Isekai Yakkyoku - Vol. 4 Ch. 17.3 - Influenza and the case of a certain pharmacy 3

Group Leader
Sep 2, 2018
i think that water is holy water which also cure body that is why its good water.

waiting for semen test and Charlotte face when seeing Flama lower part is visible ??
Waiting for Flama to say I love You to Eleonore ?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
that water must be fresh as fuck and chilled if they can make regulars outa it.

oh wait i forgot; Falma's a walking water dispenser
Active member
Jul 18, 2018
The guild have been shit to the MC since he began the store.

He literally makes it public all his research stuff and the things that are not public can be asked to him directly. Which is what noone from the guild is doing, noone is even taking a look at the store because of their pride.

Yeah he is abusing modern technology and medicine, but with the sole purpose of saving the lives of everyone, and the guild would have access to the medicine if they were not so dang prideful.

Since the beginning the guild have evidence that MCs medicine work, he saved the Queen which every other pharmacist and doctor said that she was doomed, also many many people he have cured until this point of the story like the Purple Flame Magician, who the church wasn't able to cure either.

And finally, the guild is a fucking mafia, the moment Pierre finished the story he was heavily punished and then his store completely destroyed, these are not good people, even if the MC is pulling some crap, the Guild has their head too deep into their asses.

@Xzaral Pierre knew that would happen the destruction of his pharmacy for speaking up, so its something the guild has done before, the guild even manages to stop herbs delivery for the stores that are not part of the guild, the guild is full of corruption and they are the result of archaic practices and lack of innovation and development, only thinking about money and not how to move foward despite having a lot of resources until the moment MC comes.
May 3, 2018
I'm really touched by the stories. They not only focus on the MC, but also the side character that have major roles in development of the setting.
Really Nice, I Really Liked It.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
if only pierre wrap his words like it's some intel for a devilish plan for the guild to profits.
should've convinced the guild to "steal" the medicine formula and whatnot, and their service framework also, all for the sake of profits.
plagiarism everything about mc's store and win through number.
make that small-time fraud pharmacist ran out of business by making his special medicine not so special anymore.
pride? who cares when it ain't bringing no profits.

though i guess pierre's just that moved after mc heals his daughter for basically free.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@Xzaral, @Vasqueztion: I don't want to pick a bone with you guys, as you have very solid and good points and you received already many opposing posts. It's just, your arguments, that the guild leader/some guild members are the one/ones to blame and therefore not the whole guild is necessarily evil, I just cannot agree with that. While it is true those guys are at fault, their influence on the whole guild and how it is acting is devastating. (See rest of post.)

I'm sorry, but this old guild in this story here is evil. Even if some of there concerns are well justified, it doesn't change this fact. Facts that support this are:
1. It's guildleader is a reckless, stupid, greedy villain. (Makes this guild at least partial evil.)
2. It's a well known, but tabooed fact in the guild, that sometimes their prescriptions harm people. Yet still the guild's policy is to not look into this matter and continue those sells. (Shows the mindset of it's members. Either dumb, reckless or cowardly. Or everything combined.)
3. A guild member that just states a (given VERY) unpopular point of view, not only gets thrown out the guild without prior reprimand, but also gets ruffed up and his store gets demolished. Even if this wasn't an official guild order to do that, the guild tolerates this behaviour. (That's just plain evil.)
The guild is at least distributing some sort of medicine to the people, but they are doing is for profit. So I see nothing good in this fact. (Nothing bad either. More like neutral.) Enough evil deeds, but nearly no redeeming qualities (presumed offscreen qualities included). -> Evil

I know that this guild is a caricature (not only a few members) of a backward, mediaeval organisation and the author could have given a more realistic example, but he didn't. The fact that it is a caricature makes it even easier to swallow, that this guild is evil. It being evil is part of the caricature here.

I do have to criticize the MC for it's low prices tactics and to outlaw substances (even if they are harmful) at once. He should have started with higher prices and "discounts" for poor clients and the queen should have set an ultimatum before outlawing those indigences. (I know, this is not how today's governments outlaw harmful stuff, but you don't want to let that industry collapse. (I hope our governments outlaw harmful stuff at once.)) Even an earnest pharmacist could have been driven out of business by that.

At least MC replaces that garbage guild with one, that takes over. Public supply situation is in the green again. The old one will wither away, but not without some drama, I'm sure.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
I am unsure of the point of your post, no offense. You state that you can't get behind the idea of "The guild isn't necessarily evil," but then just make points explaining my point my second post at aFFi. It's the Head/Guildmaster and those of higher influence in the guild calling the shots. With the main bulk of the guild being spineless pharmacists trying to not get on the leaders' bad side, lest they be removed as you stated.

It's fear based rule. But add a unhealthy mix of, "But my master said..." and you get the Pharmacist Guild. I'm sure if someone with morals were to be leading it, it would be an alright guild.
If you're looking for an alagory, the guild would be the Church. Founded with good intentions, corrupted by the sins of men.

Yes, Falma even spoke to his fault of underpricing destroying the economy when Pierre asked for the fee. But he's trying to cater to the lower class. And you can't price differentiate for class. So the richer, who were using the guild, go to him since it's ridiculously cheap. Then, add on Falma having his own herb farm(s) and his ability to make material himself. He's making money even on the lower prices from the sheer fact he pays nothing for them. It's all positive profit. They don't acknowledge that, and I think it's a shame. You'd think he'd feel some form of guilt for jilting the system and pay it back to the orphanages or something.

I'm sure Falma will eventually consume the guild into his own, once the leaders fall to madness and try and have him killed. Only to be thwarted, found guilty, and "dealt with" accordingly. Those whom were just following mob mentality out of fear will either be forced to assimilate, quit the game, or leave the country.

On another note: someone mentioned the fact he was serving water, and when he'd open up some kind of establishment for drinks. This is what pharmacies were like in the early eras in America (US). They were a weird amalgamation of soda shop, candy store, and drugs. It's weird.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@Vasqueztion: No offence taken. ? I try to clarify my stance. I do (believe I) get behind the reasons, why people see the guild as not necessarily evil. To sum it up in your case (I hope I got your points right.):
1. Not every guild member and affiliate is overly greedy, recklessly selfish, sadisticly likes suffering or anything else, that would brand them as evil. Some are, but not everyone.
2. If the bad influences from the inside get removed, that guild can better itself. It might not do damage, become more fair and even become a very beneficial part of the world. (->Good)
-> As not necessarily the major part of this organisation's personal is evil and it can change, it is not evil as a construct itself.

And here is where I see things differently. While such constructs can't be considered evil (not even necessarily), our society and us individuals do tend to put organisations into a category (e.g good or evil). But how do such judgments happen? Companies/enterprises/guilds don't have a mind on their own, so we can't judge them this way. But they do act! They have influence on the world. And judging by what they do, we can put them into a class. For example: If a company does way too much harm, it is considered evil.

List of good and bad things the guild did/does: (I'm repeating myself here, so hidden by spoiler tag. Feel free to skip.)
This guild helps to distribute goods. + (Good)
It does make profit to sustain itself. 0 (Neither good nor evil)
It does make profit to make some individuals wealthy. 0 (Also neither good nor bad.)
It also does make profit to make some individuals filthy rich and keep them this way, even though it could lower the prices instead. - (Bad)
It also sells possible harmful products to make profit. - (Evil)
It hinders investigations on this matter, as it might yield unprofitable results. -
It actively punishes people, who think otherwise and might possibly turn out to be a problem. -
Therefore it obscures the way for advancements. -

My point is, that this guild could be better, but it simply wasn't in the youngest past and isn't right now in the present. It's behaviour is hostile towards its own society. And no matter how many employees and members of the board disagree, if they don't stop their guilds policy, it doesn't matter, as the damage is still done. It has done damage in the past and its leader is planning to let it do so in the future. Therefore I deem this guild as evil (at least for the moment, but I see no signs of a change).

As for your church allegory: If such a church would encourage witch hunts on innocents or start crusades for political reasons (e.g. to solidify its own position), even if founded with the bests of interests, I would say it turned evil.

I'm sure Falma will eventually consume the guild into his own, once the leaders fall to madness and try and have him killed. Only to be thwarted, found guilty, and "dealt with" accordingly. Those whom were just following mob mentality out of fear will either be forced to assimilate, quit the game, or leave the country.
Yeah, that sounds about right. About exactly right. ?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
As for your church allegory: If such a church would encourage witch hunts on innocents or start crusades for political reasons (e.g. to solidify its own position), even if founded with the bests of interests, I would say it turned evil.

Don't read history.

I get your point, and agree. But I feel that, at some point- this is based on my own opinion, the guild wasn't "evil". It was meant as a union for masters to share information and recipes, judge prices and trade resources. That is typically what this sort of guild is created for, a consolidation. But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked the masters died and left their students in charge, likely someone with a little too much ambition.

Ultimately, my point is: The guild is benign. I also just wanted to tell you to not read about the church's history. Don't.
May 3, 2018

try reading the novel. In the novel (if i remember things correctly), falma and the empress created a department it was something like S&T (Technology Bureau if I remember correctly) where he puts all formulas about cosmetics and microscope and so on(this happened after the incident of cosmetics it was not shown in manga but in was shown on novel) to avoid monopolizing. There would be a need of payment to see this( I think it something like intellectual rights) formula ( though i know that he don't own it, it was more like political issues that's why they need to pay its the empress i mean).

My stance would be the guild is EVIL, they refuses to accept anything from a child because i see the guild as a binding shackle where the guild master is the leader and would probably monopolize everything. I'm going to state this THE GUILD NEVER WENT TO FALMA'S STORE(it shows they're hatred against falma because they're precious customers money is being stolen) and they even harass the store. Even if you said that he was monopolizing(he was not as explained in first paragraph) they could have seen those formulas they have money since they're running the guild the guild just want to monopolize the medicine market(they can control the price that way like Apple and Nvidia did). Pierre has already said it, "they didn't know the know how on healing diseases" they were just like copying someone work without reading the content and when the teacher said explain your report he can not answer.

Even though someone said that "Would you trust the knowledge of your aged master, who was passed this knowledge from ancient times,
or would you trust a 10-year olds declarations of how he can solve basicaly everything?" yeah basically how could i trust my master when he didn't explain anything, its like manager telling his new employee like "do this do that" without knowing why do you have do that but i still do it because it cant be helped right.?

Even though someone said that the guild "was meant as a union for masters to share information and recipes, judge prices and trade resources"(the members of the guild are pharmacist). The fact that medicine is stagnant is already violating the functions of the guild. They have information to know the number of deaths of a certain medicine and they didn't to anything. the fact they're medicine is pricey compare to falma shows that they are controlling prices(it is also said at the start by the loli maid that medicines are expensive even for commoners), that's why Piere said that they're actually running a scam, they actually know that their medicine is not working and still selling them that violate ethics of a pharmacist. And for recipes why would Piere be finding another pharmacist in the guild if they are sharing recipes, because they do not.
Sep 9, 2018
That store was the world's first franchise store.
Like how if you suddenly heard a new MacDonalds is opening in your neighbourhood (if there was none previously), don't you think a small crowd of people might visit it on the first day?
Why would you go to MacDonalds (or KFC/Starbucks)? Because of consistency! Every MacDonalds stall sells the same set of meals. And each meal tastes the same!

It also isn't just a pharmacy, it is also a cosmetic stall. I mean, you do see a number of people in such stalls in mall right?
Feb 18, 2018
Man,this manga makes me feel Gud,chilled and relaxed just like that gODLY water of his.
Foreal tho would be nice if this was a weekly release its hard waiting so long for this excellent manga
Active member
Jan 18, 2018
@HDNeptune I sympathize a bit with the guild, because the MC is operating from an entirely foreign mindset. Everything they've known and seen their entire lives tells them that people will use their connections to enrich themselves and that business is a zero-sum game. Relatively modern concepts of growing the overall market to increase your sales would be unknown to them. Much of what was done in medieval times was by royal charter: For example, Privateers were legal piracy, giant companies like Dutch East India were given charters to not only own large tracts of land, but also to govern them and even had their own standing army.

Tying back into modern times: Disruptive players in markets are always met with huge resistance. Look at how much United Launch Alliance has tried messing with SpaceX since they overtook them. Rather than compete, they lobby to keep their position. Similar can be seen with Tesla pushing the EV market: Automakers sued/lobbied to prevent Tesla from selling their cars directly and seeked other restrictions to protect their marketshare rather than try to compete in innovation.

Not only all of the above, but that he's a kid and "dumping" on the market which there are actually regulations in place for that sort of thing today. And then also sharing/giving away for free the schematics and recipes to many things. (And all within like a year) Yeah their anger is maybe played up a little for dramatic effect, but it's totally within the bounds of what I would expect from a prestigious guild with royal charter that finds itself instantly upended.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 27, 2018
That last page to me was funny at the last panel “that’s some good water” ?
May 3, 2018
@Aereus I do understand how you feel but in the world of business there would always be a company that would go bankrupt, its more on how they move on. There is no point in showing sympathy, they just failed to keep up with the changes. Best Example is Nokia and they're trying to rise.

The only thing I can argue is that the MC in his past world, medicines are considered as necessity goods(in economic term) and in this world medicines are considered as a luxury goods. What I'm trying to say is that the story really defined medicine as necessity that's why their prices should be low. This is on political level wherein death rates should be low.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
I enjoy a good ending like that just like the recent story that happened in the manga with Douglas and Ravi the adventurer who had his license revoked

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