", as in, what goes where. A stickman with a manga head, essentially.
As I progress with learning, more details will be added such as a torso, body, etc.
Can I do that?
I tried reading the rules, yes, but I didn't get a definite yes or no.
Jan 19, 2018
Rule 1.1 is the most relevant to your situation.

Only titles that are in the comic styles of Japanese, Korean, Chinese or of similar Asian origin are allowed.
Exceptions can be made for self-published comics in a similar style originally created in other languages if you contact MangaDex staff beforehand.

Based on what you have described I am not sure you can meet the requirement, but you can always ask. You will need to have a sample of what you plan to put it ready for a the MD staff to review.

Regardless of what happens on MD you may want to take a look at NamiComi. It's site that more specializes in people looking to publish their own work.

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