I said what I said and meant nothing more. If you read way more into it than what I said, that says nothing about me needing to explain what I didn't say, mention, or even allude to at all. At a guess, I believe that you conflated what I wrote with what others with similar but differing opinions wrote and assumed I was saying the same as a result. I'll note that the line I think you're replying to was more directed at the guy that said I wanted the MC to kill everyone (which ironically will probably be how the story goes down anyways).
It's also not my job to write the story for the author. That's literally the author's job. If the author is unable to write a story without making the MC passively sit there doing nothing about the situation, then that's on the author. Any argument against criticism for fiction (or often in real life for that matter) that hinges on what boils down to, "then you do it better," isn't much of an argument at all. Sort of like if someone said 2 + 2 = 33445, which you know is obviously the wrong answer but somehow don't know the actual answer to. Just because you can't give the right answer doesn't mean you shouldn't point out that it's wrong. Not knowing the right answer doesn't preclude knowing that an answer is wrong, after all. Not to mention it's impossible for me to see the future of a story without reading it so I don't know what the MC will learn in the future and how those things will play into how the story resolves.
But if I were writing the story, I'd have the MC actively look for ways to help his friend. He doesn't have to succeed, but at the very least the story should show that he's trying something rather than just sit there waiting passively waiting for the plot to happen. And if he can't find a way, I would have him prepare for the possibility of an opportunity opening up while continuing to try to find a solution. Or maybe have the MC agonize overtly over not being able to do anything after many failed attempts rather than just downplay it as he has thus far after passively accepting the situation. (I mentioned most of this in my previous post, btw.)
What is the power base of the asshole guy's family? Can he do anything to undermine it or counter it in any way? Why is this guy's family a threat and can he resolve that threat in any way? What allies does the MC have and what can they do/what do they know? Has he talked to the king guy about it? Or the king's brother? Has he talked to his friends about it? Has he even talked to the girl about it? The MC has been tiptoeing around the issue for a long time waiting for the plot to happen instead of facing it head on and most of what we even know about the situation is from other characters because the MC has largely not been involved with that at all. The only thing the MC has been doing is building up his territory, which admittedly will likely be instrumental in resolving the situation, but is also only incidental and not something he's doing to actively try to resolve the situation. Heck, I wouldn't have an issue if THAT'S what the MC was doing, build up his own power base so he can do something about the asshole. It wouldn't even have to be much, even just a line to show that the MC isn't just sitting there basically ignoring the situation. It's not so much about what the solution is exactly as much as how the MC takes action and tries to solve it (or doesn't, in this case).
I'll also disagree with the implied notion that being a good king that looks out for his kingdom means he has to sit there doing nothing while those he cares about suffer. If anything, that's the mark of a bad king. A leader can't just sit there waiting, he has to plan and plot for the future. He needs to take action, be decisive, and not ignore problems. If a leader can't do that then they aren't much of a leader at all. More than that, that kind of passivity isn't very likable in a MC. Yes, the MC is in a bad situation and has responsibilities that limits the amount of things he can do. Yes, resolving the issue likely won't be easy (not that I ever implied as much). But even ignoring how he hasn't really looked into the situation very deeply yet so doesn't know what his options would even be, there are obviously things he can do. Because if there's actually nothing he can do then the plot thread won't go anywhere nice and the girl he loves probably gets married off and the kingdom suffers as the MC continues watching or something. (I feel obligated to note that my roommate being a nosy asshole and reading over my shoulder just asked if I was writing NTR or something, ORZ...)