While i do agree with you and would call that a wyvern over a dragon.
The classification of how dragons should be changes alot from fantasy to fantasy.
So it's possible that in this world this is considered a dragon.
Personally i'm of the philosophy that:
4 legs and wings is a dragon.
4 legs and no wings and its a drake.
No legs and wings is a winged serpent.
2-0 legs and no wings and its a wyrm/wurm.
But that's just how i class them, some people do it differently, some do it by size, if it can use fire breath etc etc.
And at the end of the day both Drakes and Wyverns are technically dragons anyway.
Wyverns and the other 3 types usually just usually considerd "lesser" dragons, but that still means they are dragons.
Not to mention all the sub speasies like Hydras and Kirins ( drakes ) or Sea serpents/water dragons ( Wyrms ) and Amphiptere or quetzalcoatl ( Winged Serpents )
And we cant forget the exception of the special snowflakes, The chinese dragons who can fly anyway and need no wings to be a strong and independent dragon.