Islamophobic Translation Group

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Apr 4, 2019
Ok then.

People need to be more wholesome. That's my take on real life. People are dying constantly. Suffering constantly. Life is cheap. Death is plenty.

I don't understand human nature very well despite being one. All I can extrapolate about it is what I have seen in person and from doing introspection on my own experiences in the past.

The only real thing to be concerned about is the relative disparity between the rich and the poor. I'm not talking about making everybody millionaires. That is impossible in our Universe.

I would just like there to be enough to let people stay alive instead of being perpetually one bad misstep away from death and destruction.

I personally don't care about religion and it's issues. It's a blatant coping mechanism to deal with the realities of human life and it helps a lot in curbing the animal inside each one of us. But I don't like it when insecure mentally ill people clutch their coping mechanism as something to force on other people and use it as an excuse to harass other people. I don't care if they believe it or are misled or are hypocrites or whatever; I'm only concerned about the final product of their madness.

People shit on women for conducting abortions on their unwanted pregnancies but (of course) everyone forgets about that slimy dude quietly running away who is also as much responsible as the women in their crime. You will hardly find anyone blaming the guy for shooting his progeny like a discarded magazine. If you want to tackle a situation, it's everything or nothing. Doing otherwise is just... yeah. Absolutely Satanic, to borrow a dreaded term from the Abrahamic religions.

Racism is stupid. It's just born from the deepest, darkest insecurities of a person who has no self-worth to see in themselves, imo. All they see is people who are enemies, who are, could, most certainly, definitely, surely are competition for the things they value in life. (Of course, there's exceptions like the HUGE amounts of porn that caters to a certain niche group of people who have a tendency to be widely grouped in the subset of racist people. I don't know human nature and this proves it.)

Also, it makes me grin when people bring up STATISTICS as akin to a Holy Book of Everlasting Truth. Guys and gals. It's a tool for showing information, nothing more. It's basically an observation made using mathematical models, formulas etcetera. Scientists don't use it as truthful facts, they use it as a safe guess to hit the real picture. (Unless it's one of those branches that deals with probability.)

When people bring up statistics they always forget that it's just an observation of a past event. It's not a hard coded rule of physics in our Universe. The observation they describe are not something that cannot be changed, in the fields of studies like economics especially.

Poor people will gravitate towards actions that lead to them not dying. Namely, pinching money to keep themselves alive, begging others to help (good luck on that front, no one can afford to care because everyone is poor themselves!) and of course, criminal activities of various sorts.

Also, people always, Always, ALWAYS, gravitate towards finding out everything bad they can about those people they think are responsible for their own suffering. And, to no one's surprise, their opponents's always are *drum roll* *badum tssss* poorer then them, weaker than them, less literate than them, etcetera. They always don't have the balls and ovaries to point fingers at the real, bigger shark responsible for taking up all the space in the ocean.

Very faulty behaviour, bit entirely human. Rich guy can destroy you if you catch hid ire so why should you risk making him mad when you can have a vastly easier jolly old good time stroking your ego burning up the poor guys? Classic cowardice gene in action. Don't worry, I have it too. That's why I believe religion is a twofold menace/boon, people believing good actions will keep them in good favour with God and the other coin's side wherein they fear retribution from God in the form of eternal damnation in torturous hell should they not spread his "love" far and wide. (You don't have to even give people rewards. Just put the fear of eternal torture in hell and I would definitely do the same to escape such a grisly fate.)

Sometimes I feel like. No, almost all the time I feel like evolution has stopped working for humans. You have people like Hitler (insecure beyond measure), Karens (entitled beyond belief), Trump (the most self-centred incompetent narcissistic egoist who has ever lived on the face of the earth, YET), "Bonesaw" Mohammed bin Salman (typical rich kid who everyone knows is a psychopathic (mass?) murderer but whose lucky enough to be born rich and influential), Corrupt Inc™ (every stinking company up to no good), the goddamn CCP (ugh) bribing the WHO (another corrupted agency) into unleashing the COVID-19 to take out the whole world with themselves in a no-winners gambit!

This maybe one of the best time for a human being to be born in in our entire civilizations history but excuse me for not drinking too much of that kool-aid.

I don't believe in a wholesome global community. It's simply not possible even if you jumped millions of years in the future to check out the future civilizations. Someone, everyone will go out of their way to fuck it up. This is for certain. No axiom, no theory, no fact, no rules of physics. It just works.

Sometimes I get thoughts like the average racist's most wishful desire of living in a world where everyone is exactly as they desire : a perfect clone of themselves right down to the atoms. There would be nothing to get mad about then because there won't be anything to get mad about; all the foreigners who made you insecure don't exist anymore! Some would argue it would be bland and boring but would it really matter much to a narcissist? I think not.

Hopefully, if we get a friendly artificial intelligence in our lifetime, without stupid patents and copyrights and trademarks shit to ruin everyone's fun, I could get a self-contained Universe of my own. It would be the best gift ever in history.

No more stupid people. No more retarded people. No more aggravating people. No more abhorrent people. No more cruel people. No more insanity. No more ignorance. No more embarrassing people. No more oblivious people. No more hypocrisy. No more unfriendly people. No more retarded logic. No more money problems. No more censored hentai.

Etc cetera.

Man, I can't wait to see Jujutsu Kaisen come October fall season! Anime of the year, definitely for sure. And Bleach too. Mad hyped about Bleach. Man, I thought they would never animate the TYBW Arc because Japan wouldn't to make the minority religion of Christianity batshit insane by depicting Yahweh as the big bad evil but I guess I was wrong. That's not to say I believe most Christians would get raving mad about such a trifling matter considering all the amount of shit whole industries get away with satirising and sometimes outright mocking fun at them. Crusade memes, Jesus memes, Christian memes etc.

The same can't be said about other major religions including the two other Abrahamic belief sects. For good or bad, they remain totally aloof from present day meme culture. I think it's for the best though. Some cultures can't take criticism and ribbing of even meme trope levels as well as Christianity does. Being feared and respected is better than being a nice image macro on random computers around the globe.

I wonder how many Muslim guys have tried to think about a good meme about Islam. It must have happened at least once in this present decade, right? Of course I'm not talking about shitty memes that exists to shit storm on their subjects, just funny memes on that subject. But I guess their laws most probably prohibit them from having even this type of relatively harmless fun.

The less said about Judaism the better considering Hitler absolutely stone locked that avenue with his shitty temper tantrums. I wonder if Hindus also make memes about their religious experiences. I guess I should do a Google Search instead of ruminating on this interesting question.

Interesting to note how Christmas has wormed its way into becoming a virtual global celebration. I guess nobody can deny that a full week of eating, drinking and partying with New Year celebrations close at hand isn't one of the most iconic meme in human history.
Mar 6, 2020
@KiTA I never understood the thin privilege argument. Being fat biologically suggests an excess, more energy stored than you need. Barring pre-existing medical issues, being fat only happens when you eat take in more calories than you use up in a day. It's why we have the stereotype of the fat rich man, because you'd have to be able to afford so much food, a "privilege" poorer people can't manage.

@ThiccEarth Who is that in your icon? Is it Hermes?
Dec 31, 2019
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
I never understood the thin privilege argument. Being fat biologically suggests an excess, more energy stored than you need. Barring pre-existing medical issues, being fat only happens when you eat take in more calories than you use up in a day. It's why we have the stereotype of the fat rich man, because you'd have to be able to afford so much food, a "privilege" poorer people can't manage.

I want to be clear that I don't support this argument, I'm just offering the explanation. The idea is, at least in western nations, processed and preserved food is cheaper than healthy organic foods. Which is somewhat true. My local supermarkethas store brand frozen 8" pizzas for $2.50 plus tax. That is a hell of a lot cheaper, sustaining and definitely less healthy than out-of-season bananas that were shipped halfway around the world before they could overrippen or spoil.

Again, not a good argument, but that's the reasoning behind it.
Mar 6, 2020
@definitionofinsanity I can kind of accept that as a potential explanation. It leans towards an over-reliance on readily available food instead of individually preparing meals. Eggs and rice is cheap, but you still need to cook it. And I can understand it getting boring for people

@ThiccEarth You are right on both cases my friend. How is the danmachi manga lately? Haven't been up on it in over a year
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2020

"I don't understand human nature despite being one" that's pretty funny. Who are you, the second coming of christ? How very melodramatic, it nearly touches at my heartstrings. In fact, your whole essay is pretty much melodramatic "woe is humanity, we can't do anything right, also I'm one of us despite very clearly feeling superior to the average human." I see a lot of that on the internet, I used to be part of it. Then I stopped.

Also, you seem to view religion as something completely false. That's totally fine, but at least see the irony in evangelizing for atheism. Even if you don't find it funny, I do.

You don't have the balls to point at the sharks. You're sneering at the scum of humanity and going "I'm so much better than you." In fact, even you going after corrupt associations is a form of this punching down, since you view yourself as having this moral high ground (who am I to criticize? You might.) That's also pretty funny.

Also, you think the CCP and WHO released COVID-19 on purpose? Nice, karen.
The fact you'd use a meme to put down humanity is also hilarious, by the way. I'd probably do the same without proofreading.

I'd like a self-controlled universe too! I'd put all my characters in it, and they'd have wars, laugh, love, and I'd just sorta watch over em like a proud parent. That, by the way, is how I know you remind me of my 14-year old self. You think exactly the same that I did! Isn't that cool? It's like I'm staring into the me of past, and it's really, really cool. I think you have minor depressive disorder. I'm no psychologist, but it's what I had.

Back to bashing Christianity. Have you ever seen that one priest who says on his react channel "God loves memes."? Well, i did. yeah.

Idk if muslims make memes. My muslim friends complain about islam a lot though.

Overall, you're not wrong (mostly) but you're certainly not right, either. One symptom of depression is seeing everything in absolutes, and you're too hung up on black-and-white to have a correct worldview. You see black, and that's black, but you also see grey and say that's black too.

This probably won't help you, but I hope it does give you a bit of a nudge in the right direction.
Mar 6, 2019
I dunno, but this thread is being baited by the name of a scanlation group. Please be at peace of mind first and place yourself in the middle as middle as you can. So there would not be any unnecessary fight.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Why are you even here if you dislike MD so much? Every time I see you comment in an announcement thread or a discussion thread, you have no interest in contributing, only being negative and/or off-topic. Despite the disagreements in this thread, just about everyone has been civil except for you.

And in general, I agree with the push to remove politics entirely from MD. It has no place here and no one group or person should be using it to push a political agenda of any kind using a credit page, a group name, or a username. I come here to read manga and help people stay civil in their nerd fights, not referee some bullshit a right-winger spouts or a sermon that a leftist preaches. I'm quite tired it.
Apr 4, 2019
Mother of God.

The memes are insane. Complete bonkers! Lol.

Yes there aren't many, too much of the same bombing references but the Shia Labeouf one is pure genius, I must admit.

Why can't people have fun anymore. I have some Muslim friends too though I don't keep in touch with most of my friends including them. I can vouch for them being pretty good fellows though as far as past interactions went. Pretty chill fellows. It could be that I met with reasonable people but I don't believe it.

People are inherently prone to help others and be good people in whatever way they deem appropriate, that is my personal opinion. It's just the fact that a massive majority of all of us are downright lazy cowards who want nothing to do risking their safe lives combatting atrocities even if it happened in plain sight. That too I believe to be truth. The evidence is out there, just look back at your own past experiences.

I agree with criticising bad actors for the purposes of turning them into good actors. I won't budge on this viewpoint come hell or tsunamis. It's an unconditional wholesome activity.

Is it wrong to criticize a rule that says to murder LGBT people just because they exist? All because God said so?

I don't believe so. Anyone who tries to think up some clever rules-lawyering and other trickery to change subject matter to avoid resolving this issue with a rational, morally sound reason for why this type of murder is good for society as a whole is, I believe, a complete psychopath on a level worse than sHitler himself.

For fuck's sake, even sHitler went through a lot of life-changing experiences of his own to solidify into the world renowned infamous units of cruelty his name is now known for. Family problems, dream rejection, errand boy for the Nazi party, WWI veteran of sorts, the horror that was Chemical warfare, etcetera before he completely turned into a total monster by his mid century lifespan.

What reasonable excuse do these "sjw" hypocrites have for being indifferent towards the lives of human beings? Pathetic insecure losers, the lot of them.

All these people are the same. Really. Just get them when they are little children and feed them whatever bullshit you can find. Any colour supremacy bullshit, DBZ is Best bullshit, Quaker oats beats Corn flakes bullshit, whatever you feed them, you are guaranteed to get an absolute fanatic who doesn't have any other purpose in life but to repeat the same clichéd thought processes again and again and again and again like a metronome going dock dock dock forever until the battery runs out of juice.

Critical thinking, the trait that accelerated and helped human beings evolve into the advanced intelligent community we are today is all too rare nowadays. Every single day I find pseudo-intellectual bullshit on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, wherever the hell I run off to.

Absolute madness all around. Guns or no guns? I don't give a shit about that, just don't make school shooters will ya? Criticising religion is bad? I don't have a hateboner for religious beliefs, I just want them to stop unwholesome acts like killing people, torturing them and what not!

I know it's all futile though. It's all about if you belong to a good community and are blessed with a wholesome Imam that looks out for the good of the community and the relationship between the other communities. I bet there are still some people who are hiding fellow friends and family members who could be on the chopping block just because they were born gay and the local community is still following archaic rules that should have been left behind back in the medieval times when circumstances were far far too different.

Just like a shitty Father could lead entire communities insane because of something "God" ordered back during his temper tantrums, massacring entire groups of women as witches because they looked funny.

Medieval shit should stay in the medieval period. People really need to stand up and say "Fuck this stupidity. He is not an animal you can simply kill like nothing just because he was born that way! This is simply you engaging your murderboner and I won't be a part of it!"

Done. Simple as that. It's all upto the intelligent people in a community whomever group of society they belong to, to take a stand and shrug off the genes of cowardice to become more than a sheep, to become more than a lion, to become a goddarn human being. The cowardice gene will get you far in life and extend your progeny but does anyone want their legacy to be full of regret when they become a complete unfeeling automaton that could murder their same human kin and family because of a few unusual quirks in their biology?

I have no hope. I'm a pessimist by nature as should be obvious. I look for wholesomeness anywhere I can find it. Humans are doomed to die on Earth. Yet I always get mad to think that the majority of my life is probably going to be spent thinking about such heinous topics every single day without fail.

Too much shit out there. Everywhere. Intolerance, immorality, cruelty, ignorance, indifference, psychopathy, hateism, discrimination, toxicity, intellectual degradation, etc. Modern civilization sucks a lot.
Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2018
This discussion is going in circles.

Reminder that the group blocking function exists, directly in the group page
or in your settings
. With this, you won't ever see anything by the offending group ever again.

Locking thread Moving out of support.
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
@Zepyrus Gee I wonder why I'm in this index manga website, the primary source of scanlation.
Group Leader
Jun 20, 2019
Skimming through this was enough entertainment for the morning.

Time to get back to scanlating I guess.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2018
I just realized the issue people have isn't that the the group name is "Islamophobic Translation". Guess I should have clicked on the OP's links before assuming anything. I feel incredibly stupid now.
Jan 19, 2018
Apparently there needs to be a big banner in the green space at the top of every page that tells mongoloids to use the block function. I'm sure the mods are tired of having to babysit pantywaist invalids that need to express themselves every time they're offended.
Apr 4, 2019

I am not a self-supremacist. I would not have tried to commit suicide otherwise hah hah hah! True story, btw.

Please don't cherry pick statements and try to contort them as me being a supremacist. Big tits are the only cult I have genuine interest in, though. So you may be right there.

Also, not an atheist. More of an agnostic. I don't care about God until God shows himself, herself whatever. Religion is good at keeping people from eating each other to death and keeping our civilization as a civilization irrespective of the troubles it creates now and then.

I'm serious about FAI though and I would appreciate you not to talk shit about it considering it could save your life in the short run better than any hypothetical invisible incorporeal deity that watches, senses all and everything yet allows murder, rapes, torture, betrayals etcetera to happen every single second on this planet without fail. I hope you aren't one of those ungrateful people who take scientists, engineers and doctors for granted. Who drives you home? The driver. Who created your car? Engineers. Who heals you back and looks after you when you smoke millions of cigarettes per decade scorching your lungs to hell? Doctors. Who taught you grammar? Your English teacher, you absolute prick.

Stop chasing after God's ass all day long and learn to look at your friendly neighborhood humans and try to atleast appreciate what try do for you! I'm afraid of dying too but I will take oblivion anytime of the week if the alternative is to get a omnipotent asshole who could look at you funny and send you to an eternity in hell for no reasonable reason.

I'm pretty sure the people getting stabbed to death right about now somewhere on the planet would agree with me if they could. Religion is good for creating comfort zones and feel good atmospheres. It's a broken engine for good as you can see with all the godforsaken (pun definitely intended) atrocities happening all around the globe which anyone could say should have been utterly non-existent because of the wholesome powers of religion.

In blatant irony, most criminals are religious rather than atheist and agnostics. I know this is just a statistic but this observation will never change so what does that say about the nature of religion in our society? It doesn't have any power in creating wholesomeness, that's for certain.

Puny God who is off enjoying watching your mother die of cancer whilst your father drinks to death, whilst researchers across the globe spend most of their lives looking for a cure for it that God already has in his pockets. People that take the religious kool-aid too seriously are just sad specimens.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Let's try to keep the discussion on topic, please. Feel free to chat more about whether or not SIOE's name falls under the rules, but you have staff's official stance on the matter.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Yeah, I was very confused for a second when I saw it listed under both general and support, that makes sense. @Holo

I will say that even though I disagree with your stance, I respect how you've remained civil and haven't gone to undermine the discussion or immediately act on a knee-jerk reaction like banning people and have heard people both amongst your staff and listened to the comments in their opinions. @Zephyrus

Honestly, this reminds me a bit of the discussion we had in the philosophy thread around religion and Christianity specifically, and how it compares in values to other religions and whether or not we support its claims. That thread I felt was much more civil despite all the shitposting, and I think there's value to be had in this conversation.

@justforthelulz Best take in this entire thread tbh
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Generally speaking, I didn't see any posts in this thread that were particularly toxic or even rule breaking. There was a pretty intense argument regarding whether or not the thread belonged in Support since it was a discussion about the rules, but I lost it, I'm afraid. It's unfortunate, but I suppose that the discussion will die out since it's been moved out of support.
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