Isekai Yakkyoku - Ch. 55 - Palle and the Parallel World Pharmacy

Dex-chan lover
Dec 15, 2019

Basically, when a person of science or philosophy is presented with something they don't understand, you ask questions and scrutinize it to reason out the edges of it. "I don't think this is true," HAS to be met with "Why don't I think this is true? What are the specific contradictions that it makes? Is my assumption logically valid?"

This is Bronze-age stuff, and Palle is from the early-mid Renaissance. Any student of medicine or surgery is going to have this so pounded into their heads, possibly along with the Scientific Method, that they SHOULD have difficulty thinking in any other way.

'This thing that seems ridiculous to me also seems to have some kind of rational consistency. I need to take a damn closer look at it to be more certain of what's happening rather than just jumping to conclusions.' It would be absolutely necessary for diagnosing diseases or performing surgical operations.

In Palle's defense, he believes he's dying with pretty good evidence. That'd give anyone some serious desperation.

As son of one of the most prestigious surgeons in the country attending one of the most prestigious universities in that same country, Palle should never have the option of being ABLE to dismiss statements like the ones Pharma and Ellen make with such emotion. He answers with anger and fury when he should be answering with cold logic like,

"Pharma, you're not even shaving yet. How can I possibly believe these ludicrously-seeming claims?"

Pharma's dad DOES do this earlier in the story, when he's trying to refuse to let his son practice untried medicine on the Queen. I haven't read any source material, so I can only assume that because of the contrast there, the author is doing this on purpose: Palle is emotionally unqualified to be a physician.
Semmelweis who devised a sanitary method for obstetricians, mothers and newborns with evident efficiency wasn't ostracized in the mid-19th century by the people of science, yeah.
Ehhh you gotta take into account the setting. It's a world with literal magic, as well as a medieval level understanding of medicine and the human body. Shit, we didn't even know most of this until the last 500 years. Wasn't until 1500 when the first microscope was made.
The germs theory was ridiculed and disdained until the later half of the 19th century, though:haa:
May 12, 2018
there is a difference between being skeptical and being an absolute asshole. At the same time, nobody has even TRIED to explain to Palle what exactly his younger brother has previously accomplished in order to give his claims some sort of credibility
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2018
Nah, he's justified. If I was dying of an unknown sickness, and my shithead little brother was saying what I had? I would assume he was making a joke. And really shitty one given the circumstances.
At what point was Falma ever a shithead little brother to Palle? This entire arc he has been nothing but a good little brother taking all the "love" Palle shows him without complaint. Not once did Palle stop to consider Falma's feelings.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
You also seem to assume that Palle is wholly dependent on information ("bases") provided by Falma, when as someone supposedly trained as a scientist it should have been second nature for him to seek and verify info from many other sources. Using the little brother analogy again: if my 12yo brother claimed to have graduated highschool, all I would need to do is to ask, "which school? when?" and call the school. Or ask our dad. Or our mom. Or I could even just wait for him to show me his diploma, then google. Palle, dumbass that he is, did nothing and instead fixated on the perceived impossibility for Falma to be able to achieve anything.

While Palle is overreacting because he is dying, Falma is also not willing to actually disclose the reasons why he posses this medical knowledge, it is ludicrous to expect this guy who is making plans to cede his position as the heir of his family, and die, to remain calm and take things at face value first hand

Again he is dying, this is not some trivial matter like a guy saying that hooking a paper clip to a magnet and a copper coil will create a perpetual motion machine, nor some minor event like his brother saying he graduated high school, this is him dying and his brother saying that he found a cure to a disease the brightest minds in the country failed to even diagnose, and not only that, he did it without running any tests, and without even making an initial prognosis

This is also to his understanding the original Falma, known for actually slacking off on even his basic training, an actual source of concern and stress because the kid never measured up to being reliable, which is why he trained him extra harshly to overcompensate for whenever he wasn't around

His primary concern is not himself, or his brother, is his family's future, he is making plans to leave everything on Falma's hands now that he will be gone, and for the first time in his life Falma actually manages to exhibit the divine arts ability and potential to inherit the position, and secure the future of his family, and then, as he is making his plans to die, his brother comes and starts talking what sounds to him like nonsense, reverting back to a kid unable the live up to expectations

Falma is also not coming up with a notebook in hand to be teared, his first approach is not supported by anything other than his claim that he just knows Palle's illness, to which of course he offers what sounds like a made up name, because it is as of that point in time, the first time anyone in that world would have been able to made a diagnosis, in fact even with similar tools, no one else could have made that diagnosis

More over Falma still hasn't and can't provided any backing for his information now that he is presenting it, there's no way to corroborate where it comes from, there's no one to call and ask about any of Falma's credentials, because he is not credited anywhere, he went out of his way to keep his achievements anonymous, there are no certifications to back him up, and he made an agreement with his father to keep his activities from becoming public and being keep under his dad's name instead, his reward being a pharmacy that has a candy store as a front and is detached from his name

He is on this chapter explaining without disclosing how he learned cell theory, or how he obtained an advanced microscope, or how he even came for a naming scheme for the diagnosed illness, his process, which only him can corroborate as being correct (without mentioning that this is a process he is using after the diagnosis, which of course means he got there with different means), is still relying on assuming that his brother will just play along, he can very well invent the existence of green blood cells, and there's no one in that universe that could challenge the idea

So on that topic, the notebook being presented now after they fought, is not even the one actually used by Falma, it is a front story to convince his brother now that he is willing to listen, and assuming that he will stop doubting him and wont make any more questions, something that luckily for Falma can actually happen because Palle is dying

And he is not one to go around digging around, so now that he has calmed down, he will probably just go with it, he has nothing to lose or gain other than making sure that his brother is no longer his old self and that his family is not going to fall to ruin, which is his primary concern
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Aggregator gang
Apr 12, 2019
While Palle is overreacting because he is dying, Falma is also not willing to actually disclose the reasons why he posses this medical knowledge, it is ludicrous to expect this guy who is making plans to cede his position as the heir of his family, and die, to remain calm and take things at face value first hand
"Remain calm" LOL?
Palle is equally guilty then, as he similarly kept his family in the dark about his disease. Guess it runs in the family.

Also, one more time -- as a trained scientist and supposed prodigy/genius Palle should not be taking things at face value. There were plenty of hints throughout the story.
Again he is dying, this is not some trivial matter like a guy saying that hooking a paper clip to a magnet and a copper coil will create a perpetual motion machine, nor some minor event like his brother saying he graduated high school, this is him dying and his brother saying that he found a cure to a disease the brightest minds in the country failed to even diagnose, and not only that, he did it without running any tests, and without even making an initial prognosis
Half the people bringing their workings to me were desperate people on the brink of financial ruin. Their theories were, to them, their ticket to escape that fate. It was certainly NOT "a trivial matter" to them. Did it not occur to you that financial ruin often precedes biological death? Is that why in your mind their situation ranks less highly than a fictional medical situation involving dying fictional characters?

Yes, Palle is dying, but dying doesn't entitle one to be a raging asshole. And I'm saying this as one of those dying people. It remains a fact that he could have CALMLY dismissed Falma's claims without going apeshit with the magic spells, verbal abuse, and face slapping, and go straight to their father, who then could have straightened things out. But asshole that he is, that didn't happen, did it?
This is also to his understanding the original Falma, the kid who died and got replaced, known for actually slacking off on even his basic training, an actual source of concern and stress because the kid never measured up to being reliable, which is why he trained him extra harshly to overcompensate for whenever he wasn't around
So you admit Palle is OVERcompensating? That in Palle's mind Falma is nowhere near powerful enough to handle his "lessons"/"training"/fratricide attempts? And yet he does it anyway?

Also, the "trainings" should have been another hint: remember when Palle ran out of stamina and fainted in the fields where they trained? Anyone with half a brain should have registered that as "hmm, since when did my good-for-nothing brother become strong enough to defend against my (homicidal) spells, and even have enough stamina to outlast me? Yes I'm sick, but I'm supposed to be a pRoDigY." Another HUGE hint: Palle saw with his own eyes, when he dragged Falma and their sister to church, that the HEAD PRIEST OF THE CAPITAL'S CATHEDRAL behaved incredibly polite, to the point of reverence, to his little brother. Falma's excuse was flimsy: as respected as Bruno is, Falma should not be revered like that, much less by such a religious authority. Not to mention the whole goddamn floor of the Cathedral lit up. Again, something should have registered in the mind of a supposed prodigy/genius/loving brother.
<<the other stuff, and>>
And he is not one to go around digging around, so now that he has calmed down, he will probably just go with it, he has nothing to lose or gain other than making sure that his brother is no longer his old self and that his family is not going to fall to ruin, which is his primary concern
THAT'S THE POINT -- HE SHOULD BE DIGGING AROUND. He's a scientist and physician for heaven's sake. You're skeptical about your little brother -- fine. Find out. Ask around. Investigate the pharmacy. In fact, investigate ALL the pharmacies, because at this point likely a majority of them have become subsidiaries of Falma's main one. What, did all the pharmacists and physicians in the goddamn capital suddenly catch some brain disease to play along with the supposed whims of a literal child? By not doing this, Palle reveals himself to be beyond skeptical, and to just be an asshole older brother who thinks his siblings are, and forever will be, beneath him.

Finally, Palle is merely the potential successor -- he has ZERO authority yet. Even if Falma was genuinely tarnishing the family name, the proper response is to bring the matter up to the head of the family, not taking matters into his own hands. That Palle never did bring it up to the father is probably because that would also force him to disclose his condition.
EDITED: Spelling
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 19, 2020
So far Pharma only really dealt with basic element manipulation, how exactly will he magically remove the diseased blood and then create new healthy blood inside Palle?

Honestly, would be easier and more logical if he tried creating chemotherapy machine, but I imagine that by now Palle is already dead.
This guy here got it right. Unless Falma knows the specific chemical formula for leukemia (if there is one) WITHOUT accidently erasing his brother from existence, his power wouldn't be as effective as it usually is.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
I am not sorry for wishing that Pealla would fuck off to the next dimension. He's a violent brute, abusive, ignorant and arrogant punk with an attitude who knows less than he thinks he does. He doesn't believe Falma can cure his disease - fine. But beating him and dismissing everything he's presented with shows that he's not a decent human being, let alone being a physician who can be trusted. He's got way too much arrogance, ego, violent tendency, testosterones, none of which can help him survive.

He's an over-glorified bully. If he knows Falma can beat him, he wouldn't dare raise his hands again.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
I hope this brother of Falma be cured and then a hard slap be returned to him and cure also his bad manners.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
Nah, he's justified. If I was dying of an unknown sickness, and my shithead little brother was saying what I had? I would assume he was making a joke. And really shitty one given the circumstances.
Your whole argument is invalid, because Palle KNOWS that Falma wouldnt joke around. He was assuming Falma makes things up as a form of coping and felt insulted that Falma claimed he can do what he cant. Pure arrogance there. It wasnt him beeing offended by a "joke", it wasnt him beeing distressed because of his looming death and it also wasnt Palle trying to educate Falma.
It was purely beeing offended that Falma basically claims to be better than him and knowing stuff he doesnt know, which in Palle his eyes should be impossible.

Palle could always have questioned him there and Falma could have answered and then argued that he shows his brother proof, but his brother instead opted for instantly going to be offended and slap his brother. Even if his words looked like a scolding from a doctors perspective, the actions of Palle were the opposite which also fits Palle his character.
Palle his character is exceedingly pridefull and thickheaded (you can even say narrowminded in a way). He believes himself to be above Falma and thats why he is so exceedingly harsh to Falma, because he wants Falma to be greater and stronger than him in the FUTURE.

That is what many people are upset about. Palle is too pridefull and arrogant to even entertain the thought that Falma could have achieved stuff or know things he did not.
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Aggregator gang
Apr 12, 2019
Is there any changes that you will survive whatever disease/condition you have?
There's always hope, but honestly it's slim, as it's a kind of degenerative autoimmune condition. When diagnosed several years ago it was kind of a toss-up on how manageable it was, but I seem to have landed just off of the dividing line between improvement and degeneration, and on the wrong side. So I'm dying and the disease is progressing, but thankfully slowly enough to not be too painful. Actually nowadays the medication causes me more grief than the condition itself lol, but I have to keep taking it otherwise I won't even have the strength to lift my own laundry basket.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
"Remain calm" LOL?
Palle is equally guilty then, as he similarly kept his family in the dark about his disease. Guess it runs in the family.

Yes it runs in the family, the whole family sucks, and it because they suck that this Falma gets away with everything unquestioned

Half the people bringing their workings to me were desperate people on the brink of financial ruin. Their theories were, to them, their ticket to escape that fate. It was certainly NOT "a trivial matter" to them. Did it not occur to you that financial ruin often precedes biological death? Is that why in your mind their situation ranks less highly than a fictional medical situation involving dying fictional characters?
To THEM it is, but to YOU it is NOT

They are the ones desperate, they are the ones dealing with a harsh situation, they are the ones with a life on the line, they are the ones with a financial crisis, you the listener, the recipient of the wild claim, are not, is not your life nor your family's future that is at risk, in fact you sit on the polar opposite end, you are the one with the resources, the one who is in a position to change someone else's life, you are the one that can remain calm and collected, you are the one that can keep composed while being approached with a wild claim, because you are not actually desperate, the desperate ones are them, not you

That is not Palle's position, Palle is the one dying, Palle is the one with a problem, Palle is not some guy being approached with a dubious business deal

It is utterly preposterous to compare the 2 situations, let alone think of them as interchangeable

Yes, Palle is dying, but dying doesn't entitle one to be a raging asshole. And I'm saying this as one of those dying people. It remains a fact that he could have CALMLY dismissed Falma's claims without going apeshit with the magic spells, verbal abuse, and face slapping, and go straight to their father, who then could have straightened things out. But asshole that he is, that didn't happen, did it?

It doesn't entitles him to act like an asshole, but it is a perfectly understandable reaction for someone who has decided that his only loose thread in life is to die knowing that his brother will be able to handle the spot he is leaving, a brother that has been historically shown to underperform, and that is now to his eyes receding after finally showing promise

So you admit Palle is OVERcompensating? That in Palle's mind Falma is nowhere near powerful enough to handle his "lessons"/"training"/fratricide attempts? And yet he does it anyway?

Also, the "trainings" should have been another hint: remember when Palle ran out of stamina and fainted in the fields where they trained? Anyone with half a brain should have registered that as "hmm, since when did my good-for-nothing brother become strong enough to defend against my (homicidal) spells, and even have enough stamina to outlast me? Yes I'm sick, but I'm supposed to be a pRoDigY." Another HUGE hint: Palle saw with his own eyes, when he dragged Falma and their sister to church, that the HEAD PRIEST OF THE CAPITAL'S CATHEDRAL behaved incredibly polite, to the point of reverence, to his little brother. Falma's excuse was flimsy: as respected as Bruno is, Falma should not be revered like that, much less by such a religious authority. Not to mention the whole goddamn floor of the Cathedral lit up. Again, something should have registered in the mind of a supposed prodigy/genius/loving brother.

He does it anyway because in the world of nobles Falma was expected to be able to deal with that much, which yes was unfair to Falma, but that's feudal society, in fact it is precicelly that what got the original Falma to not want to reincarnate, but no one in the story, is blaming the brother or everyone else involved who facilitated the situation, because it is the norm, no one is blaming the dad, or the mom, or the tutor

The original Falma was pretty much a neglected child, forced to deal with responsabilities that he wasn't able to handle, and now that he got replaced everyone is singing his praises, happier that he is stronger, smarter, brigthier, and healtier, without caring that they are dealing with someone comepletely different

Falma being able to hide being someone else is not a Palle the character's issue, it is a fault with the author, by now way more people other than his father and the queen should be well aware that Falma is clearly a completely different person, in fact the only 3 characters (Eleonore who really just suspected him for the first chapters) who entertained the idea of the original Falma being replaced already moved on and went back to act as if nothing happened, dismissing the notion, because no one actually cared about Falma

If you want to accuse Palle of being stupid for not figuring this out, you would have to throw in pretty much every other character down on that boat, which is kind of pointless really, because sheer plot convenience demands that Falma somehow manages to keep his cover, that's just how the author wrote this, Falma somehow has to get away with having people find out that he was blessed with the medicine god, and depending of who found him, that blessing comes with just increased divine power, or with cure all magic, or with the ability to create every element, Pelle is on the first camp unaware of everything he can do thinking that all his brother got from the blessing was more mana

In fact the simple fact that he doesn't projects a shadow should be plenty evidence for anybody to know that Falma is not normal, but everyone activelly ignores such a thing

THAT'S THE POINT -- HE SHOULD BE DIGGING AROUND. He's a scientist and physician for heaven's sake. You're skeptical about your little brother -- fine. Find out. Ask around. Investigate the pharmacy. In fact, investigate ALL the pharmacies, because at this point likely a majority of them have become subsidiaries of Falma's main one. What, did all the pharmacists and physicians in the goddamn capital suddenly catch some brain disease to play along with the supposed whims of a literal child? By not doing this, Palle reveals himself to be beyond skeptical, and to just be an asshole older brother who thinks his siblings are, and forever will be, beneath him.

He is not skeptical of his brother, he doesn't suspects a thing, to his eyes the only thing that has changed is that now that he is dying his brother finally is showing promise and his only flaw is that he retains a childish character who refuses to train, and instead brings up fantastical claims unable to face a harsh reality, Palle has to deal with the contradiction of wanting a child to grow up ahead of time and act with maturity beyond his years, while everyone in the story ignores Falma acting with the levels of maturity that a child shouldn't have, plot convenience demands for Falma to somehow move around under the public perception of still being a kid

He should be skeptical of everything around his brother, and so should be everyone else, but again, plot convenience demands that Falma somehow manages to keep fooling everyone around him, it can be argued that the original Falma never managed to form any close enough bonds with anyone who would have known him well know to notice that his complete change can't be the product of getting a blessing after being struck by thunder

Finally, Palle is merely the potential successor -- he has ZERO authority yet. Even if Falma was genuinely tarnishing the family name, the proper response is to bring the matter up to the head of the family, not taking matters into his own hands. That Palle never did bring it up to the father is probably because that would also force him to disclose his condition.
EDITED: Spelling

Palle just found out this chapter that his brother may be putting the family's name at risk, and that his personal tutor and father may be humoring his whims, there was no time for him to go and bring this up to his dad, but by how the conversation was going, it seems like he was ready to trhow hands with his dad too for allowing the situation to happen, however instead of going back to the family state, he listened to Eleonore and went to hear the rest of the story

If he had done that, you all would been whining about him going to complain to his father instead of listening to Eleonore and Falma, but that didn't happen and instead we got chp 55.2
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018
Nah, he's justified. If I was dying of an unknown sickness, and my shithead little brother was saying what I had? I would assume he was making a joke. And really shitty one given the circumstances.
I agree with you on this. Even if I don't think Palle was justified, I get where he's coming from. He's got an illness he knows is close to killing him but only has the slightest inkling of what it even is. The only one left to inherit the family name is (as far as he knows) a half-baked pampered child half his age. He's been devoutly praying all along for a cure for his disease with no sign of an answer. And now that child claims to know more than you do about both the subject you've devoted your life to studying and your own body? How could you not assume it's a sick joke, and the statistically negligible possibility it isn't is an even sicker joke on the part of the gods.
Aggregator gang
Apr 12, 2019
Thanks for demonstrating you don't actually read the manga:
... Falma gets away with everything unquestioned
In fact the simple fact that he doesn't projects a shadow should be plenty evidence for anybody to know that Falma is not normal, but everyone activelly ignores such a thing
He should be skeptical of everything around his brother, and so should be everyone else, but again, plot convenience demands that Falma somehow manages to keep fooling everyone around him, it can be argued that the original Falma never managed to form any close enough bonds with anyone who would have known him well know to notice that his complete change can't be the product of getting a blessing after being struck by thunder
Forget the whole arc with Bruno coming to terms with his son being the avatar of the God of Medicine, forget the church arc with now-biggest-fan head priest actually coming after Falma over the very shadow thing, then (after confirming Falma's status) giving him an amulet to cover this weakness (ch. 16).

To THEM it is, but to YOU it is NOT

They are the ones desperate, they are the ones dealing with a harsh situation, they are the ones with a life on the line, they are the ones with a financial crisis, you the listener, the recipient of the wild claim, are not, is not your life nor your family's future that is at risk, in fact you sit on the polar opposite end, you are the one with the resources, the one who is in a position to change someone else's life, you are the one that can remain calm and collected, you are the one that can keep composed while being approached with a wild claim, because you are not actually desperate, the desperate ones are them, not you
???? Why is this suddenly about me? The point people were making was that even though Palle's anger may not be without merit, it in no way justifies his behavior and treatment of Falma. If that were how the law operated, then terminally ill people would be given free rein to commit crimes, because poor dying them, which is ludicrous.

Also, one of those people I was talking about did later try and defraud the local government by hawking his "invention" to them -- it took the news to go viral and the local populace to angrily demand the govt take responsibility for the whole deal to be cancelled.

Finally, fuck you for insinuating I am or was financially well off and was acting as a rich lard judging possible investments in a shark tank scenario. I was as poor as many of those desperate people, but I at least wasn't stuck in debt chasing an impossible invention that everyone else was telling me was a bad idea.

I'm done arguing with you. Believe what you want.

EDIT2ADD: By your own logic, you should stop arguing with me, because I'm financially desperate, sick and dying. Go argue with someone else.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Thanks for demonstrating you don't actually read the manga:

Forget the whole arc with Bruno coming to terms with his son being the avatar of the God of Medicine, forget the church arc with now-biggest-fan head priest actually coming after Falma over the very shadow thing, then (after confirming Falma's status) giving him an amulet to cover this weakness (ch. 16).

His acceptance happens in the same chapter in which he confronts his son about his extended powers, it is not an arc it was all resolved in chapter 5, he was never concerned with the fact that his son was now pretty much someone else, Eleonore showed more concern to him that Bruno ever did, his main worry was that his son could endanger the empress

Which shows that he got away with being shadowless for pretty much all his interactions which including parading around in court and opening a pharmacy in the middle of town, and getting away with it

???? Why is this suddenly about me?

Because you brought it out on your reply? which why i went to point out the irrelevancy

The point people were making was that even though Palle's anger may not be without merit, it in no way justifies his behavior and treatment of Falma. If that were how the law operated, then terminally ill people would be given free rein to commit crimes, because poor dying them, which is ludicrous.
What justifies Pelle's anger is the same factors that lead to everyone allowing him to use abusive training on his brother, because for their society a noble should be able to withstand the mistreatment, him dying just lets him double down on his behavior which puts the idea of the family's position above those of the individual members, his anger is tied to his disappointment in Falma failing to meet expectations in a moment in which he is planing to leave everything in his hands

Also, one of those people I was talking about did later try and defraud the local government by hawking his "invention" to them -- it took the news to go viral and the local populace to angrily demand the govt take responsibility for the whole deal to be cancelled.

That's unfortunate to read that things got that bad for them, but again... why even brought that out? Pelle is not trying to commit fraud in hopes of saving his own life, his only concern is the status of his family, something that has been endorsed by the society he lives in that puts power over everything, in fact Falma was at risk of being disowned if he had been unable to keep using divine powers, and is that what lets Pelle to act the way he does and be praised for it, no local populace would angrily demand for him to stop his ways, because that's what they expect out of nobles of high rank, in fact their Queen got the trhone by might thanks to her own blessing

Finally, fuck you for insinuating I am or was financially well off and was acting as a rich lard judging possible investments in a shark tank scenario. I was as poor as many of those desperate people, but I at least wasn't stuck in debt chasing an impossible invention that everyone else was telling me was a bad idea.

Doesn't changes the fact that it is 2 different situations, acting defensive wont alter such a basic premise nor make your personal history more relevant, because at the end of the day Pelle is not acting like the people who approached you (he is not the one making the offers), and you were not in Pelle's situation either so comparing how you react, to how he reacts, is pointless

I'm done arguing with you. Believe what you want.

EDIT2ADD: By your own logic, you should stop arguing with me, because I'm financially desperate, sick and dying. Go argue with someone else.

Except that i am accusing you to not being any of those, which is why you are telling me to go fuck myself in the first place, because you are not financially desperate, sick and dying

But even if, lets assume that hypotetically, you were indeed, financially desperate, sick and dying, well first off, sorry to read that, i hope life gets better, but second, it would still be irrelevant, because you are also not a noble living in a society in which magic power defines status, with a younger brother with a history of being unreliable who now has a blessing that could secure the future of your family, and which could put said future at risk he it doesn't shows a disposition to exploit such power
Jun 23, 2024
Bone marrow transplants are almost never required for APL patients with modern ATRA-based chemotherapy. It's one of the most straightforwardly-treatable cancers out there today (which is presumably why the author decided to use it). Sharp contrast with AML, which often requires more aggressive chemotherapies and bone marrow transplantation, and has far worse prognosis (10-year survival rates <20% vs >90%).

On one hand that's great, on the other I really wanted to see Falma have to deal with securing a donor and facilitating such an intense procedure.

The author could do some interesting drama if organ donation were to come up in the story. Having to deal with rejection or even graft versus host could be harrowing. Ignoring that, even just harvesting organs from the recently deceased to save someone else and having to deal with the stigma of desecrating the dead could cause some serious backlash given how religious the society they live in is.

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