im guessing that quite a bit of people came to this world with various beliefs and as a result there are multiple shrines like that one. also its good to see not everyones stupid.
@silverden Yep, just the typical idiots who get riled up over stuff before considering it and then stick to their guns till they die on that hill. The crazed mob of ignorant masses really is the most dangerous thing to a reasonable person just trying to live life.
Anyway on the matter of shrines it depends where the god is pulling or receiving them from. In many stories they go super specific with the regions to the point its literally just the Tokyo area. It would be more interesting to see multiple sources including ones not even from his world. Shrines for gods of other fantasy worlds would be super fun. It really is a shame most of these stories don't get a little more creative with the whole multiverse+ setting that Isekai almost invariably require.
As Pika said, "geel" is sooooort-of pronounced like gale, and it's Dutch for yellow, but this familiar may be a yellow-gold. It's a needless reach, if anything.
I wish prayers actually produced adorable animals from thin air. If there are any gods out there, take note. This is how you get pious followers in the modern day. Think of all the internet cat videos you could get from this tiger familiar.
"I'm gonna start a shitload of rumors about how evil and bad I am, how strong and malicious everything I do. wait, why is everyone calling me a demon? why are they throwing rocks at me? ((((((((((((((((("