Isekai Ojisan

Group Leader
Feb 3, 2018
massive omake from Vol 4 which hasn't been done yet

@AfiakiLooks Wow! It looks like a frigging nightmare to translate. The whole chapter was them talking about the sega megadrive mini and its games. Not it.
Group Leader
Jan 1, 2020

Thank you very much for clarfiying all this mess and thank you for pick it back up even if it's a couple of chapters, give a shout if you need help for a couple of pages.


Ah that's the story? Ah ah wat a bunch of silly drama, but it seems usual for some groups 😗
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
A scanlation progress update for anyone who gives a care.
As promised, motivation and productivity is only a single-day phenomena for me, but the following statement is still currently true:
You can expect better quality translations for chapter 25 & 26 within a few days.

Ch 22.2: <20%. No change, 2/3 cleaned. Translation is the biggest hurdle by far, there is a lot of text and a lot of difficult technicalities. Probably won't get done at this stage.

Ch 26: 70%. Backtracked progress because I started re-translating as I was typesetting. Will try and stop beng perfectionist scum.
I'll probably finish at the same time as Jojeke (Ch 25), which is what I was aiming for anyway.
Good MTL takes way WAY too long, it's not at all worth bothering for the effort put in.
I wish I could ignore minor discrepancies and follow my own advice.

Ch 27: 40%. Cleaned all pages (see: painting textboxes) to make myself feel better about wasting so much time on the above chapter.

Ch 27.1: 10%. No change.

Ch 20 & 23: Considering cleaning/redoing these chapters with the higher quality tankobon scans. The very thought of it is a mistake. Maybe. I'll literally never finish it. Maaaaybe.

Starting with cleaning meant a huge amount of progress but that was pretty deceiving. Motivation is fleeting. But I still haven't given up just yet.
I've got to actually 'pick up' the series by releasing a chapter, before I can then drop it again.
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
Isekai Oji-san virtual scanlation-desu~
By making a comment here every day, I am kind of beholding myself to making some kind of progress when I do so, no matter how arbitrary.

Today I went back and cleaned SFX that I wasn't planning on cleaning (and translated more of course).
Walls of text. It was kind of fun, but it took a little while. It is fun, but that fun is not really worth it if people don't think it adds something —although I've already cleaned this page, but there is more of these text walls in other chapters— ultimately what looks better is what I'll use no matter what, so I have a question to any passing reader:

Out of these images, what SFX translation do you prefer (there are no spoilers):
Don't consider cleaning a factor– it's a labour of love in this case. Try not to be too put off by the fonts, either. I'm tired, so...
A: [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler]   B: [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler]   C: [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler]   D: [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler]   E: [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler]

↑↑ with those images, I really really chose the wrong font for B and E. They look retarded. Anyway. Try to imagine a better font.

C26: (re)translation/typesetting still in progress.
The % values I was giving were based off cleaning/typesetting (using the JP > CH > EN translation) without anything else. Now I am basically translating the entire chapter to check accuracy, so the ~80% values are now complete BS, so I'm going to stop doing that (lol).

If somebody does an MTL of C26 while I'm working on this, well, fair enough, but that will be a clear demonstration as to why Dead-chan (Striptease) doesn't want to bother finishing the chapters they had nearly complete. It's hard to understate how gutting it is to have to put so much effort into a high quality release when it ultimately won't have widespread appreciation because it wasn't the first release.
This is also why I keep posting "I'm working on it."

C27.1: did some cleaning.

...and another topic... I really need to dedicate a few days to learn katakana and memorise some kanji so this isn't such an absolute hassle to translate.
Jul 5, 2020
BTW, @Afiaki, @Jojeke
I hate to say this few days late, but be sure to read the 4chan threads thoroughly, sometimes the translator corrects himself in later posts.
The Big Chungus guys didn't pay attention and didn't include such fixes.

Of course, it would be best if somebody proficient in japanese enough offered to check the scripts and do a TLC over them, but now it is up to you if there is no one else volunteering.

Anyway, good luck with it!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 11, 2018
Yeah, I'm trying to catch those. It's a bit chaotic to go through it so I browse the post number each time to see replies on it.
If there's something that's not a reply, I'll probably miss it though =/
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
The 4chan translations are good and pretty accurate as they are, but I'm more using theirs as a base and translating it myself.
Jul 5, 2020
Ojisan to have official french translation. This should improve the chances of english publication.
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
Threads with very low activity make regular updates look like unnecessary spam posting, so I'm going to stop here.
Ch 26 is done tomorrow and then I'll think about moving on to typesetting Ch 27. As planned I won't actually post 26 until the better version of Ch 25 is released, in the weekend or whenever it gets done.
Group Leader
Mar 23, 2018
Hi, why did the chapter get deleted today? Just while it's being fixed?
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 10, 2018
I feel bad for uncle but this is the best laugh I’ve had since 6 month. Like full on dying on my bed
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
Since all people working on chapters right now are unaffiliated, the uploader themselves probably removed it.
They were getting an excessive amount of flak from readers so I feel bad for the guy.

The new chapter 25 is... I'm not sure.

I don't want to post 26 without it, but I haven't actually talked with the user doing the chapter in a week. It has given me time to touch up my chapter quite a bit, so I don't mind. If 25 has been set down then I will probably start working on it, but it will be another week's waiting if that happens.

Editu: my weekend is over already now, and I will be going away from my computer for the next few days. If 25 is done and live then I'll post my chapter when I get back, otherwise we'll just go from there.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 11, 2018
Hey, chapter 25 is taking more time.
Thought I could do it in a week but it's a mix of me underestimating the amount of redraw and work picking up because people realized Christmas is creeping closer.
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
Hey @Jojeke, no worries, certainly that's all understandable. I just keep commenting here more or less to say: this is actively being worked on.

Just a question though, how far are you going with the redraws? Are you doing SFX?
I used to redraw SFX with other projects but I found a lot of people actually like the Japanese/original SFX better. The effort is diminishing returns.

I redraw out-of-textbox/transparent speech:

But leave the SFX  alone and put translations beside or around them:

>> It equals the same improvement in reading experience.
Further, some people prefer it because then they might be able to learn some Japanese characters at the same time.

Especially with this series, SFX is basically part of the art itself.
As such, you can just leave it as is, since it will significantly lessen the work-load with no drawback.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 11, 2018
I'm only working on the ones included in the translation. I might do a pass to translate the ones that aren't, but first thing is to actually finish the first pass.

Up to now I've been going redrawing except for non-Japanese characters specific punctuation.


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