You guys are overreacting. Obviously we don't support pedophilia, we just don't complain about it when it's in fiction. Of course it's wrong. This story takes place in a f*cked up time where that was normal. What did you expect? Reminds me of that time my art teacher got mad at me for portraying a cigarette in one of my drawings. I don't support smoking nicotine, but it exists regardless, and I'm GOING to portray it when it should be portrayed. As with pedophilia in this scenario.
In short: No. Neither me or anyone else here support pedophilia. We support the portrayal of it in fiction, not because we "like" it, but because it's a real thing that exists and has existed since the beginning
Another thing to clarify: Steel Ball Run doesn't SUPPORT pedophilia, it NORMALIZES it, which is a good artistic choice since it was normal during the time it took place.