By far one of the most bi-polar retarded mc's I have read recently. Couldn't even make it to 10 chapters before I dropped this catastrophe. Has an infinite amount of mana, and the only limiter is a navigation blob that has so far done nothing to stop him from attacking people and only says some bs about it afterward. Which then makes the makes op mc act like a pussy and not actually commit to finishing off all the assholes that made him jump out in the first place. Despite him basically being an envoy for a GOD. For an old man, he's pretty dumb.
And btw, he's not thinking about his situation nor actually smart at all. If he was worried about the consequences then he wouldn't beat the shit out of someone the minute he is annoyed and then regret it afterward. Then when he knows who they are and what they are capable of, but yet is surprised and pissed off that despite being able to obliterate the guy, let's him beat the shit out of a little girl and stand there like a retard. And then, runs away like a pussy, and basically repeat the same thing. Naw, this ain't it chief. OP mc + coward + retard = bad story.