Juunenme, Kikan wo Akirameta Tenisha wa Imasara Shujinkou ni naru - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Flareteria Dungeon Conquest: Part 1

Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
Well it sure is good that this random new character showed up with a sob story to justify their attempt to destroy the city's economy after the fact!

The elf going "yeah don't worry the adventurers will figure something out" also doesn't mean anything in regards to like, the people who actually live in the city, lmao. Sure, the travelers will go home, but they're the ones driving the business in the city, along with the dungeon. What about the people who actually live there? What are they supposed to do when the economy craters? "Yeah, just go live somewhere else, I gotta make cash off of carbonated potions, sorry."

It doesn't really seem good for the adventurers in the long run, either. They say that the adventurers want the potions, but why do they want the potions? To do their job in the dungeon, which... is about to be destroyed. Setting up shop for sparkling potions in this city is meaningless to them without it, so how is this supposed to be helping adventurers? Unless MC's group plans to take the business to another city, in which case they've just destroyed this city's economy for no reason. The adventurers want the potion and the dungeon, which isn't something that MC's group is going to give them.

They do a good job of focusing on the meanie merchant guild and adventurers here, while ignoring the rest of the people that will be affected by it (including the normal citizens which made the girls aware that what they're doing might affect people negatively in the first place). This whole thing annoys me, lmao.
Aggregator gang
May 13, 2018
Well it sure is good that this random new character showed up with a sob story to justify their attempt to destroy the city's economy after the fact!

The elf going "yeah don't worry the adventurers will figure something out" also doesn't mean anything in regards to like, the people who actually live in the city, lmao. Sure, the travelers will go home, but they're the ones driving the business in the city, along with the dungeon. What about the people who actually live there? What are they supposed to do when the economy craters? "Yeah, just go live somewhere else, I gotta make cash off of carbonated potions, sorry."

It doesn't really seem good for the adventurers in the long run, either. They say that the adventurers want the potions, but why do they want the potions? To do their job in the dungeon, which... is about to be destroyed. Setting up shop for sparkling potions in this city is meaningless to them without it, so how is this supposed to be helping adventurers? Unless MC's group plans to take the business to another city, in which case they've just destroyed this city's economy for no reason. The adventurers want the potion and the dungeon, which isn't something that MC's group is going to give them.

They do a good job of focusing on the meanie merchant guild and adventurers here, while ignoring the rest of the people that will be affected by it (including the normal citizens which made the girls aware that what they're doing might affect people negatively in the first place). This whole thing annoys me, lmao.

Apparently (based on comments by LN readers), conquering a dungeon doesn't entirely destroy it but significantly reduces the monster rate and risk. Basically there won't be a risk of an out break so civilians who don't enter the dungeon won't be in any danger but the output rate of monster goods will decrease as a consequence. The adventurers (and I assume the merchants) understand this, just that the girls and likely most of the civilians don't know. The adventurers and city itself will survive even once the dungeon in conquered but at a smaller scale. Obviously this will negatively impact the economy, but the argument is that the sword of damocles hanging over their head isn't worth it.

Also, having access to the potions will reduce adventurer mortality rates with the end goal to spread its sales to places outside of just this dungeon town. Sparkling potion is a region product that can't be transported so this town is the only place with adventurers that know of its effectiveness and will recognize it. Attempting to sell it in other towns isn't impossible but will be significantly more difficult as they won't recognize it and won't trust it. The point is to make it famous here so other places will actively want to do business and distribute the potion.
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
Apparently (based on comments by LN readers), conquering a dungeon doesn't entirely destroy it but significantly reduces the monster rate and risk. Basically there won't be a risk of an out break so civilians who don't enter the dungeon won't be in any danger but the output rate of monster goods will decrease as a consequence. The adventurers (and I assume the merchants) understand this, just that the girls and likely most of the civilians don't know. The adventurers and city itself will survive even once the dungeon in conquered but at a smaller scale. Obviously this will negatively impact the economy, but the argument is that the sword of damocles hanging over their head isn't worth it.

Also, having access to the potions will reduce adventurer mortality rates with the end goal to spread its sales to places outside of just this dungeon town. Sparkling potion is a region product that can't be transported so this town is the only place with adventurers that know of its effectiveness and will recognize it. Attempting to sell it in other towns isn't impossible but will be significantly more difficult as they won't recognize it and won't trust it. The point is to make it famous here so other places will actively want to do business and distribute the potion.
That's still annoying to me though, since if this is a fact that the MC's crew is unaware of, at least the girls, they're still going forth with the plan despite the assumption that it means total economy destruction. Figuring out afterwards that it only somewhat destroys the economy, especially if the reader was also unaware of it before, just feels like the economic version of showing a character that was portrayed as being killed is randomly in a hospital bed somewhere after the big fight. Makes it feel like kind of a cop out.

The sword of Damocles bit feels like a similar after-the-fact justification, because it had nothing to do with the MC crew's decision to do this in the first place. If the MC was the guy who had the righteous hatred of dungeons instead, and we were following him from the start, I'd feel a bit different maybe. But they're just merchants who walked into a city and decided to tank the economy because they were told they couldn't make money there, and just found out about it afterwards. It's like if someone broke into someone's house to steal their money, and then found out later that the person used that money for bad things. They only accidentally did a good thing, it doesn't change the fact that they were being an asshole when they went to steal the money. The girls only found out about the whole "the dungeon (supposedly) isn't being managed well and may break if it's left unconquered" after going forward with the plan.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 12, 2018
Well it sure is good that this random new character showed up with a sob story to justify their attempt to destroy the city's economy after the fact!

The elf going "yeah don't worry the adventurers will figure something out" also doesn't mean anything in regards to like, the people who actually live in the city, lmao. Sure, the travelers will go home, but they're the ones driving the business in the city, along with the dungeon. What about the people who actually live there? What are they supposed to do when the economy craters? "Yeah, just go live somewhere else, I gotta make cash off of carbonated potions, sorry."

It doesn't really seem good for the adventurers in the long run, either. They say that the adventurers want the potions, but why do they want the potions? To do their job in the dungeon, which... is about to be destroyed. Setting up shop for sparkling potions in this city is meaningless to them without it, so how is this supposed to be helping adventurers? Unless MC's group plans to take the business to another city, in which case they've just destroyed this city's economy for no reason. The adventurers want the potion and the dungeon, which isn't something that MC's group is going to give them.

They do a good job of focusing on the meanie merchant guild and adventurers here, while ignoring the rest of the people that will be affected by it (including the normal citizens which made the girls aware that what they're doing might affect people negatively in the first place). This whole thing annoys me, lmao.
Im sorry but this is basically a choice between dying or having to figure out another way to live. They told us before that outbreaks happen and people die because of it , what happens when monsters get out that now one in the city can handle? Then there is not economy its just people dead and a dungeon still there. Idk how this is really a choice , one option has people dying and has the possibility of a disaster hapenning and the other is having to figure out another way to live. Yeah people can still die the other way but it wont be immediate and there is and actually chance that people can figure out some other ways to make money or at least move somewhere else.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2019
Im sorry but this is basically a choice between dying or having to figure out another way to live. They told us before that outbreaks happen and people die because of it , what happens when monsters get out that now one in the city can handle? Then there is not economy its just people dead and a dungeon still there. Idk how this is really a choice , one option has people dying and has the possibility of a disaster hapenning and the other is having to figure out another way to live. Yeah people can still die the other way but it wont be immediate and there is and actually chance that people can figure out some other ways to make money or at least move somewhere else.
And outbreaks can affect other regions too. Don't forget about the beast invasion outside the dungeon either... Too risky to maintain an active dungeon.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
Im sorry but this is basically a choice between dying or having to figure out another way to live. They told us before that outbreaks happen and people die because of it , what happens when monsters get out that now one in the city can handle? Then there is not economy its just people dead and a dungeon still there. Idk how this is really a choice , one option has people dying and has the possibility of a disaster hapenning and the other is having to figure out another way to live. Yeah people can still die the other way but it wont be immediate and there is and actually chance that people can figure out some other ways to make money or at least move somewhere else.
Well thank god we have the MC to make these citizens' decision for them, with zero forewarning that their way of life is about to be uprooted and they just have to deal with it. If the dungeon really has to be dealt with, there are 1000 better ways to deal with it than a spur-of-the-moment unplanned dungeon destruction spurred from a spat over profits.

Again, the whole outbreaks thing is an after-the-fact justification that didn't play into any of the decision-making on the MC crew's part. It doesn't make their initial decision, made entirely without that knowledge, any better.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 17, 2018
He's so strong that even the top Rankers are newbies to him. It's a good thing he appreciates their presence, even though they're not doing anything (nor can they since he keeps killing everything first).
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
Holy shit, the twins in ln is so tall and distinct.

I've also noticed that some manga adaptations of web/light novels have more distinctive character designs compared to the novel illustrations/descriptions.

Like in Banished From the Hero's Party - one mini arc had the characters meeting this contract demon, which looked like a sexy, big chested, dangerous looking satyr woman. Apparently the novel description was rather vague by comparison.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2021
"Hey, shouldn't you tell those girls this important information"
"Yes, what I want to say is... That I will tell them next chapter!"
Why even bring it up then? So annoying. :pout:

Apparently (based on comments by LN readers), conquering a dungeon doesn't entirely destroy it but significantly reduces the monster rate and risk.
I'm guessing this is the "big" reveal. It really doesn't need this buildup.

Well thank god we have the MC to make these citizens' decision for them, with zero forewarning that their way of life is about to be uprooted and they just have to deal with it.
This is apparently the entire purpose of Adventurers, so it's really more of the King's decision, or the Adventurer Guild's decision, and could have happened at any time regardless of MC - since adventurers were entering all the time.
In fact it could be argued that the Merchant guild master essentially forced the town's economy to be dependent on the dungeon by artificially prolonging its existence, when the bubble should have already long burst.

It could also be argued that the merchant guild, if they really cared about the town and its people, would have been preparing for when the dungeon is beaten and closed, rather than prolonging its existence and endangering not just adventurers entering it, but the civilians from whenever it went out of control (which apparently just DOES happen periodically).
This is made worse by them sabotaging the adventurers trying to fulfill their duty; so not only are civilians indirectly killed through indifference, but adventurers are actively killed.

So I don't really see the MC being in the wrong here at all, he's decision was made for him, it was purely the Merchant Guild's greed that has caused the situation and the bubble economy the town is in.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 17, 2020
Huh... So I remembered a similar case in Dungeon Meshi. A dungeon appears, economy flourishes, the dungeon gets stable/grows, yet it becomes boomerang that in the end, the Dungeon's hi-level monsters spill to the surface and come out of dungeon, killing villagers/citizens around, and when the emergency measures is applied, casualties happen despite the dungeon AND the village/city around are destroyed.

I dunno if it's a common concept in fantasy world.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 12, 2018
Well thank god we have the MC to make these citizens' decision for them, with zero forewarning that their way of life is about to be uprooted and they just have to deal with it. If the dungeon really has to be dealt with, there are 1000 better ways to deal with it than a spur-of-the-moment unplanned dungeon destruction spurred from a spat over profits.

Again, the whole outbreaks thing is an after-the-fact justification that didn't play into any of the decision-making on the MC crew's part. It doesn't make their initial decision, made entirely without that knowledge, any better.
Well thank god we have the MC to make these citizens' decision for them, with zero forewarning that their way of life is about to be uprooted and they just have to deal with it. If the dungeon really has to be dealt with, there are 1000 better ways to deal with it than a spur-of-the-moment unplanned dungeon destruction spurred from a spat over profits.

Again, the whole outbreaks thing is an after-the-fact justification that didn't play into any of the decision-making on the MC crew's part. It doesn't make their initial decision, made entirely without that knowledge, any better.
What? They already know about the outbreaks , literally the MC was the one telling the twins about how the town works when they got there in chapt 6. It wasnt a major part of their decision but they 100% knew about it and nothing in the story says otherwise.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Here's hoping that the elf becomes a permanent party member.

Chances are low since she's leading her own party and our guy is a solo fighter way above her level, but she's great in multiple ways.
Double-page supporter
Dec 7, 2023
It's funny looking at the everyone's designs here (the new elf included) and then seeing the cover of the LN volume 1 on novelupdates.

That is some huge style difference alright.
Damn, that's design assassination right there.
I like the idea of the twins actually being indistinguishable but the manga makes them way more masculine (the arms and breasts especially). At least Tohru looks better, I guess?
This chapter was a breath of fresh air. The twins being the uncertain ones for once, shows they don't have blind confidence on everything, only on their area of expertise.
Thanks for the TL, I appreciate the notes, even if they feel like you're going for "baby's first manga" by explaining the golden goose and whatnot. Cheers.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 24, 2024
Damned soggy cow, your lumps of fat won’t ever reach the level of gracefulness and beauty attained by the twins

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