Isekai de Skill wo Kaitai Shitara Cheat na Yome ga Zoushoku Shimashita: Gainen Kousa no Structure

Fed-Kun's army
Apr 13, 2020
The story is way too bland. It's just the MC and his journey with no goal while getting girls here and there along the journey. The plot is almost nothing, the villain has no impact whatsoever, there's not even high-quality fanservice or even comfy fluff slice of life. I don't know why I read 20 chapters of this. sorry but it's way too bland, and I was hoping it would get better, but I've proven mistaken.

In short, 5/10 way too bland. If you are looking for high action, or comfy Slice of life, or high quality "plot" this is not it.

only read this if you really don't have anything to do, and don't expect the story to become better, I've read this for nearly 2 years on MangRock.
Group Leader
Dec 22, 2018
What is the reason for redoing 2-6? They've been out there for ages. If you imagine that Mangadex is all there is to scanlation, you need to wake up and look around.
Mar 27, 2020
@cmertb : Presumably because whoever already did 2 to 6 didn't want them on this site. And re-uploading them would be an iffy thing to do, so they should be redone, obviously.

What should obviously NOT take place is for whomever may be translating this now to just IGNORE the absence of chapters 2 to 6 leaving a gaping hole in the early story and just continuing on from the end. That is just fucking retarded. And expecting readers to go trawling across the internet to dig up missing content for themselves is beyond unreasonable. Like what is even the point of having this site at all if we have to go elsewhere to read the fucking manga?
Mar 4, 2020
Scanlation isn't a business.

No group is under any obligation to provide you with comfortable and accessible translations. No group expects readers to do fucking anything, because they aren't selling you a product and you haven't paid for it.

And expecting readers to go trawling across the internet to dig up missing content for themselves is beyond unreasonable.
In any business situation you would be correct. Actually scratch that, your point wouldn't be correct even in a business situation. You have forgotten that these groups are individual creators spending hours of their spare time and earning little to no money off of it. You need to realize that being able to read manga freely is a privilege and that literally nobody owes you fucking anything.
Group Leader
Dec 22, 2018
@SotiCoto You seem to be unaware that this site has nothing to do with scanlators. In fact, the scanlator for chapter 2-6 specifically removed their work from mdex because they want you to read manga on their site. If you can't be bothered to do so, and you can't perform an Internet search, it isn't their problem, and it isn't the problem of the current scanlator. The problem is yours and only yours.
Mar 27, 2020
@cmertb : If it were "only" mine, there wouldn't be so many others making exactly the same complaint. Try harder.
Group Leader
Dec 22, 2018
@SotiCoto The statement that others are making the same complaint is no longer true. You have set yourself apart from the rest with the ridiculous level of your self-entitled whining. If this were a game, I'd award you a badge for the achievement.

Nevertheless, the answer to all complainers together and to each individually is still the same. I should also point out that no one is preventing you from redoing those chapters, as useless as that would be to the vast majority of readers.
Mar 27, 2020
@cmertb: Are you completely blind? Look up. Look on other manga too. The comments of others are still all over the place. I've not set myself apart from anything in this case. Or are you just going to do this thing where you just continuously disacknowledge the existence of something that is still just lying there in plain view for anyone and everyone to see? That sort of pointless denial isn't really conducive to any sort of communication, y'know.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 16, 2018
Oh, good lord people, it's just #*$(ing manga. It's not worth the drama.

Champion Scans pulled the early chapters. You can argue over their decision (I think it's stupid, but that's just me), but it won't change anything. You're more than welcome to retranslate them if you want. Nobody's stopping you, or stopping you from paying someone to do it for you. In the meantime, the current scanlator group continues to translate chapters and post them here so that those of us who actually follow the manga don't have to wait months for the old chapters to get translated.

You can do what almost everyone else does and just go over to your friendly neighborhood scanlator-disrespecting aggregator and read them. Personally, when I don't find the MANGA I'm looking for HERE, there's a particular aggregator I go to that usually has it and plays nicely with adblock. If that's not enough of a clue, then you're just SOL.

Back in the day when you had to trawl the DCC bots on IRC for manga, it often took weeks to get a whole series of manga, and they banned people who whined about it. You don't know how much better things are now.
Group Leader
Dec 22, 2018
@SotiCoto I didn't say no one else is complaining, I said you "set yourself apart from the rest with the ridiculous level of your self-entitled whining". The keyword is "level". You can go on denying it, but that only shows your total lack of self-awareness. Now, what were you saying about "communication"? I can understand you're trying to cosplay a tough and aggressive character in the relative anonymity of the Internet, but surely you can see it isn't yielding you the results that you want or giving you the image that you're looking for.

Anyway, to wrap up this discussion, I reiterate your options:
1. Redo the chapters yourself and post them to Mangadex.
2. Use Google to find another site where those chapters are hosted.
3. Keep whining with varying degree of aggressiveness, and even try to organize a few more whiners to whine in unison. In light of the availability of options 1 and 2, the current scanlator doesn't care, trust me on that.
Mar 27, 2020
@spauldo : Life isn't worth the drama, but it continues to happen anyway... Life, that is... and drama, for that matter.
One incident blurs into the next though, so it doesn't really matter 5 minutes down the line... except that the written word lingers for years.

@cmertb : How can me denying something which is false in the first place possibly indicate a lack of self-awareness? Rather it indicates your lack of proper judgement. Case in point:
I can understand you're trying to cosplay a tough and aggressive character in the relative anonymity of the Internet
See this nonsense? Yeah, you wrote that little line of unashamed ignorance. What reason could anyone possibly have to put on an act like you describe? And I suppose you believe I'm somehow manipulating everyone else into pretending to be idiots too?
Ockham's Razor, fool. Try it. People are just idiots, and I had enough of their shit decades ago. You're just one of an endless stream of them, of absolutely no consequence in anything beyond the immediate. That you believe I'd put on an act for your sake is tragicomic.

Now piss off. I've got other idiots to deal with before I can go to sleep tonight.
Apr 21, 2019
@SotiCoto So you tried to call out the translator for this series out on their shit but you really just made yourself look insufferable. We do chapters on our own time with no money added in the mix. No one wants to redo chapters in any scanlator team simply because it's a waste of time, unless the chapters are incomprehensible to begin with.

Chapters 2-6 are easily accessible and take a minute of a google search, which 4 people have told you now. You're complaining about 5 chapters that aren't difficult to find on the world wide web. Did you cripple your fingers recently and can't google search anymore? Must not, since you're flooding your shitposts here. I really can't understand your outcry right now.

Cmertb isn't going to ever retranslate those chapters, and you bet your ass no one else on the team wants to redraw/typeset all that bullshit either just because you want it on the mangadex library lol.

Overall, you're consuming free content. Suck it up, buttercup.

As to everyone else, keep reading and keep enjoying. 😃
Mar 27, 2020
@m_elle : ... Wait... are you another one? Someone else? What are you getting involved for?

but you really just made yourself look insufferable.
No no no. That is incorrectly phrased. If you, personally, or the other peon, personally, are incapable of "suffering" me... well that is your own issue to resolve for yourself on your own terms. Phrasing your inability to suffer me as though it were an objective trait of me personally, equally applicable to all, is simply manipulation and deceit.

No one wants to redo chapters in any scanlator team simply because it's a waste of time, unless the chapters are incomprehensible to begin with.
It is no more or less a waste of time than scanlating the latest chapters. They're equally absent from the collection... and unfortunately you just know someone would kick up shit if an uninvolved 3rd party went along and re-added someone else's work to the site. Intellectual property laws or somesuch.

Chapters 2-6 are easily accessible and take a minute of a google search, which 4 people have told you now.
I've been aware of that from the start (my personal dislike for Google aside). The fact that 4 people have bothered to state the obvious just shows how completely clueless they are to the actual problem here... That is that if people are having to go to other sites to read the manga, it is a failure for this site. And funnily enough, I only came here in the first place because OTHER sites failed in this exact same way.

Must not, since you're flooding your shitposts here. I really can't understand your outcry right now.
No kidding. Well hopefully the explanation I just gave cleared up something, but I'm not holding out hope since... by your own admission there, your failure to understand before already led to an impotent outburst of idiotic assumption on your part. Funny thing for someone accusing someone else of being "insufferable" to do.

Cmertb isn't going to ever retranslate those chapters, and you bet your ass no one else on the team wants to redraw/typeset all that bullshit either just because you want it on the mangadex library lol.
Hopefully a better team will do it all then. I know there are some folks around who like improving on things that others have done poorly, so it isn't a lost cause. From what I've seen the translations later in this are a nigh-incomprehensible minefield of bullshit in the first place. Is that Cmertb's doing? Or is the manga just that bad in general?

Overall, you're consuming free content. Suck it up, buttercup.
That doesn't equate to freedom from criticism. And no, family-friendly / state-sanctioned / "constructive" criticism isn't a necessary specification there either.

Y'know what... this isn't even a remotely good series anyway. I'll just drop it and find something better.
Asgard knows you prats are going to keep getting on my case justifying this failure and digging yourselves deeper regardless though.
Group Leader
Dec 22, 2018
@SotiCoto I don't really have anything to add to what I told you before. Except possibly mention that you have my permission not to read this manga anymore if it makes you suffer.
Apr 21, 2019
@Soticoto Wow, you wrote a whole lot of nothing. You're objected to criticize, but just know people are gonna tell you how it is.

Glad you dropped the series! Feel bad for whoever else you read though.
Mar 27, 2020
@cmertb : You can leave your permission in the dust. You don't have the authority to permiss anything.

@m_elle : People, yourself included, mostly waste their time telling me it is how it isn't. And you needn't feel sorry for anyone. Anyone I give a hard time to absolutely deserves it.
Group Leader
Dec 22, 2018
@SotiCoto I give you my permission, you're unhappy. I don't give you my permission, you're unhappy. There's just no pleasing you.

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