@Oeconomist I don't know what your issue is but I am not delivering criticism, I am not saying there is anything wrong with it, all I said was that I PERSONALLY found it a little funny. hell, I even said that I ALSO enjoy consuming "bad content" but only so far as I am still getting enjoyment out of it. if
all I had after every chapter/episode/book was complaints, I'm not going to keep consuming that content
I find it hilarious when people complain about content but continue to read/watch/consume something they no longer find joy in, it's cathartic to me.
And there's really nothing funny about it. As I said, the business of willfully consuming failed entertainment has itself been frequently discussed and analyzed. For some people (though I am not amongst them) it's the dynamic of Mystery Science Theater. For some, it's a matter of applied æsthetic theory. For some, it's applied to social theory.
I am not and HAVE not disagreed with you on the subject of willfully consuming failed media, where pray tell did I disagree with you or offer thoughts to the contrary?
I didn't say it was funny in general, I said that
I find it funny I don't know what more you could want from me?
and hold your horse's, Comedy Police, who are you to tell me what I can or can't find funny.
And there's really nothing funny about it.
no one determines what is or isn't funny. comedy is subjective and what one finds comedy in, is also subjective. while YOU may not find comedy in people complaining about "failed content" but continuing to consume it
I do
To the extent that it could be characterized as jumping, it was really a jumping back. (But I doubt that the word “jump” was well chosen in the first place.
"It was really a jumping back" except I never jumped at you in the first place for you to "jump " back at me you inferred my original comment to be some kind of criticism on these people when I literally said what I felt, "I find it hilarious", but you're absolutely right that "jump" wasn't the best word but I couldn't think of the right word to get across what I meant so, next time I'll call my proofreader and editor to make sure I am using the proper words, grammar, and sentence structure so I don't bother you anymore.
I am not going to continue to sit here and defend my comments to someone who dumps a bunch of studies on my head because you misunderstood what I meant with my original comment.
I'm sorry, thank you, and have a good day