This may be the most disgusting comment section ever. It is downright unacceptable how many white knights and/or feminazis not only can stand this shallow whore of a protagonist, but also act like she is some kind of waifu that needs protec. I haven't read the novel and I bet she will become somewhat more bearable. It isn't just about how happy she is to be a prostitute, but mostly because of how she only thinks of scamming the guy who actually died to save her. Also, this whole not being able to do any job besides prostitution thing is retarded, she is just too lazy to do any other job cause to be a prostitute you just need to be good looking and not to care about who enters your body. I also read a comment about someone bitching about how this trash has so many 1 star votes, imagine being so retarded that the weird thing for you is this, not the shit tasters who rated 10 stars this debauchery of all things. I read this chapter cause the synopsis was most likely the worst synopsis I have ever read, which made me curious, and it made me think that this crap is written by an idiotic feminist woman, and guess what, I was right. XD I wonder how many hipsters with no quality in their lives actually think that this shit is a form of art, for the good of mankind I hope not many. And again, for all of you defending the bitch, shame on you, really unacceptable.
Edit: imagine being such of a failure of an author to mention your random questionable political opinions on the synopsis, talking about how women are treated badly in reality, lol, how moronic, next time add a "strictly for feminists" on the cover, to let people know what they are really dealing with... as a matter of fact, it has feminism in the tags on the j-novel site