If there's one thing we can learn, demeaning and disparaging each other won't get anyone anywhere, finding one's true path requires the conviction to face one's humility, and realize the truth hidden in their soul towards their future. What does it mean for Art to be good? Is it the competency in which it replicates real life? The vision it communicates from the author? The interplay between diction and illustration, and how the dimension of time that is woven into every medium we consume is used to bridge reality and fantasy, past and future? Who is to say what the answer is for any of these qualification if not the beholder of such matters, respective to that viewer's own experience and biases, and how that answer so varies between partakers in Life's, no, the Universe's venture.
In short, this all culminates in realizing that the only good art Araki has ever made, was that Norisuke lookin bewildered as fuck in that last panel, holy shit that's good what the fuck is he okuyasu or josuke or both