JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World


Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Read this out of whim cause I remembered reading about isekai ln about prostitution, I expect some fun hot trashy 'why this is not hentai?' kind of story...

Its pretty mature for what it is, the sex scene also pretty tame I'd say, not too fanservice-y, it is there to show the reader what Haru face when she work. The character, although not the most likeable, is interesting I can't help to see their journey next.
Mar 19, 2019
Different from what we see there. A sad, adult and well thought out story. I recommend it if you are the type to think outside the shell.
Aug 24, 2019
Huh. I usually stay away from isekai and smut as much as I can like the plague, as well as harem. Especially if it's a combination of all three (I hate it when the MC gets a harem of girls that are crazy about him and wants his dick 24/7 so he gets as much sex as he wants or needs, especially when the MC is a piece of shit) but for some reason this drew me in despite my hesitation.

This manga is so...raw. And real. Despite the whole isekai thing. I feel bad for Haru but at the same time I can't help but admire her strength and fortitude. She's a very interesting MC. I don't even really care about the sex in this, except for when Haru gets hurt during it or otherwise hurt because that shit isn't ok. I want to see Haru overcome the misogynistic world she is now in, and create a good life for herself. I'm gonna keep reading this.

Just a few questions though for those who've read the source material (Web novel? LN? I dunno). I don't mind spoilers.

Does Haru get "cheats" too like Chiba eventually? Will she get powerful?

Does Haru eventually take Sumo's virginity? Sumo clearly wants to but can't take that final step for some reason. I dunno, he just seems so kind and gentle that I want her to gently take it.

Does Chiba ever redeem himself? Because he's a piece of shit really. I do think he has feelings for Haru, but what he essentially wants is for her to be his sex slave is the impression I'm getting. Also, I hate how he just lies there instead of trying to learn how to please a woman.
Jun 8, 2019
Honestly this series had a LOT of potential. But it has one major flaw : the author wanted to come up with an excuse for the MC being a prostitute, so he settled on "well, the world is misogynistic so she cant do any other jobs lol".

Ths really breaks suspensions of disbelief. Its so convenient that the world they get isekaied into JUST happens to be a super misogynistic world, to the point where half the world's population can only work as a maid or prostitute. Its just unbelievable. An economy cant function like that. Juts look at how societies evolved throughout history. I shouldnt need to say more.

Not sure why the author was even fishing for such a flimsy excuse anyway. Maybe it was to attract female readers who want to self insert into a MC who had a convenient excuse for being a prostitute. I guess it wouldnt be very attractive to female readers if there wasnt a convenient excuse for the MC to be a prostitute?

Also the MC has a pretty shitty personality, but the way the author keeps coming up with excuses and scenarios to make it look like shes in the right just makes me roll my eyes. Its like reading a series where some "chad" MC just keeps talking about tits, asses and referring to women with derogatory terms like "meat".

Weirdest thing is that the author is apparently a man, if it was a woman I would be thinking that this was just a shitty self insert story for her, but the way the story and character is setup is awfully specific for a male writer. Its like the author deliberately decided to target a very specific subset of readers with this setup.
Mar 14, 2019
This is actually something I'm looking forward to reading. I hope that it ends on a positive note...
Haru is really frustrating but likable for me.

I'm irritated by some of the comments about Haru not wanting to work...

Logically speaking, Haru has no family or any type of support system. She chose sex work because it seemed like a sort of protected profession. For example they can refuse customers.

Haru wants to try out different jobs and work but she gets immediate pressure to stop or pushback from others. She tries to go out by herself but gets correctedby others and told that she can'tgo out by herself. There was a scene where she was shopping by herself and was scolded by a shop owner.
She wanted to create a restaurant/cafe that targeted a female demographic. But societal rules dictate that women don't go out by themselves. Her patrons could be targeted for visiting her shop because they're women going out without men. The women don't really seem to have a recourse for justice if they're abused. Since she has a low status she mentioned that she could be targeted for rape and none of the guards would even help her. So imagine how her reputation would affect her business and taint people's perceptions of women visiting her establishment.

She asked Chiba about becoming an adventurer but the barriers are so high that they only let men do it. Even if she disguises herself she could be found out while working with other adventurers.

Chiba is no support at all either. He mentions that healers are woman that work with travelers but dissuades her from trying it out. Like he's the only one that could excel or do something worthwhile in that world.

Haru is playing it safe while trying to maintain her independence by sticking with the brothel. Yet I hope that she goes on a limb and tries out an adventure. Her heart seems to want to roam the world a bit.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 14, 2018
Just finished reading the novel after finishing chapter 4 of the manga, not sure what to say. it was a nice read and all but damn this chic lacks ambition.
Jan 18, 2018
Are you questioning why the isekai is one that allows the MC to have objectively correct opinions and actions?
Personally, I liked the approach the author took. As weird as it sounds, it reminded me of The Windup Girl.
Even if it could be said that, in the end, JK Haru it fell to the modern isekai cliches.

She doesn't get any more cheats.

...don't remember, but I think so. I'll just say that sumo ends up happy.

Yes. Actually, that's something I really didn't expect, but yes, Chiba ends up having his very own redemption story.
Jan 3, 2019
actually sex workers in medieval ages got it so much worse than a normal citizen
they got gang raped casually and they couldn't refuse working not to mention they were always in the run from church maniac
their salary was cheap to encourage poor losers to go to a sex shop despite their belief (religion was a big deal)
they go to the prison casually with each plague or epidemic since they are an active factor to spread sickness not to mention the many sex illness
the only sex workers who got it easy are the one who are picked by rich individual(aka nobles or kings) since their job is relatively stable (aka being a mistress )
and yes females jobs were limited but there was quite a few ones like being cooker , tailor , beautician , maid , sister
and basically any job that interact with females since men were quite wary about their wives cheating so they won't allow her to go to a place filled with men workers
Aug 3, 2018

She has a cheat that is not revealed into near the end of the story.

I won't say when it'll happen but she does take it, and it happens very soon!

Loaded question that can't be answered with a yes or no answer. It does not happen before the end of the overall story, and there is still a lot of stuff that makes him a scumbag. He gets way worse before he gets a fraction better.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018

You know the purpose of spoiler button is to tell spoiler right? What's the point of putting "I'm not telling" or "I'm not gonna say anything" hidden behind spoiler if you aren't gonna be productive about it,

To all who knows the spoiler, please do so tell us in details about the spoiler, if can ,well written and hide it behind spoiler button, I too got myself curious about this but I felt like dropping it recently and wondering if the journey is worth wasting my time reading till end

What's her future cheat? What's her ending ? Etc etc
Aug 4, 2019
the story isnt as bad as the description makes it look like
still it can be a pretty unconfortable read, personally im not big into women being exploited and sexual violence

vast majority of the characters deserve to be punched in the face for a good 5 minutes straight, fmc and mc included
i feel like there is the potential for a good manga, but it's not really there yet
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Actually this is not a bad manga. The art is good and in contrast to the topic, it is rather tasteful. Of course, you shouldn't read in public but still, it is not vulgar or borderline hentai.

Personalities are nuanced and rather realistic. Especially MC is a breath of fresh air with her down to earth, but not pessimistic/sarcastic personality. Also, it addresses the typical fantasy world problem and how man-centric it is. Especially with the common trope of otaku-MC portrayal, but even he has a more reasonable personality in this manga then typical shonen stuff and he has some goal outside being comedic relief character that made him a fully-fledged character.

To sum up I quite like it and in my opinion, it deserves a better score than it has.

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