Isekai wo Seigyo Mahou de Kirihirake!

Apr 23, 2018
The art is cute and "unique" (not in a sense of never seen before, but of perfected the standart to the point of differentiation), so it's a reason to follow by itself.
Also, I have seen many adventure manga and literature in general which start even worse than this: they try to force a fast start that leads them to an argumental standstill. In this case, with it beginning slow but not setting a "main quest" at the start but instead making you follow just the adventures the couple it's intresting on it's own.
In the end, it's up to each one to follow or drop. If you don't like slow starts and built up stories, then you won't probably like this thing. It also lacks narrative quality, the author is not a veteran or a genius. If you are looking for that you will also be more disappointed the further you go.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
@alphafemale: Check your language settings. That could be why. Otherwise, it could be a non-English scanlator group hasn't picked it up yet.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
This is basically Yu-Gi-Oh the Isekai series.
"I believe in my control magic" is just the Isekai version of "I believe in the heart of the cards" ----> To bring success from random luck.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
This is one of those mangos, in which the MC's "special thing" is so contrived and forced, that if anyone with half a brain would truly exist in that universe, the MC will stop be seen like he's "special" for being able to, currently, levitate objects. His ability is so remarkably and blatantly underwhelming and weak, yet it demands so much power and skill to actually make use of, that I cannot understand how did this thing genuinely run for so long. The only thing that maintains the MC's status are completely random elements. Like a goddess that claims that he is special, a dragon, his waifu that calls him amazing for even breathing.

Long story short, the only reason I bothered to write such a long arse comment, is because this is truly a baffling Isekai. It truly feels like the author wanted so hard to do "something different", but failed to actually understand why "this different something", would actually be worthwhile.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
No matter how bad the comments are, this manga still got thousands bookmark.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2018
this isekai have a new plot at chapter 16, be patient
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
This started kind of weak, but it's getting more interesting.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 11, 2018
I love Sera's character design. Manga is above average for a isekai as well.
Aggregator gang
Feb 6, 2018
Better compared to other average isekai, and well, this barely does qualify as a isekai, MC aint acting as a reincarnated person at all even if we know he is Japanese.
Im interested through in how the plot will go, with that mysterious lady and the another world.
Aggregator gang
Mar 11, 2019
At this point, I'm not even sure why this series is trying to be an isekai. For all we know, he just has some weird dreams about a place that looks like future Japan, and a goddess is jacking him around for kicks. I guess it's a slightly different take on the genre, with the MC hardly remembering anything and not even suspecting it's a past life, but what's the point in even calling it an isekai? With a little reshuffling, it could have just been a standard fantasy.

I will say that the idea of
a fantasy world that's historically been shaped by another isekai protagonist living out his chuuni fantasies to the point of starting a religion and being remembered as a nearly deific figure
is interesting.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
Why the fuck this manga have such low rating, this manga is better than all those isekai mangas that full of harem shit and stupid plot armor which sole of the purpose is to jerk off lonely weebs that never have social interactions.
Mar 23, 2018

because this one is not suit to "Isekai"
this manga is just "Fantasy"

how cant you didn't see it?
you even compared this manga with the other "Isekai", but fail to see that this Manga is not qualified to be "Isekai".

this one is just an average "Fantasy".

-PLOT armor is a must in every novel and not just "Isekai", because that was the sole purpose why every MC get their spotlight.
So tell me, should all MC die? the plot amor purpose is to make the story can continue. without it, Every single Manga you read should meet their end in just 10 chapter.

are you an idiot or what?
Apr 19, 2018
It is an isekai though, going by the first chapter where you clearly see an older similar version of Evan Douglas in a time long past or a different world with advanced technology.
Which means now you can see him as a reincarnation in a world where magic is present, his memories only appearing in dreams or flashes doesn't mean he won't unlock those past memories in the future.
So reincarnation, fantasy, protagonist with a rare unique power and who uses his dreams/memories to get overpowered in a world of magic.
Sure smells like Isekai around here. Just because you didn't see the whole 'hey God, thanks for these OP powers as an apology for my untimely death" spiel, does not mean this isn't an Isekai.
So before you go around calling others stupid, sit down and think it through for longer than 2 seconds.
Plot armor is indeed a staple of every novel, it might be minor, major or temporary, but it's always there.
What @Flyingkoifish probably meant was that most other isekai suffer from LAZY plot armor, where the protagonist just merely survives and prospers by being the protagonist, not by his ingenious actions or ideas that give a real reason for why he survives /is ahead of the curve.

Now after reading all this, I can assume that you'll probably respond angrily because I told you you were wrong. I'm open to debate this, but please remain civil, no need for namecalling, because that will only result in either me ignoring you or responding to you in a similar manner.

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