Isekai Mokushiroku Mynoghra: Hametsu no Bunmei de Hajimeru Sekai Seifuku

Dex-chan lover
May 29, 2019
didn't notice that navigavi did the ln art until i browsed their twitter
Mar 16, 2020
You know if there was more chapters... that´d be great

onegai translator san give me moar
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Midos THERE ARE. Problem is there is no info on if anyone is translating them. There are four more.
Jul 8, 2018
@Cero90 @Otaku_Gandulf It isn't so much that they have an issue with the setting but rather it's often squandered by sub par story telling and/or pacing. i mean its not really that hard to see why they've become cynical when so many trend followers just rehash the same elements time and time again, truck-kun is a meme for a reason after all.

With all that being said a story can still be good despite using elements that have been done to death, though i would like it if the game element wasn't used so much.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
@Cero90 @Otaku_Gandulf If you've been around long enough most people become jaded with the genre due to a laundry list of problems. Like...
1. Overused gimmick and under-cooked story - this can be seen in any genre that has had a boom in popularity (mecha,magic girl, shonen). We just happen to be living in the Isekai age, it's still technically a very new genre.
2. The plots use very generic tropes - Whether they be tropes exclusive to this genre or from others, people have seen it way too many times, and way too frequently.
3. It's been done better - Each person will likely have an Isekai they love and it will always be a standard in which they measure new Isekai.
4. Subject + Isekai = story - For example, I saw homeless man in Isekai and Minecraft Isekai just yesterday. People might read a chapter due to your gimmick but often times those same people find out the gimmick is all they have, leaving them with dissatisfying characters and world building, I.E. a bland or bad story.
5. It's unnecessary - if your story is not gimmicky enough then it will lead to the question of why even be an Isekai? If your story spends maybe a chapter to have your MC give a sob story or explain why he is quirky follow by immediate death by truck-kun(a trope so overused it has a name Manga)[Shout out to Miserys_End for the edit], thereby sending the MC to another world (maybe talk to god(dess) along the way) , and then they treat the rest of the story like it's a fantasy story with poorly explained and seldom used DND mechanics. Then you might as well scrap all that and make it a fantasy story from the start.
6. Same setting different subject - 9 times out of ten the Isekai setting will be set in a generic medieval fantasy era. I have come across one maybe two Isekais where they took place in a space fantasy. This of course is boring and redundant to most people.

These are just the common issues I can think of off the top my head, but, personally, I don't outright hate the genre nor do I think most people do. They are just tired of it being so common and most times disappointing.
Double-page supporter
Dec 29, 2018
@F00M 100% agree. I can’t think of many good Isekai that wouldn’t work well if the whole transported-from-our-world thing was cut out, this not making it Isekai anymore. The genre, as a concept, feels unnecessary much of the time in good stories, with the few notable exceptions being those Isekai where the MC is reincarnated into a fantasy monster (Spider, Slime, and Dragon Egg are the only really good ones), as well a few others where the plot requires the MC to have knowledge of our world in order to function properly, such as Knights & Magic where the MC had programming knowledge and this manga (so far) where the MC has strategy knowledge. Otherwise, the Isekai are might as well just be Fantasy (or whatever other genre they Isekai’d into), as there isn’t much of a difference if the only reason the MC is from a different world is to hop on a bandwagon. I’d say 75% of Isekai are Isekai for this reason alone
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2019
Not that I dont fully agree with you, but had one one point of contention.
truck-kun(a trope so overused it has a name)
I just wanted to add a small correction...
truck-kun(a trope so overused it has it own manga)
Not that you were wrong or anything.. just saying it has it's own name doesnt convey how utterly overused it is.
Aggregator gang
Apr 24, 2019
Raws for webnovel are here
if anyone else is impatient like me
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I really hate that it's based on a game, given that the setting and premise could've totally worked without it. Still looks like a good story for what it is, though.
Unless it craps the bed before chapter 10, that is. As most isekai do.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 18, 2019
I like the premise a lot. Always having two points of view from different perspective enrich a lot the story.

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