Issho ni Kurashite ii desu ka? - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - What's Your Dream?

Group Leader
Oct 25, 2020
maybe he's reading this on a cellphone or something. cause both the fonts and the spread are perfectly fine when viewed on pc.

Hi, I'm the main translator for this. I'd be interested to hear what you dislike about our font choices and what fonts you'd recommend us to use in order to make it more readable, or maybe some examples of good font choices for us to compare against if you can't be bothered to look up some fonts.

Furthermore, I'm unclear on what you were talking about with pages 43-44, as I can't see anything of note with our translation there, so if you could clarify that would make your feedback more actionable for us.

Even on PC, the font spacing changes based on character speaking? At least it looks that way to me. Including bold and italics. If you can also ensure punctuations are in the same line as the words they are attached to.

I prefer your translation TBH. It's more natural and accurate. Just need to tweak the typography. It's not a big deal like the other guy makes it out to be.

Here are some other fonts I've enjoyed:
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
Wow this looks good i wonder if, OH NO THERE'S A HAREM TAG. This will turn bad pretty quick huh.... At least add some cunny author.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2023
I hate the "I'm gonna put tape on the floor" and "I'll kill your social image" tropes that they use in way too much mangas when a guy lives with a girl.
Like, please just be an adult about it and say "this is my room don't enter pls".

Also, people in mangas really need to discover the joys of locking doors...
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 27, 2019
This plot is too much of a stretch to begin with. Way too forced. Also MC is clumsy and not in a good and pleasing way like Rito or other MCs
Group Leader
Sep 10, 2020
the girls are cute but man, bottom-tier writing IMO. thanks for the TL tho! you did a great job!
Jan 20, 2018
Having all the nice, affordable housing be female exclusive is painfully relatable in the current rental market.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2023
I want to like it, I really do, but man is it just such a poorly constructed narrative. Suspension of disbelief is critical to these stories, but this one is asking too much.
Mar 27, 2020
Boy, this was a bit hard to read. The setup is pretty bog standard and the MC seems to lack any very interesting characteristics, at least from the outside. I can definitely see Sasuga Kei expanding the whole thing out better though, DomeKano actually had some pretty decent character writing from the midpoint to about 30 chapters away from the end.

The roughest thing in this one for me has to be the handling of exposition. It felt pretty heavy handed, the MC vomiting out his past to the Old Lady, and then having the Old Lady re-vomit out that past to the girl.

Also, the bathroom scene, really Kei? We're gonna pull out that gem of a cliche in the pilot chapter? Good lord.

Ah screw it, I'll be reading it all from beginning to end anyways, just like DomeKano.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2023
this guy has a fucking superhero origin story with none of the powers. dude's personal history is basically the life equivalent of that fish in a full body cast from spongebob lmao
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2019
In regards of the story: sounds kinda cliche to a fault, and it's literally the basic intro of a bunch of hentai I saw (which doesn't bode well). DomeKano, although a bit pushy, had well developed characters and felt somewhat "real" if I don't consider those last few chapters. In comparison, this starting chapter feels rushed and really immature: he's 27 and overreacts after seeing a pair of boobs... really?
I can understand the Translator may have had trouble with a few lines and the writing can definitely be improved, but the contents aren't that great even if we were to get a better translation, I fear.

For the translator/team:
- some sentences aren't connected that well across different bubbles and I'm not sure how the jp script is, but I'm confident it's a problem of vocabulary on the translator's part. Getting some native english speaker to proofread the script might be a good idea.
Also, the beginning of the chapter is quite shaky translation-wise, so be careful.
- font choice aside, I get the feeling your typesetter didn't read any sort of guide on how things should be done to look nice, so I'd say you can google "gemini typesetting guide" for starters...
The font choice isn't that big of any issue, but for sure each font used can be made to look much nicer with proper settings.

Edit: to be clear, I'm just trying to say it is a good attempt at scanlation, but there is a lot of room for improvement.

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