KAKAO 79% - Ch. 158 - Wait-and-See

Aug 1, 2018
"First I'll talk to him, then to Yuu" Ugh...... My most hated trope in Japanese fiction is the 'lack of communication' one. So many conflicts could be easily avoided by just having a simple fucking conversation, I guarantee this will be the exact same. There really isn't a good enough reason why she can't just talk to Yuu about this, it's obvious this will lead to some sort of misunderstanding and the conflict will continue to drag on for loads of chapters unnecessarily. I just hope they don't drag this on for too long.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
It's a shame the uploads have slowed down now, but that burst was pretty damn impressive.

That aside, fuck Peasant Extra. Tsubasa needs to learn how to fuckin' communicate.
Feb 7, 2018
@Yautja Amplified has caught up with all the raws in the last month burst. So we can't expect fast paced release again.

And Tsubasa, Yuu, Extra Guy are all teenagers, give them some breathing room. They can't act like matured adults.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 2, 2018
Class rep is indeed very admirable ?

Anyway, hopefully in the next chapter we get more into this Nagi/Araki arc as I really want to know what's going on more on their side. Thanks again amplified!
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@anki09 As impressive as a stunning feat scanlating so many chapters in succession was, amplified had not caught up with all the raw chapters after scanlating chapter 157. Chapter 158 was published on comicojp on September 8th, and there have been six more chapters since then, currently at chapter 164, published today.

@JordanFurneaux If Tsubasa doesn't talk to Yuu immediately, that guarantees so many more chapters of needless drama that extends the franchise and puts more yen in the mangaka's pocket. Besides, it's in keeping with her personality to be an idiot.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
What @FredFriendly said, and teenagers know how to communicate as well as. It's always irritating to see someone use "teenager" as a crutch to justify the lack of common sense and basic norms that even children have down. Telling people what's going on is hardly something exclusive to "mature adults". Children can do that shit. This is just a plot device to extend the life of the series and add pointless drama. Exactly as was done in ReLife, which had two "mature adults" for protagonists who acted like "mature adults" consistently up until the points where it'd hasten the story.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
OK, I can work with some lack of communication, up to a point. And I can work with Tsubasa's whole thing she had with "but the friendship is so great, don't want to lose it, plus am gorilla who not understand love"--I had more patience with that than most did.
But this is just dumb. She has no reason not to tell him. Not only are they going out but they've known each other forever and I'm pretty sure he knows all about her family circumstances. Normally the first thing you'd do would be run to your best friend and say, "OMG you'll never guess. You know that little rat extra-kun? Turns out he's like my half-brother or something! Maybe that's why he's been trying to mess with us."
Feb 7, 2018
@FredFriendly when Amplified completed Ch 157, I only saw Ch 158 been released on comico. So when I caught up, I meant at the time Ch 157 was released.

@Yautja not all people, teenagers or adults can communicate well. I personally can't do it for some reasons, specially when it comes to ppl close to me. That's why I can empathize with the characters.

But yeah, I also do understand why it comes off as annoying when stretched too long.
Group Leader
Jan 26, 2018
The story would have progressed in a much more interesting direction if she had told him and they both discussed the information that they have to try and fit the pieces together instead of each putting individual effort into it and getting nowhere and end up just wasting their time (and ours -_-)
With the current direction it just makes me wana stop reading it for another year!
I can't put up with this!
But non the less, Thanks @Amplified for scanlating this! Really appreciate it <3
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Most people can. You went from "teenagers can't act like mature adults" to "not all people". The overwhelming majority of people can communication basic emotions, issues and concerns, and in this case, it's even more likely when it may involve that friend who fuckin disappeared and some weirdo claiming to know her. As others have said, there's no reason for her not to tell him. It's a stupid, unrealistic, uncommon and illogical action and character trait.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@anki09 Not meaning to hammer this into the ground, but when amplified released chapter 27 on Monday October 1st, chapter 161 had already been available for 2 days on Saturday September 29th (the archive of the chapter from comicojp on my phone is dated 09/29/18). I have been faithfully (or foolishly) spending comico coins every Saturday "reading" the raws since comico went pay-to-read.

@Purplelibraryguy Exactly. This is dumb. Yuu is Tsubasa's very best friend and it's not like some switched was flipped and now she can't confide in him anything and everything. Stupid drama for the sake of stupid drama (that extends the life of the series).
Feb 7, 2018
I stressed on word teenager cause that's the learning period of everyone's life. No one is born with manual of how to live one's life. Being a teacher to age group of 14-17 years old, I can see them developing from bird eye view. Everyone has different way and mean of learning.

Pride, insecurity, empathy or over thinking, or worse combination of all these, can stop ppl, teenagers or adults, from expressing themselves. Tsubasa has been through a traumatic experience as a child, that may have been causing her to overthink and be indecisive in general.

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