Isekai Yakkyoku - Ch. 55.1 - Palle and the Otherworldly Pharmacy (Part 1)

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Is leaukimia even fixable, as in permanently healed?
depends on type
My father had to get a bone marrow transplant for his acute case. He was cured but it was essentially a miracle that what he needed was available.

In regards to the chapter I think it's pretty reasonable the big bro here is so skeptical since he really is out of the loop with what little bro has accomplished. It's a lot to take in.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
There is no redeeming quality to the brother's character. I hope author writes him out of the story soon. This entire brother arc has sucked shit.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Really downplaying MC's knowledge of medicine. His abilities allow him to check inside bodies and highlight things he wants to see.

Or, to put it another way, you think you could get where he was with just the ability to highlight if something is wrong?

MC made a prognosis based on the symptoms his brother described to Elena that he eavesdropped on and then double-checked the diseases progress by checking his brother's body. Absolutely horrendous take.
As you say, his "abilities" let him do that, and those abilities are totally unscientific, even by their magical standards. It's basically the eye of God letting him use his past life knowledge, without all the medical equipment that it was dependent on in his past life.
Jul 2, 2024
As someone who has sniped in the past, and also picked up manga that were left in the dust, you are definitely in the latter territory.

If there's multiple chapters out with no group picking them up, then you're good. I don't care if another group technically has it on their list, and plan on releasing one chapter every 4 months. Fuck that. You're doing a good job.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2023
You could've at least like yk checked the raws before slandering me? If you did check the raws, you would see that THEY split the chapter (I'm assuming because they wanted 5 chapters per volume but to finish out this arc required more than 5 chapters). The chapter name is a direct translation of the official name, part number included. The next part of the chapter comes out in like 2 weeks.

As for quality, I genuinely just want to know what's wrong. Apart from the font not being the same as the font used by every other translator, I can't see what's wrong (I have noticed one typo though, admittedly--forgot the word "is" in "who is not"). The story flows perfectly from what I can see and there isn't any awkward transition between dialogue. Maybe I've just had a really bad case of typo blindness but I'd love to know where I've made any other quality errors. Apart from like 2 people, I haven't seen anyone else complain about quality. Most are just complaining about "sniping."
Hm your right I should have double checked it wasn't a split chapter in the raw, its just most series that split always do, or always don't. As this series doesn't normally do so I assumed it wouldn't just randomly do so.

As for quality drop "someone who NOT ISN'T qualified as pharmacist" Aside from added words like that there is also a lot of stiffness in many lines. "What is a tutor thinking running around with her student and playing pharmacy" (what are you thinking as a tutor, running around playing pharmacist with your student). Lines that just don't make sense "if you want to lecture me, do it now. I'm bored now... Most likely she is saying there should just get going and that if he wants to lecture her she will only listen if he does it while they are traveling back. So (if you want to lecture me do it on the way back, this is a waste of time). "you truly have NEVER been overly devoted to your guardian deity" never should be always.
In general the dialog is very stiff and awkward as well, It looks like you mtl'ed then edited it to be proper sentences, but it remained rather robotic.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2023
As someone who has sniped in the past, and also picked up manga that were left in the dust, you are definitely in the latter territory.

If there's multiple chapters out with no group picking them up, then you're good. I don't care if another group technically has it on their list, and plan on releasing one chapter every 4 months. Fuck that. You're doing a good job.
there was only 2 raw chapters left, and the group was uploading once a month same as the release schedule of the raws, there last chapter prior to the snipe was 1 day.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
Hey, we have magic here, so i'm sure it'll be fine.

In all seriousness though, I had a high school classmate pass away from it. Incredibly sad a lot of children don't make it past 15.
iirc some forms of it is basically cancer in your bone marrow, some procedures involve drilling into it along with chemo.
Leukemia is a strange one in which we know HOW to fix it but don't really have a one size fit's all solution in essence blood thickener's / coagulants as Farma said the root issue would be the bodies inability to self repair minor damage .

Theres obviously more to the disease then that and we will see how deep this goes but it is absolutely treatable without magic.
Jan 11, 2024
I love the fact some groups act like they have total right on something they are doing illegally.... Sniping at best is a honor among thieves thing/issue. I don't care who translates that as long as it's not garbage and is getting done.
Jul 2, 2024
I compared it to the raw to find any mistakes, hopefully this feedback is useful.
  • The chapter number is Chapter 55, not Chapter 55.1. I'm pretty sure the next chapter to come out will be numbered chapter 56, not chapter 55.2.
  • p2 "someone who not isn't qualified as a pharmacist..." is missing "only"
  • p3 "...bring shame to the family de Medici name" the word "family" doesn't need to be there
  • p4 "My brother, you don't know-" This line should be "It's a disease that you might not know-"
  • p8 "I'm bored now..." should be "Since I'm free now"
  • p8 Also, "trusted you" fits better for 見込む than "had high hopes for you"
  • p9 "Do you think you can get by if you remain immature by that point?" This line is about Farma, not Eleonora so it should be "he" not "you"
  • p10 "I'm going to die from my brother's quack treatment. Doesn't it suit someone like me?" This line should be "Are you saying that dying from my brother's quack treatment suits me?"
  • p10 "You truly have never been overly devout to your guardian deity." This line doesn't make sense given what she says after this, it should be "You've always been uncomfortably devout to your guardian deity, haven't you"
  • p10 "I might be musclebrained, but I've never missed my daily prayers" This line is Eleonora talking about Palle, so it should be "you" not "I"
  • p13 "...But you're such a devout believer. Maybe my prayers will be answered and the medicine god will help me?" This is a single sentence, the whole thing is about Palle. It should be "...But maybe it's because you're such a devout believer that your prayers have gone through and the medicine god is helping you?"
  • p14 "But also, quite literally, exactly that." doesn't make much sense. In this line she's saying that she meant what she said literally
Your translations are still a lot better than some groups' work I've seen, it was all understandable apart from the lines where you got the subject wrong.
Thank you for your feedback! Frankly, for most of the ones in the beginning it seems like those aren't really even mistakes just tone decisions. I ended up understanding the tone a bit differently and as a translator, the job is to get the tone across more than just translating one for one. The corrections you made are a bit petty tbh. As if you were trying to find something wrong and wanted to stretch the word count. The typo I made by forgetting the word only was my fault, though. I thought I wrote it and then didn't realize until I submitted the files and reread them. I think I commented on it somewhere else, either in this forum or on comick.

On the one on page 9, I translated it as Palle asking sort of "if" it'd be possible for anyone to get by at that point by staying immature by using the hypothetical you. I remember actually thinking that the way I translated it might be confusing so I was going to translate it with he, don't remember why I chose not to.

On the ones on page 10 and 13, those are completely my bad. I couldn't tell who the bubbles were coming from and the pronouns were confusing. I'll try to improve in the future.

Page 14, Palle asked her what she meant by what she said, and she replied that she meant nothing by it but also that she meant literally everything by it. I chose to translate it as, "Nothing, really... but also, quite literally, that." I think that makes kinda sense. Her sentence was confusing to begin with which is why I added the note so maybe it clears it up. Because I think she meant that she hopes the Medicine God, who she probably believes Farma is, would "help" her.

Once again, thanks for the feedback instead of just complaining like the rest. I'll take it into mind when translating in the future. Also, the raw has done this before-splitting the chapter-but if it turns out that they break the tradition they've been doing since volume 1 through 10, now, then I'll make sure to change the chapter numbers.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
The credits page is bad, because there is no indication it is a credits page.
...that is, assuming it is a credits page. I suppose it literally could be the correct translation too? Since there was no indication it was a credits page.
Jul 2, 2024
Hm your right I should have double checked it wasn't a split chapter in the raw, its just most series that split always do, or always don't. As this series doesn't normally do so I assumed it wouldn't just randomly do so.

As for quality drop "someone who NOT ISN'T qualified as pharmacist" Aside from added words like that there is also a lot of stiffness in many lines. "What is a tutor thinking running around with her student and playing pharmacy" (what are you thinking as a tutor, running around playing pharmacist with your student). Lines that just don't make sense "if you want to lecture me, do it now. I'm bored now... Most likely she is saying there should just get going and that if he wants to lecture her she will only listen if he does it while they are traveling back. So (if you want to lecture me do it on the way back, this is a waste of time). "you truly have NEVER been overly devoted to your guardian deity" never should be always.
In general the dialog is very stiff and awkward as well, It looks like you mtl'ed then edited it to be proper sentences, but it remained rather robotic.
The first mistake was supposed to be "...someone who not [only] isn't..." This one is my fault, I thought I wrote the word only and then realized I made a typo after I hit send. I guess I just need a proofreader because as the translator, I can be prone to typo blindness. The line about the tutor, I literally don't see what's wrong with that? You just restated the sentence but in a different way. My way also seems more natural instead of yours with like 5 different phrases. No one speaks like that. About the line about her being bored. That's just not true. She's saying she is ready for his scolding now. Then she kind of mumbles that she is bored or that they have some free time now. Note the change in font style. This was in the original. The never been mistake is my fault as well. I thought it was Palle talking to Ellen at first so I put that, but then even after realizing it was Ellen, I missed the typo. Once again, I really just need a proofreader I guess. Next time, I'll try to take like a couple hours to take a break and reread everything. About the split chapter, if it turns out it isn't split, I'll just fix it once the next one's out.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2023
I love the fact some groups act like they have total right on something they are doing illegally.... Sniping at best is a honor among thieves thing/issue. I don't care who translates that as long as it's not garbage and is getting done.
How short sighted and thankless. The reason its bad is that if a team is diligently working on it and it gets sniped they will move on to diligently work on another, the sniper often sticks around for a few chapters then leaves, leaving the manga translation dead. Your trading short term speed for long term stability. The reason for the "rules" is acknowledging that sniping has its place. It keeps competitiveness as if you don't update often enough it gets taken by someone who will. But sniping a manga that updates once a month, acting like they are a hero for doing so, when the group before updated once a month same as the raw release keeping only two raw chapters as a buffer, nothing about this was called for.
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2020
What I find dumbest about this is that they're trying to convince him with facts when he's clearly a stubborn idiot. They should've gotten 1)The dad 2)The royal seal or whatever shows he's a Royal Pharmacist already
So that he sees first that he's insulting the royal authority by doubting him. And then 3) Show him the marks.
And THEN you can go with your explanation
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2020
It's one thing to snipe with lower quality, but to then pretend it isn't a snipe that violates all scanlation etiquette and trashtalk those disapproving? Yeah I'm blocking this group and waiting for the decent folks their translation.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2020
Why would he?

This entire problem exists because even now they are dancing around the real answer, Falma is the reincarnation of the medicine God, his real brother is dead, and he is now pretty much the imperial doctor thanks to his hacks

This is also why he was able to successfully diagnose him, before even running any tests or even a checkup on him

Everything they are doing now is a deception, they are trying to bamboozle him with half lies and bullshit while keeping him in the dark
The situation with the brother has nothing to do with the medicine god, that is the second layer and they aren't even to that issue.

Palle is still just in shock/denial that Farma is already a full fledged pharmacist (with his own pharmacy and much, much more that Palle still doesn't know about) and thinks it's some game that his father/Elen are playing with Farma. Couple that with Palle's long established asshole nature (he's been beating up his siblings and calling it "training" since before the series started) and you get this situation where he is just lashing out constantly.

Palle also thinks he's an elite while not even realizing that some of the medicine and technology breakthroughs at his university originate from Farma / the San Fleuve Empire. It is enough to make me wonder if that university he is attending is actively misleading it's students into thinking that these discoveries were made by them rather than by others.

Palle might accept it if he were hearing it from a colleague 'on his level' but he doesn't acknowledge Farma as being that yet.

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