Isekai de Nonbiri Iyashi te Hajimemasu

Jan 26, 2020
@Pokari more than ethical is being practical. Let's consider this. If we could, I will leave this open because remember some kids and adolescents say that they were reborn so who knows. Most of us don't remember or didn't go thru that so can deny it nor guarantee it actually happens, know that a person comes back to this world and during the time their relative is not dead but a decade has passed then we could categorize a soul in two stages.

Stage 1) how old the person was when they died and what was their life experience. This is the reason why I added life experience and adult consciousness. A kid whose life was of bad, let say discriminated by their family, harassed, but come from a middle-class status will be a totally different experience than a person who comes from a poor family but got family love and worked hard to improve their economic level but not to the point that they would force the parents to stop nourish the children.

How about an adult who is poor and went thru hell all his/her childhood. Their life experience would be different, too. Now the adult's consciousness is something that is constantly changing even if that means just minor details and has a lot to do with our life experience and our traits but overall, an adult won't like what a kid likes. This is why we call some kids being mature compared to others of the same age. The personality of the kid has been shaped in a certain way and might wish to be like their idol. Some of those kids are extroverts while others are introverts and then we have the adaptable ones/mixture of both. But then again if a person has been spoiled all their life, their life experience won't be the same. Now let's count the sexual experience. Some never do it because they don't like the physical touch. Others have low self-esteem and would blame others for their lack of experience, or they were not physically appealing to the opposite sex, and that prevent them from have a nice and normal sexual experience.

That is why an average of an adult shouldn't be with a young person is the rule since some aspects in life will not be experienced by the young one, usually, or the old one could be too naive but is a smartass when it comes to interacting with others. I guess if the reincarnation and the "the memories remain intact" are there, people shouldn't say anything until they turn a legal adult LMAO. Why? because imagine your mother or father. They learned that you are an old man who is now their little girl or an old woman who is now their little boy LOL. The big trauma that would be done to the young generation LOL...yes even if they are your parents you are still older than them and have more experience than them.

I wonder if they would say that the little girl is pervert if they see their mom since many women and mothers consider it to be ok to take their clothes off in front of their daughters and other female relatives LOL. That would be funny. Maybe they would say let's exclude gender revelation to prevent any sort of trauma and inform any reborn person to behave according to their new or same gender/sex.
Jan 18, 2018

Hmm... I am not sure I agree that how people would react and feel in these fully hypothetical situations is really fully knowable. For instance, that I disagree with a lot of your assessments on how the world works (already) only reinforces for me the idea that our assumptions and prejudices make it difficult for us to accurately assess these matters.

Like, though this isn't about romance per se, consider sex-change procedures IRL. They weren't a real option 100 years ago, purely hypothetical. What people would have imagined the effects to be back then, would probably be pretty wild to our ears, and based on comparatively unchallenged assumptions on what a man or a woman is and which parts of manhood or womanhood were tied to the mortal vessel as opposed to the soul (e.g. modern debate of "biology" vs. "learned traits").

But now while we're still not in agreement over the ethicality of it as a society, with half-decent sex changes a reality, the argument is now way more grounded in reality (even if perhaps still less so than some would like)—we have some idea what behaviour is determined by hormones and what a sex change really means, we have empirical data on the outcomes to consult, we can talk about how satisfied or upset people usually are after the change and whether it helped or hurt them (more usually the former, the de facto data seems to say), we have a mountain's worth of anecdotal narrative and experiences both good and bad to draw from. Both moral panic and visions of utopia by detractors and avid supporters have, for the time being, both been shown to be mere over-excitability for the time being. And the problems we do have aren't necessarily the ones people predicted, or not in the forms we thought they'd come in—at least, for instance, the current medium-high-profile ugly spat between old-guard feminists and new-fashioned transgenderism over the nature of gender and the implications thereof wasn't on my radar.

Well, I feel like the conversation is starting to drift off-topic from the manga so maybe I should call quits it here. My point was mostly that when you change the terms of engagement like that a lot of unexpected stuff happens, so it can be hard to pin down some of the specifics of what would or would not be okay in-universe (and that I personally think these two-tier age gaps fall in to that category).

None of which is to say you're not free to make your own moral judgements on these totally hypothetical situations, of course. To the extent that this is all unknowable and impracticable, making armchair-calls on what's right or wrong is harmless.

And the moral implications that are not in-universe are, again, another matter—like I'll definitely be super-scornful of any shounen-ecchi "legal loli" stuff even if IRL I'd be totally sympathetic to a couple where one of the partners looked unnaturally young and the other partner got unfair flack for it.
Jan 26, 2020
By the end of the post was referring to a brand new system. I would totally believe most parents would think that way because the majority of people in the entire world are ignorant and most adults don't like changes. You are looking at a social structure already established and well know. At the beginning of a new variable is unknown, and people will judge things according to the morals and principals that they already knew and reject a new system. That is the reason why many times, people went to protests and revolutions to force a new implementation or at least a start to a new path.

well, I won't go into details about the whole sex change lol. It wouldn't be an issue anymore and things would focus more on the accumulation of knowledge and wisdom the person has gathered and age would be more emphasis. This topic would take hours to talk about xD. BUT! yeah.
Jun 4, 2019
What’s happening here. ?? I have to read up on these comments. Anyway I wanted to say interesting series
Aug 29, 2020
First volume was super interesting, but I see you Romance tag. This better not turn into one of those "I raised her to be my perfect wife" type stories.
Mar 7, 2020
hope they'll develop the MC's relationship as Falco in a platonic way, cause both of them are really cute and I'd like to see them as close siblings

romance -> probably with one of the kids she met in town? x_x
Sep 22, 2020
Being raised to be my perfect wife is not possible since the kid is actually an adult so her mind and how she think is already matured, probably more matured than the two guys on the cover. She can think for herself and thus won't be pedophilic if she chose to be with Falco when she gets older. Since she can consent and think for herself. It's all good, when you think about it. Anyway I really like the story! Hopefully romance won't be the focus of this but the adventures and world building and the character development of each characters 💕
Group Leader
Oct 14, 2020
ack 2 more chapters are out already

my shabby japanese skills failed me lmao
Active member
Mar 11, 2018
While I love this world and the art style, I'm pretty sure
she'll end up romantically with her caretaker once she's grown up
and I'm really not fond of that. Not my favorite trope, regardless of actual mental age, it's the whole raising aspect.
Still, love the art, it's stunning.
Active member
Aug 1, 2020
Two parent figures? Well, she is an old soul in a younger body, surely she can think for herself.

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