Isekai Yakkyoku - Ch. 55 - Palle and the Parallel World Pharmacy

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Like the microscope, some of Falma knowledge already circulated widely, and he already read some of it (ironically, in past chapter he often brag to Falma about it). Its just he think that the author/inventor is some kind of old man sage 🤣
Yeah, that part was funny. Bragging about the "inventions" Falma invented. To be fair Falma did that on purpose as something invented by well known scholars helps it spread better.
Jan 25, 2018
so MC was unable to save his little sister in his previous life. he was just a powerless kid back then though. now after reincarnation he's once again a kid, but quite powerful, yet he's against one very critical illness which his big brother is afflicted by. let's see whether this will once again lead to an untimely death for a family character, causing some character development for the MC, or whether he succeeds in "treating" him.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
I read a story once where someone tried that with a relative's cancer, tore out all their insides by accident, just poof and large parts of their internal organs were gone. The guilt sent them spiraling from there.
Any chance you can remember the name of the story?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2019
Chemo in the modern day can be decently targeted to mostly only affect certain areas of the body but it still has a noticable effect on all cells with fast reproduction.
And this is what gives me concerns as Falma is trying his very best to accelerate the current medicine to modern times but also introduces some new dangers as well.
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2023
god what an issuferable brother
Ehhh you gotta take into account the setting. It's a world with literal magic, as well as a medieval level understanding of medicine and the human body. Shit, we didn't even know most of this until the last 500 years. Wasn't until 1500 when the first microscope was made.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
First let me say I agree that the Brother's reaction was not a good one but I think it was one that "made sense" when considering a few things
1. It was obvious he was not up to date on many things as he was occupied in the Academy (Probably with the Studies and the whole "dying" thing)
2. He was ... well dying and was sure he had no Time so he tried to use what little time he had to prepare everything so nothing will go wrong once he does. That probably also didn't exactly do wonders to his mental state.

For your point he didn't ask for Information because he already came to a conclusion based on what is "common" normally by his outdated information. A Pharmacy normally only sell the usual stuff, meaning herbs and other things and is for a doctor nothing special. In fact he considered it beneath someone trying to be the medical scion which is why he got angry at Falma for "playing around". That the Pharmacy is more akin to a hospital and sells modern medicine of a kind he never heard of before he only learned "after" he entered as seen once he followed them. Don't forget he is not the first to have that kind of reaction.

There is also another bit. One of the bits that gets repeated often (and Falma also considers before speaking up in his inner monologue) is that "selling hope where there is none" is not what a doctor should ever do. The Stupid Brother already had it all planned out and was already at peace with himself dying and suddenly his little brother, who at that point he has no idea literary rewrote local medical science, suddenly claims he can safe him. Initially in his eyes Falma tried exactly that (and said as much) which is a big source of his anger.

Of note once Falma actually started laying out what he has you can see his behaviour change quickly. From initially dismissing Falma self written book to quickly realizing that not only is it "new" content he is familiar with (Remember Falma had the Academy take credit to help spread the information faster) but even included other stuff. This continued and by the time they took blood he actually was more interested in why a needle instead of a Knife (as is common) from a medical aspect, showing he dropped his earlier attitude.

:EDIT: and I realised I wrote another wall of text. Sorry about that. When I start typing it's hard for me to stop and the boxes get bigger and bigger.
I personally feel the problem is not how the brother changed his tone but how he started out and instead of listening or "believing" things they say, he instantly slapped/attacked Falma. When Falma said he is the one in charge of the Pharmacy the brother heard only good things about to the point that he wanted to visit the place, he didnt question WHY? for even a second but got physical and screaming instantly. Until he was more or less forced by Falmas resolute attitude, he was not believing ANYONE, not even his rival who was Falmas teacher.

Palle is extremely thick headed and arrogant there and that is what ticks people off.
Also that is a point which questions his qualifications as a doctor or at least human beeing. There were so many better ways to react to his "beloved" brother. Like getting angry WITHOUT instantly slapping and behaving like an adult and questioning him with actual knowledge. Like where the hell he takes the knowledge but INSTANTLY accuses Falma of making things up. Falma was NOT emotionally unstable enough there to actually break down in denial. He made peace with his fate already and wasnt distressed to the point that his reaction can be justified.
If you want to argue he did, that was WAY too late in the conversation, AFTER he was more or less forced to listen. He was more hostile to Falma than sceptic.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2019
It kinda baffles me that neither Farma nor Elle brought up how Farma cured the white death. Or how he controlled a newly spreading epidemic. Even if Palle would refuse to believe that, they could've also asked for the father to come and confirm that. It could shatter his world view. However, it is necessary that Palle stops thinking of Farma just being a kid and making shit up as he goes and start seeing him as a fellow researcher. One with valid ideas and theories.
Seeing his own blood cells compared to healthy ones kinda did that, though. He just doesn't know of Farma's accomplishments.
Double-page supporter
Feb 23, 2024
There's a difference between being skeptical and just being downright idiotic. It's normal to be skeptical that one's little brother who has (as far as is known) no accomplishments and no merit would be a hotshot genius miracle-worker. It's borderline retardation to not stop for a moment and consider why so many other people in higher positions of authority than oneself NOT have stepped in and put a stop to this (supposed) sham of a pharmacy and to said little brother's (alleged) playing-at-being-a-physician.

Though it must also be said that part of this is due to Falma's own stupidity and misguided attempt at protecting big-bro's fee-fees. If his achievements and status had been public knowledge, much of this unnecessary drama might not have come to pass.

For an example of sane, rational response, look at the earlier chapters to the father's response during the Queen's illness arc. Similarly incredulous, but without the slapping, attempted murder, emotions flying all over the place, and behavior unbecoming of a scientist, not to mention a physician.

Finally, do not expect me to have much sympathy for a moronic fratricidal maniac whose idea of "training" involves borderline torture and abuse.

So you're saying he should take example from his father's reaction? You seem to be forgetting that Bruno attacked him with magic. Once as a warning, then seriously to the point that Falma was forced to defend himself (and his father was suprised he was able to, which means he expected that to connect). So much for reasonable, eh?

The fact of the matter is, he has only seen one supporter for his brother's claims and that is Ellen, someone who he expects to "spoil him" and even possibly benefit from it. The only one who he could reasonably expect to step in and stop it is Bruno, no other noble would have reason to - firstly because they are a ducal family, so stepping on their toes is not a good idea, secondly because if the kid is a sham then there's no reason to deny him the rope from which he would hang himself. Bruno on the other hand (at least that's what I'd assume Palle is thinking), might find himself in a difficult situation, if he was blindsided with this whole affair. Think about it from his perspective: would you make a stink after you child was so highly honoured by the court, even if you knew he didn't deserve it? That would just tarnish the family's reputation. The better way would be to nod his head in public, but keep the kid in check yourself, so that he doesn't seriously screw up.
Double-page supporter
Feb 23, 2024
It kinda baffles me that neither Farma nor Elle brought up how Farma cured the white death. Or how he controlled a newly spreading epidemic. Even if Palle would refuse to believe that, they could've also asked for the father to come and confirm that. It could shatter his world view. However, it is necessary that Palle stops thinking of Farma just being a kid and making shit up as he goes and start seeing him as a fellow researcher. One with valid ideas and theories.
Seeing his own blood cells compared to healthy ones kinda did that, though. He just doesn't know of Farma's accomplishments.

All this is not public knowledge. Bringing the father in as confirmation is the same as just coming out and explaining everything to Palle, including the fact that this is not his real brother anymore. Which they probably should do, as the more knowledge he shares, the more the elephant in the room grows. Still, so far they are unwilling to come clean, so this can not be resolved.
Aggregator gang
Apr 12, 2019
So you're saying he should take example from his father's reaction? You seem to be forgetting that Bruno attacked him with magic. Once as a warning, then seriously to the point that Falma was forced to defend himself (and his father was suprised he was able to, which means he expected that to connect). So much for reasonable, eh?

The fact of the matter is, he has only seen one supporter for his brother's claims and that is Ellen, someone who he expects to "spoil him" and even possibly benefit from it. The only one who he could reasonably expect to step in and stop it is Bruno, no other noble would have reason to - firstly because they are a ducal family, so stepping on their toes is not a good idea, secondly because if the kid is a sham then there's no reason to deny him the rope from which he would hang himself. Bruno on the other hand (at least that's what I'd assume Palle is thinking), might find himself in a difficult situation, if he was blindsided with this whole affair. Think about it from his perspective: would you make a stink after you child was so highly honoured by the court, even if you knew he didn't deserve it? That would just tarnish the family's reputation. The better way would be to nod his head in public, but keep the kid in check yourself, so that he doesn't seriously screw up.
You are applying RL logic to a fantasy world, but fine. If you actually bothered to go and read the relevant chapter(s) (4-5, btw), his father's attack was the magical equivalent of a slap on the wrist (a few ice shards, injuries from which he could readily heal as a physician), and Falma's response was an order of magnitude more powerful, freezing half the room. Neither the warning shot nor the "serious" attack was lethal or intended as such. Now compare those measly shards to the literally landscape-changing spells cast by Brother Dearest -- THAT is serious and lethal. When compared to the homicidal actions of Brother Dearest, Bruno's actions are downright sane and reasonable. EDITED TO ADD: Bruno freaking out is actually reasonable, as Falma was claiming to be able to cure the Queen herself -- one mistake and their entire family might hang. In light of that, Bruno's actions were extremely restrained.

Your second paragraph also misses the point: if Palle actually was basing his judgment on nothing but "seeing only one supporter", then he is objectively a moronic retard undeserving of his reputation as someone who is supposed to be a scientist, physician, top-of-their-class, prodigy-in-god-arts, and whatever other title he might have bestowed upon himself in his damn head. There have been many hints (for example, the goddamn HEAD PRIEST OF THE CAPITAL CATHEDRAL talking with the utmost respect and reverence to Falma), none of which may be conclusive, but together they suggest that there is more than meets the eye; a competent scientist/intelligent person would take it upon themselves to seek more information first before drawing any conclusion -- something Brother Dearest continued to refuse to do until this latest chapter.

Finally, you already pointed out what a sane person should have done: ask for clarification from Bruno, since it's his business to maintain the reputation and dignity of the family name -- and Bruno would then only need to point to the Queen's direct support of the pharmacy and endorsement of Falma as a physician if he was still intent on following Falma's misguided "protect big-bro's fee-fees" charade. But noooo, Brother dearest takes it upon himself to uphold the family name via magical , physical and verbal abuse! What an asshole.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I personally feel the problem is not how the brother changed his tone but how he started out and instead of listening or "believing" things they say, he instantly slapped/attacked Falma. When Falma said he is the one in charge of the Pharmacy the brother heard only good things about to the point that he wanted to visit the place, he didnt question WHY? for even a second but got physical and screaming instantly. Until he was more or less forced by Falmas resolute attitude, he was not believing ANYONE, not even his rival who was Falmas teacher.

Palle is extremely thick headed and arrogant there and that is what ticks people off.
Also that is a point which questions his qualifications as a doctor or at least human beeing. There were so many better ways to react to his "beloved" brother. Like getting angry WITHOUT instantly slapping and behaving like an adult and questioning him with actual knowledge. Like where the hell he takes the knowledge but INSTANTLY accuses Falma of making things up. Falma was NOT emotionally unstable enough there to actually break down in denial. He made peace with his fate already and wasnt distressed to the point that his reaction can be justified.
If you want to argue he did, that was WAY too late in the conversation, AFTER he was more or less forced to listen. He was more hostile to Falma than sceptic.
Oh yeah, that I agree with. The Douchebag is a wandering Anime trope and the kind I hate. "The Bully Brother that actually just wants your best and to get stronger". Fuck that shit, a bully is a bully. Even his sister who is a friggin' angel is scared of him thanks to that.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Any chance you can remember the name of the story?
One of any number of random YA webnovels I used to find online around highschool time, the one I was referencing was the sequel of one where a couple of friends get stolen to another's been like twenty years, that bit with the cancer stuck with me, but I remember dropping that whole website right after that because that guilt makes her "go bad," she kills her heart, sleeps with a rando, and runs away from home.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
You're missing the point. Palle should not be reacting so emotionally to these claims. You've also mischaracterized them as "baseless" when they're anything but. Skepticism is good, dismissiveness isn't.
Oh really what were the bases given by Falma before he brought his brother to his pharmacy, whose entire existence was keep hidden from him?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2021
That's wild, he will have to work on chemotherapy and that is quite concerning with the current tools that he have.
His brother probably gonna unalive.
You know you can say die here right? This ain't a snowflake social media site like fb/insta/or twittok
Aggregator gang
Apr 12, 2019
Oh really what were the bases given by Falma before he brought his brother to his pharmacy, whose entire existence was keep hidden from him?
What people have been trying (and failing by the looks of it) to tell you is that a proper scientist/physician (who Palle is supposed to be, based on his pedigree) should not react emotionally to most any (scientific) claim, even if they sound preposterous at first, especially if they come from someone you claim to care about.

I've had complete strangers come to me with claims of working perpetuum mobile several times in the past; I humored them by taking a look at their diagrams and specifications, before dismissing them and trying to explain why their designs wouldn't work. So if my 12-year old brother came to me and claimed he had solved the three-body problem, or proved the existence of faster-than-light particles, or some other similarly fantastical claim, I would be highly skeptical, but would at least take a look at his working before moving to the hard-truths lesson.

What I wouldn't and shouldn't do as an older brother and as a trained scientist is rip his notebook out of his hand, tear it to pieces, slap him across the face and call him a snot-nosed brat who can't possibly do anything, which is what Palle has essentially been doing until this chapter.

You also seem to assume that Palle is wholly dependent on information ("bases") provided by Falma, when as someone supposedly trained as a scientist it should have been second nature for him to seek and verify info from many other sources. Using the little brother analogy again: if my 12yo brother claimed to have graduated highschool, all I would need to do is to ask, "which school? when?" and call the school. Or ask our dad. Or our mom. Or I could even just wait for him to show me his diploma, then google. Palle, dumbass that he is, did nothing and instead fixated on the perceived impossibility for Falma to be able to achieve anything.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
I know they're pressed for time or whatever but a lot of his doubts can be fixed if they just talk with their father or even just explain the events of the past few arcs to him.
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2023
I personally feel the problem is not how the brother changed his tone but how he started out and instead of listening or "believing" things they say, he instantly slapped/attacked Falma. When Falma said he is the one in charge of the Pharmacy the brother heard only good things about to the point that he wanted to visit the place, he didnt question WHY? for even a second but got physical and screaming instantly. Until he was more or less forced by Falmas resolute attitude, he was not believing ANYONE, not even his rival who was Falmas teacher.

Palle is extremely thick headed and arrogant there and that is what ticks people off.
Also that is a point which questions his qualifications as a doctor or at least human beeing. There were so many better ways to react to his "beloved" brother. Like getting angry WITHOUT instantly slapping and behaving like an adult and questioning him with actual knowledge. Like where the hell he takes the knowledge but INSTANTLY accuses Falma of making things up. Falma was NOT emotionally unstable enough there to actually break down in denial. He made peace with his fate already and wasnt distressed to the point that his reaction can be justified.
If you want to argue he did, that was WAY too late in the conversation, AFTER he was more or less forced to listen. He was more hostile to Falma than sceptic.
Nah, he's justified. If I was dying of an unknown sickness, and my shithead little brother was saying what I had? I would assume he was making a joke. And really shitty one given the circumstances.

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