JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World

Jun 26, 2019
@ Kronous

If you read a little more you'll find out why she "chose" this job

jobs are limited for women, which would be no surprise if you were reading the story-since, you know ,a woman can't go out or even eat without being accompanied by a man. She has 3 options, one of which you have to be a virgin for which she is not.

Even if she were a maid, because she is a woman she would still be forced to have sex, so less maid and more sex slave with side job of cleaning aaaand hey she already does that (as a waitresss) but at least she can earn her own money this way.

To be blunt this was her only choice and it wasn't much of one.. So don't rate it poorly because you don't know the answers to you questions, since you didn't read far enough to answer them.
Group Leader
Apr 17, 2018
@Wolvenworks Ishuzoku Reviewers got licensed, so MD is only carrying the ones that were scanlated, hence the jump. And I can only assume scanlation was dropped again, since the licensed v2 came out about two months after c12 was posted.

@6346 I wouldn't say he's actually responsible for her death;
c1 says that he noticed something was wrong with the truck and embraced/hugged her (my guess is more of a tackle and not a 'protect her with my body' and the panel on c1p19 agrees) that ended up not working and getting them both killed... A quick flipthrough doesn't really he froze up. In the LN,
she explicitly states it was a tackle and notes that maybe she could've dodged it, but also that it may not have mattered whether he saw it first or she did. Which is probably the author's way of waving that issue aside.
May 16, 2019
its lot better than i thought it would be, even though its not my usual type of thing to read-
for many, its too much realism/subversion in a fantasy for them, for others , it might be hitting a little close to home.
what i want to know is who is that target audience for this? since its definitely to mature for the typical isekai audience.
Jan 26, 2018
@Iwizesol: Target audience is adult males that are seeking a more gritty and realistic isekai. Yeah, it's not for teens, for sure.

As a very adult male, I'm enjoying the unprettiness of the sex scenes: it's a job, no feeling involved, so it's gritty and dirty (and sometime risky).
Aug 16, 2019
This is sad and sadly realistic at the same time. I can't say this is a good manga but, well, reading it will gonna remind you of the cold, harsh truth of the real world.

I wont recomend this manga to anyone who seek pleasure and vanilla.
Apr 11, 2018
The point of the manga is to show how horrible it is to be a sex worker. If you can't stomach this simple premise, get out.
Mar 7, 2019
the rating dropped again.. looks like this manga rating has no hope cuz theres a lot of kid users here. this is a SEINEN manga NOT SHOUNEN go read some template isekai if you dont like edgy stuff.

lets make this manga top in most commented manga ranking to promote this MASTERPIECE !

I'll copy paste this evrytime a new chap comes out !
Jun 26, 2019
@Harvester I have also read the LN, both the manga and LN demonstrate/say the same thing.
In the manga, she could've probably moved out of the way, had he maybe screamed "run" or "move" or "truck-kun is going to hit you", but he tackled her to the ground, ensuring death for both of them. Or instead of tackling he could have continued to run across the street with her in hand(if he's somehow fast enough to run in front of truck-kun before it hit her). As you've stated the LN said she probs could have dodged it, but him tackling her ensured death for both of them
. Even she hadn't, I'm unsure as to whether she wouldv'e been transported to that misogynistic world, that's more of a shounen dream/isekai thing. He could've lived on miserably happily in the world he was currently in and only she would have died. Regardless without their death, there wouldn't be a story so... Meh, I still blame him.
Mar 6, 2019
I remember reading a lot of the LN and this series isn't that great.
She still ends up with cheat abilities down the road. By sleeping with a certain powerful person.
This series is nothing terribly new and follows the same tropes as similar isekai. There simply isn't enough for it to be a parody or genre deconstruction, as it takes itself pretty seriously.

TL;DR - Other than it being about prostitution, it's the same as other Isekai - cheat skill included.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2018
Man, does this seem tone death as all hell. Who is this even intended for?

The description alone is enough to keep away any discerning reader
Nov 17, 2018
All these comments like "this is depressing :( " huh? I wonder why? Its almost as if a semi-realistic depiction of a woman being forced into sex work isn't sexy or fun. Its almost as if its a terrible thing to happen to someone or something. Sorry that the fact sex workers are people with feelings *doing a job* made y'all feel emotions. Next time don't get your kicks from the sexual violence tag.
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
Gonna try to keep this spoiler free as possible .Having finished the novel (literally just finished reading it), there are some moments where one thing leads to another and everything just goes down to rock bottem. The entire mood pretty much shifted to a more serious tone, it's pretty dark and it doesn't really lift up from then on. Its giving me that same sinking feeling after playing Nier (automata as well), but instead of an uplifing ending...it kinda just plateaus.
Group Leader
Apr 17, 2018

Her skill:
She gets copies of the experience and skills of everybody she sleeps with. By the end, she's at something ludicrous like level 380 (level 100 is the baseline for a B ranked arena fighter) with Speed+140, when the Godspeed Draw and Slash guy was only +80. (Numbers and names are inexact, but the point stands.) Into the bargain, she's also extremely durable when she uncaps her stats, so she's never really in any harm's way. Also importantly, she's fully aware that she has this ability and can see what skills other people could potentially give her.
There's mention of various skills she gets from people-- the guy choking her in c3? His skill allowed her to temporarily seal her skills. Sumo? His skill removes the level cap. So with this in mind, the way she aims for certain clients, or is willing to put up with obviously unpleasant guys...

The following set of spoilers are mostly how specific characters end up, and since one of them is a major point, I'm sticking the list in a spoiler tag too:
1. Chiba
2. Shequraso+Epilogue (She's the big one.)
3. Sumo
4. Haru
5. A critical character we haven't been introduced to yet, Kiyori.

After steadily declining deeper and deeper into selfish jackassery, he learns he has a really low level cap, which makes his xp multiplier cheat basically worthless. And, instead of just sucking it up and training his stats directly to become stronger, he becoming whiny about how that takes effort. Along the way, he picks up a girlfriend who he underappreciates and constantly compares to Haru... though, eventually, he gets a psychological kick upside the head by Lupe who realizes that he's actually got fairly decent fundamentals, but is a major fixer-upper that neither Haru nor the ex-GF wanted to/had the ability to work with. He also gets a sort-of redemption scene (I think that's what it's supposed to be; I just found it weird) when he walks into his ex-GF about to be raped and rescues her.
Her boyfriend in the military invites her to his military squad to "sing". Two days later, Haru offers to take her place until they're deployed if they let her go. Haru picks her up on the way out, three days later. Yeeeah.
Part 2:
After Haru speaks with god, she learns that Shequraso's already picked her next life's mother: An uneducated, destined-to-be-poor woman with a suspect sense of morality. So Haru demands that he keep an eye on that stupid mother of hers, whereupon god says that he'll visit and check up on Haru in the future.
He's aware that he'll never be the male lead in Haru's life, but is okay with it... due to trying to cater to Haru's tastes, he's becoming a world-class dessert chef while also expanding his restaurant's menu to cater towards female tastes. His restaurant is also frequented by more and more women unaccompanied by men. Also, Chiba's ex-GF is gradually becoming interested in him...
She goes nuts on Shequraso's boyfriend's squad and the demon army, sets the ball rolling for a social revolution (see Sumo, also she's friends with some of the younger boys in town by joining in their games for a while, which may lead to them treating women more equitably in the future. Or maybe not, but they liked playing with a girl for the first time anyways.), starts looking into the truth of the demon lord, has a few relationships she really likes, and keeps at her job, eventually reaching position #3.
She ends up Chiba's girlfriend for a while, and probably undergoes the most character growth in the series. She's basically the archetypal innocent, cloistered, beautiful-but-doesn't-know-it, healer priestess. And she ends up more or less best friends with Haru and Lupe, who end up counseling her. Not really sure what to say about her in a few lines, but she's an interesting one... I guess one of her major roles is coming to terms that Prince Charming isn't real but learning to move on past that realization?

What DOESN'T get at least mostly resolved:
Any confirmed serious relationships. Kiyori and Sumo is hinted as a possibility though.
The demon army, though you get 99% confirmation on who the demon king is.
Going back to Japan. (Very unlikely.)
Most importantly:
WHO #1 IS. (Lupe is #2, Shequraso's #3, and at the end, Haru claims #3. Edit: Okay, you meet her in Summer.)
Power Uploader
May 2, 2018

holy shitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
this is gonna be real good. the kinda isekai i been waiting for. yusssssssssss. will definitly keep this going and not drop bahahaha

thank you harvest!!!
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
@PiakuchuKiller i'll fill in on details that @Harvester didn't go over
They introduced this mysterirous character with silver hair , and whenever he shows up it rains(the fact that it always rains when he's around is a sticking point). Haru is instantly drawn to him and tries her hardest to catch his attention (like actual lust for the dude). They eventually do the deed, but it was more like Haru trying her hardest to drag the dude into the situation and the guy questionning everything like he lacks the knowledge or "common sense". Near the end, seen through Kiyori's PoV, we are told that Haru made it to where the demon king's castle is, and big surprise, it starts to rain as she approaches.

And the rock bottem moment for me is
Shequraso and the barracks arc, the instant she bites the dust is when Haru's gloves comes off and everyone involved in that barrack is pretty much dead men walking. eventhough it was justice, it didn't have that uplifting feeling of the usual revenge conclusion, in the end it still felt real bitter, kinda like how the cliche of revenge doesn't solve everything.
Group Leader
Apr 17, 2018
If anybody's curious about what happens in Summer...

(General comments, basically non-spoilery if you know the events of the main story):
Not much really happens here. It's most about how the characters and their social relationships have evolved in the months following the end of the main story, plus two fun but largely insignificant cross-cultural stories from Haru being... Haru. Highlights are a number of segments stories from pre- and post-Lupe Chiba, a lot more development for Kiyori, and fun with poor Sumo. It's much more of a 'fun' read, in comparison.

Oh, and (hard spoiler)
Haru's pregnant. No direct confirmation of the father, but there is strong implication.

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